Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 865 How about adopting me?

Jiang Pan frowned again.

In fact, I am afraid that I am the only one who can understand Jiang Pan's mentality.

He has clear rules, not only for himself, but also for the younger generation.

Although Dunkong was young back then, the experience of losing his soul when he was young made him extraordinarily quiet, and he liked Jiang Pan, and he completely listened to Jiang Pan.

No matter how Jiang Pan taught him, he could accept it.

Therefore, Jiang Pan will subtly, use the request of Dunkong to deal with Jiang Wu.

But it's not fair.

No two people are exactly alike.

Jiang Wu's experience is also different from Dunkong's.

The kitchen door opened suddenly, and Su Yun ran out in a panic.

She ran under the threshold, and Jiang Pan suddenly said, "You and Mu Nu are cooking, so don't come out."

Su Yun bit her lower lip, looked around the hall, then lowered her head, turned and went into the kitchen.

During that period, Jiang Wu obviously looked forward to it, but immediately after, disappointment appeared on his immature face.

"If a jade is not polished, it will not be a tool. If a child does not teach it, it will definitely be difficult to become a talent. Even if it is to escape, if it is wrong, I will teach it with a ruler."

"Brothers and sisters, let him go." Jiang Pan's face was full of sternness.

He Zhi frowned tightly, but there was no half-back in her eyes.

"The child was frightened, and you frightened the sister-in-law too. Brother, don't just be kind to outsiders. You are too strict with them. Yinyang and I have always thought that it is enough to let Dunkong grow up safely." He Pheasant's tone also reveals a bit of stubbornness.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the field became stalemate.

I let out a long breath and said, "Today is a good day for our reunion after a long absence. Brother, calm down, pheasant, you can sit down with Jiang Wu. It is only natural for an aunt to take care of her nephew."

Dun Kong was silent beside him, not daring to speak.

Jiang Pan frowned, closed his eyes, and said nothing.

At this moment, another person ran in from outside the courtyard.

This man was about ten years old, and he called out to his father as soon as he entered the yard.

I froze for a moment.

Because he called Jiang Pan!

Jiang Pan actually nodded.

I was stunned, Jiang Pan still has a son?

But the next moment, Jiang Pan introduced to me: "Jiang Shi, the adopted son I adopted, two years ago, both his parents died and no one adopted him. I stayed by my side."

It dawned on me.

In a moment, Jiang Shi came to us.

He took something out of his pocket.

It was a kraft paper envelope with sharp words written on it.

"Brother Jiang kisses me."

This font is slightly familiar.

I froze for a moment, and my heart trembled suddenly.

Isn't this exactly Liao Cheng's handwriting? !

Liao Cheng, actually had a correspondence with Jiang Pan? !

Did Jiang Pan know where Liao Cheng was?

No, it shouldn't be that Liao Cheng won't reveal his position by himself

For a while, I was full of doubts.

Jiang Pan accepted the letter, but he was overjoyed, and the next moment, his face was full of smiles.

"It seems that my prediction was right. Brother Liao will return to the mountain gate of Ling Zheng Ershen. I wrote him a letter a few days ago, and I speculated that he would return to the mountain once in a while. This time, Yin and Yang, we are more sure .” There was joy in Jiang Pan’s tone.

My pupils constricted a bit.

Immediately guessed

I also thought about the good corpse pill in Liao Cheng's hand before, but I can't break the fate of Dunkong, so it is impossible to find Liao Cheng.

The letter written by Jiang Pan is probably also about Shanshi Pill?

Jiang Pan opened the kraft paper and took out a thin piece of paper.

However, as Jiang Pan read the letter, his expression gradually became stiff from joy.

Veins bulged slightly on his forehead, and his expression sank a lot.

With this change in expression, it is not difficult to guess that the contents of the letter may not be as Jiang Pan wished.

"Brother, since Brother Liao has already left, if he can't help, it's fate. Didn't you say that there is already a solution? We can use that method." I said in a deep voice.

Jiang Pan was silent and did not answer.

I raised my hand, wanting to take the letter over to have a look.

In the end, Jiang Pan withdrew his hand. Obviously, he didn't want me to read the letter.

However, compared with Jiang Pan's skill, I am much stronger. He didn't dodge at all, and I directly grabbed the letter paper.

The handwriting on it is still sharp.

"Brother Jiang, I heard in the letter that you have a baby, and Liao is also happy for you."

"For the past few years, I have been safe and sound. I am even more happy to hear more news about you and brother Yinyang spreading in the Yinyang world."

"Tianyuandidixiang is worthy of being the master of the yin and yang world."

"I also supplemented a lot of my Lingzheng Ershen's spells. In my lifetime, I should be able to recover the Lingzheng Ershen Mountain Gate."

"As for what you said in your letter, I have also heard about the poisoning of brother Yinyang and his wife and Taoist priests of the Liu family."

"Since you have found me, I cannot remain indifferent."

"The poison of the Drought Man should be based on consolidating the root and nourishing the vitality, and gradually dilute it with the effect of medicine, or it cannot be cured, but it will not harm life."

"It's just that the unknown poison hurt Shouyuan."

"In other words, it's not the life essence that's hurt, but the [-] essence."

"Twenty-five's energy is damaged, but the Good Corpse Pill can indeed save it."

"I think your proposal is also very good. Use the good corpse pill to save your life, save He Zhi, Dunkong, and Liu Daochang."

"But, dear brother, you have to settle the score clearly."

"To change my fate for brother Yinyang, and to change my fate for escape, I received Shanshi Pill, Mr. Yin's Remnant Book, Buried Shadow View Mountain, and Guan Xiantao inheritance."

"Now you need me to save three people with the Good Corpse Pill, so I'll just take one thing."

"Your child is still young, so it should not be determined yet. How about sending it to Lingzheng Ershen Mountain Gate and adopting me as an adopted son?"

"I am destined to have no wife and children, and adopting a good child can be regarded as fulfilling my wish to have children for the elderly."

"When Jiang Wu reaches the top of the mountain, I will make another trip to the Red River."

I read the contents of the entire letter carefully, and my face sank immediately.

Liao Cheng promised to help, but he wanted Jiang Pan's son? !

"This matter, absolutely not." I directly squeezed the letter into a ball, looking serious.

Jiang Pan didn't answer me, he just turned his head and looked at Jiang Wu.

He Zhi was talking to Jiang Wu in a low voice, while Dunkong was making fun of Jiang Wu beside him.

The child's heart is immature, and he giggled and laughed.

Liu Zhengdao was still resting with his eyes closed.

Apparently, none of them looked our way.

"Brother!" I yelled again in a low voice.

Jiang Pan was silent for a long while before he said, "Dunkong, is he almost ten years old?"

"I don't know how far his talisman is now?"

"He has the talents of heaven, he is the successor of the old man from generation to generation, I often look at him as if he were my own son."

"Yinyang, I won't let Dunkong have an accident."

"If you want to come to Brother Liao, you won't treat Jiang Wu badly. What He Zhi said just now may be true. I scared the child. Does this mean that I am not suitable for raising him?"

My complexion changed again.

Jiang Pan nodded his head and said, "That's very good."

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