Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 900 Don't listen to what women say

I stood there for a while before going to the table and sitting down.

Su Yun wanted to move forward again.

I could see her eyes falling on the wine glass.

I raised my hand, picked up the wine cup first, and poured myself a glass.

Su Yun immediately froze in place.

Jiang Munu also showed a disturbed look.

I picked up the wine glass, lowered my eyes, and looked at the half-turbid wine in it, and the spicy taste was already coming to my nostrils.

"Sister-in-law, if you have anything to say, it's okay to be straightforward." I opened my mouth.

I interrupted Su Yun to pour me wine, but it was also out of courtesy.

Similarly, I was puzzled, what would Su Yun ask of me?

But the next moment, Su Yun knelt down on the ground straight.

I got up immediately, trying to stop her.

But she knelt suddenly, and I couldn't stop her.

When my hand was on Su Yun's shoulder, I paused again...

The difference between men and women, coupled with this identity, it is definitely not convenient for me to meet Su Yun.

" are..." I frowned.

At this time, Jiang Munu actually knelt beside Su Yun.

Su Yun's eyes were slightly red, she looked up at me, and said with difficulty: "My husband is still asleep and has not woken up. I want to ask Mr. Li to do one thing."

"My husband has a kind heart. When my whole family was in trouble, there was only one person left. He kept me by his side, didn't dislike me, and married me as his wife."

"But he is so kind-hearted that he taught Na Longdian to threaten him."

"Long Dian, you are not a good person. Mister is tied to him, and he will definitely be implicated. Now that Mu Nu and I are being sent back, it is tantamount to dragging Mr. back."

"I want to beg Mr. Li, except those people."

"I know, in fact, as long as my husband is willing to do something, Longdian's gang of soldiers and bandits will not survive for a few days, but he is not willing."

"I have no other choice, only Mr. Li can help." After saying that, Su Yun snapped at me, and with a soft bang, a red mark appeared on her forehead.

My pupils constricted, and my face changed again!

Su Yun kowtowed to me again.

Her eyes were red, and tears welled up in her eyes.

"Sister-in-law, this matter can't be decided rashly. I can't kill hundreds of people..." I didn't finish my sentence.

Su Yun suddenly pulled out a pair of scissors from her waist, and pointed them directly at her own neck.

She gritted her teeth, with a hint of despair in her eyes.

The scissors touched the neck, and a trace of blood spilled out...

"If Mr. Li is unwilling, then our mother and daughter will drag you down sooner or later. It is better to go to Huangquan first. Let Mr. only have the concerns of the people of Honghe Town."

Jiang Munu's eyes were also flushed, and she tremblingly took out a dagger, which was also placed across her neck.

In Su Yun's eyes, there is a real will to die.

I can't help it...

Su Yun can't just kill herself in front of me.

"Sister-in-law, put down the scissors first... I can promise you this matter." I had no choice but to nod.

Surprise appeared on Su Yun's face.

She immediately put away the scissors and knuckled at me several times.

Jiang Munu's face was also filled with surprise.

I looked at Su Yun in a complicated manner, and sighed softly.

In fact, I want to say that Su Yun must not hide this ruthlessness in her heart.

But when the words came to my lips, I took them back.

She is an ordinary woman, even if she follows Jiang Pan, she is still ordinary.

The dog jumps over the wall in a hurry, and the rabbit bites in a hurry.

Long Dian really forced people to do nothing, and my persuasion was impossible.

It was her "reminder" that gave me some ideas.

It seems that we are trapped now, Mr. That is targeting Jiang Pan, and Huang Zhiyuan and Long Dian have hindered some actions of Jiang Pan, we have no choice but to be passively "beaten".

But this premise is based on the fact that Jiang Pan is restrained.

I'm actually an outsider in this matter...

It's not just me, He Zhi, Dunkong, and Liu Zhengdao are all there!

Mr. Na's calculations will not affect us, Longdian's threats to the people will not intimidate us, and Huang Zhiyuan's matters have nothing to do with us.

If I were to do it, directly get rid of Longdian, this calculation would change!

I sat back at the table, holding the wine glass in my hand, but my heart sank a bit.

As Su Yun said, killing people with Feng Shui is definitely not possible.

Hundreds of lives, I will not suffer retribution, and if I die suddenly, I will definitely lose the protection of my life, and I will be cast aside from then on.

But I was able to mess up Longdian's house!

Even if he threatens Jiang Pan, now that Honghe has Liu Zhengdao, he can only watch and cannot act.

Before that, I can go to Xingshi to find the people on duty and make them ready to arrest Longdian's subordinates directly after I messed up the house.

Now Longdian should just be in collusion with Huang Zhiyuan.

Give them time and complete the collusion, Longdian's manpower will be irreversible, and Jiang Pan will be even more passive by then!

If I do it now, Longdian and some of his men are in Honghe Town, so they will definitely be caught off guard!

This is the surefire solution!

Thinking of this, I brought the glass to my lips and drank it down.

"Sister-in-law, get up, I already have a countermeasure for this matter."

"But this matter, don't let it go..." While I was speaking, Su Yun and Jiang Munu also got up.

However, before I finished speaking, the kitchen door was gently knocked twice.

My voice stopped abruptly.

Su Yun's eyes were flustered, and she glanced at me uneasily.

Jiang Munu was also very uncomfortable, she glanced at the door cautiously.

The next moment, Su Yun bit her lower lip slightly, walked to the door, and opened the kitchen door.

But Su Yun trembled in fright, and took a few steps back tremblingly.

Jiang Munu was also panicked, and yelled uneasily: "Father..." It was Jiang Pan standing at the door of the kitchen!

But didn't Su Yun say that Jiang Pan was fast asleep? !

At this time, Jiang Pan's face was ashen, but he was very calm, calm and frightening.

"Brother..." I stood up, but Jiang Pan raised his hand and made a downward movement.

"I..." I was about to speak again, but I didn't know what to say. Just now I was too engrossed in thinking about the means, and I didn't hear the voice from outside...

Jiang Pan closed his eyes, let out a long breath through his nose, and said, "Yin Yang, I heard most of what you just said."

"Don't listen to the words of women and Taoists."

"The group of people in Longdian were warlords before, but now they are bandits. They kill people without blinking an eye. If you want to kill them, you will pay a huge price."

"Hundreds of lives, either you die or they die. In the former, the geography geomancy will break the inheritance, and in the latter, you will break the fate, and even break the luck of the geography geomancy." Jiang Pan said. The tone is still calm.

My face changed slightly, and I knew what Jiang Pan was thinking, which was the same as my initial thought.

I opened my mouth immediately and said my second thought.

Jiang Pan was silent for a moment, then said again: "Yin Yang, you can't break his house."

My heart sank, and my face changed a little.

"Why?!" I asked in a low voice.

"This matter, let me talk about it later, you go out first, I have family matters to deal with." Jiang Pan turned sideways and made a gesture of invitation.

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