Yang Qingshan's face was still calm, and he walked directly towards me.

Jiang Pan stretched out his hand suddenly, grabbing Yang Qingshan's shoulder.

The moment he caught it, Yang Qingshan's shoulders moved slightly.

Hearing Jiang Pan's muffled groan, the whole person fell heavily towards the rear!

After Jiang Pan fell down, he wanted to get up again, but his chest trembled again, and a trace of blood spewed out instead, and his whole body was quite weak.

My heart has completely sunk.

Over the years, I have had a lot of contact with Taoist priests of the Liu family.

Their tyranny is not only deeply rooted in my heart, but even the rest of the Taoist priests in the Yin-Yang world regard them as their predecessors.

It's just that the Taoist priests of the Liu family only deal with ghouls.

Only three times, Liu Tianniu and Guo Tianyu fought against each other.

After that, he dealt with Qiu Tianyuan.

Together with Liu Tianqian and Liu Chixin to deal with Jia Sheng.

In the former, Qiu Tianyuan escaped with guns, but Jia Sheng's soul was scattered in the hands of Liu Tiangan and Liu Chixin.

How can the physique of a human being compare to the body of a murderous corpse?

Taoist priests of the Liu family wanted to hurt people, and it was really hard to stop them.

Lifting my hand again, I held the Tongqiao sub-golden ruler horizontally in front of my chest.

I closed my eyes, and what I recalled in my mind was the fight between Liu Tianniu and Guo Tianyu.

Guo Tianyu should be the only Mr. Yin Yang who has made Liu Tianniu suffer.

It is also possible that he was the only "ordinary person" who let him miss.

When I opened my eyes again, Yang Qingshan was already in front of me.

My eyes fell on his face, and I said in a deep voice: "You don't know what the Great Elder has paid for the Qiang people, and you don't know, Liu Sanyuan will also kneel in front of the Great Elder and call him Master."

"If you say that, say it in front of Liu Sanyuan, he doesn't need the Liu Family Thirteen to whip you, he is not worthy to be the current elder anymore."

"Yang Qingshan, it's your fault for not raising your father, Qiu Tianyuan has done a lot of evil, and no one raised you, so I will teach the method for the Great Elder!"

I raised my hand, as if I wanted to pull down the Tongqiao Fenjin ruler.

I used the ruler method, but I didn't start right away.

Yang Qingshan's expression changed slightly.

There was doubt in his eyes at first, but then it turned into anger.

"Who is my father? I don't need you to point and point in front of me." His tone became a lot more serious.

But after all, he was only a teenager, no matter how serious his tone was, he was still just cold.

His hand suddenly cut towards my shoulder and neck!

With the strength in his hand, if I was hit, I would be unconscious on the spot!

It was too late to say it, but it was fast at that time, I bent my knees downward, making my body shorter in an instant.

In this way, Yang Qingshan's blow turned into a slash towards my temple.

I turned my body around a little bit, and pointed my weak Achilles' heel directly at his palm knife.

Yang Qingshan's body suddenly tilted to the other side, obviously, he missed it!It didn't hit me, but the hand moved towards my ear.

I had been prepared for a long time, I divided the golden ruler, and I drew it on Yang Qingshan's forehead!

Under this distance, Yang Qingshan didn't dodge, and forcibly took me by a foot.

However, his body is really tough.

I pumped it with all my strength, but it only left a bloodstain on him, and did not hurt the bones.

A mark of death, falling in the bloodstains.

This is also the mark left by the Yin Ruler, which belongs to leaving home and dying!

It's just that the bones are not injured, and Yang Qingshan, a Taoist priest, has a hard life, so it's impossible for the Yin Ruler to come true.

All this is just in the blink of an eye.

Yang Qingshan tilted his head back, dodged the Tongqiao Fenjin ruler, spread his hands, and grabbed my head directly!

This time, he didn't have any sharp weapon in his hand, and his strength wasn't concentrated enough, so I couldn't use my dead point to face him and use my fate to protect me.

Dunkong yelled lightly: "Don't hurt my father!"

He kicked his legs on the ground suddenly, jumped up, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of Yang Qingshan's door.

Dunkong passed his hands around his waist, and several talismans flew out!

My complexion changed again.

Obviously, Dunkong didn't identify and control these talismans.

It's definitely not just the face matching of the townspeople, but also the fierce talisman that can kill souls!

In addition to these talismans shot out, there was actually a talisman soaked in blood ink in Dunkong's hand. He clapped his hands and shot it out, followed by other talisman papers, and finally fell down!

Yang Qingshan stepped back immediately with his hands, crossing them in front of the front door, blocking the talismans in front of him.

The next moment, the blood talisman in Dunkong's hand was about to fall on his forehead!

He pushed his arms forward again, just right, his palms met Dun Kong's palms!

There was a soft snap.

It was impossible for Dun Kong to be Yang Qingshan's opponent, and he had nowhere to borrow strength in mid-air, so he was directly knocked into the air by Yang Qingshan!

The moment the two palmed each other, the talisman shattered into pieces.

I took this opportunity to wave the golden ruler again.

But this time, I hit Yang Qingshan's elbow.

Not only did I drop the ruler, I also reached out at the same time, grabbed Yang Qingshan's forearm, and fell down hard!

Yang Qingshan finally grunted, his right forearm went limp immediately, it was dislocated by me!

But he didn't stop, he just punched me in the face with his left hand!

The strength of his punch is not weak, I squinted my eyes slightly, not only did not dodge, but I used Xinmen to catch it!

Xinmen is the soul, once it is broken, it will be killed on the spot!

Yang Qingshan groaned again, his punch happened to be deflected again, passing by the side of my head.

I raised my leg and slammed my knee into Yang Qingshan's waist and abdomen, hitting his abdomen.

During this period, Jiang Pan had already got up and rushed behind us.

What he raised in his hand was Yang Gongpan, and it was aimed at the top of Yang Qingshan's head!

Yang Qingshan's curled up body suddenly stood up straight.

His legs also kicked hard towards my waist and abdomen!

His kick was so fast that I had no time to react.

"Bang!", I was kicked several meters away by him.

Yang Qingshan turned around abruptly, raised his hand and grabbed Jiang Pan's wrist.

His head hit Jiang Pan's forehead fiercely!

Jiang Pan opened his eyes wide and was knocked unconscious by Yang Qingshan

After I landed heavily, I was panting heavily, trying to get up, but my waist and abdomen were too painful.

This Yang Qingshan's skill is far inferior to Liu Tianniu's.

And my current control over Fate Asylum is not as good as that of Guo Tianyu who has been immersed for decades

If Yang Qingshan can use Taoism, I'm afraid I won't be able to go three rounds.

But the problem is here, he can't use Taoism.

I am not a ghoul, how dare he kill me, and his purpose is to bring me back to the Qiang tribe, so naturally he will not really kill me.

Yang Qingshan's face turned pale, he grabbed the dislocated right arm, and pressed it violently, there was a slight click sound, and he successfully connected the dislocation.

The next moment, he stepped towards me again, with no emotion on his youthful face.

I breathed harder, stood up with force, put down the Tongqiaofenjin ruler, and then started with the divination knife and the Yin-connecting dagger.

Just then, there was a loud bark from behind.

Dun Kong shouted in surprise: "Mother! Red Mastiff!"

Accompanied by the barking of the red mastiff, there was a crisp shout at the same time.

Immediately following the whistling was a broad axe!

That ax came straight to Yang Qingshan's face!

"Where did the vicious Taoist priests come from! How dare they come to Honghe to play wild!" He Zhi's voice was extremely cold, with murderous intent!

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