He Zhi wanted to turn around, but she hadn't turned around yet.

Suddenly, a wave was stirred up in the water, and it hit He Zhi directly!

My complexion changed suddenly, and I whispered: "Be careful!"

He Zhi stood up abruptly, clapping his hands towards the waves!

With a bang, He Zhi fell heavily to the ground

"Pheasant!" I yelled.

Standing up abruptly, I quickly went to He Zhi's side and held her in my arms.

Fu Qi fell into the water slowly, and the bamboo raft also sank slowly.

Duan Kong quickly walked to my side.

The red mastiff barked wildly on the shore, but did not dare to approach the shore

I frowned and stared at the water.

My heart is extraordinarily bewildered

In the past, He Zhi had used the way of turning into a dead person.

Although I didn't watch the process, she told me that she recruited Hag He to see the old watchman's body.

This is specifically for bringing back the soul of the dead.

My mother is here hanging in the river, using the dead to transform the way, logically my mother will come out immediately

But this is not only useless, even He Zhi was backlashed

It's abnormal for my mother not to come to see me.

It's even more abnormal for her to turn against He Zhi now

Especially that thread of connection in the dark

Suddenly, my body trembled, and I thought of a point.

Yin gives birth to children, mother and child are evil.

I used to have constant contact with my mother.

But now my fate is perfect, I am no longer a yin child, and I am even full of vitality, and my energy is completely balanced.

Then I don't give birth to a child, how can I see the mother evil? !

There is no connection between fate, and that is the reason why my mother didn't see me? !

Or, it's not that she didn't see me, but that we can no longer see each other? !

After thinking about this clearly, my heart felt stuffy for a while, and my breathing became a lot rougher.

Dunkong's eyes were extremely vigilant, he put his hands on his waist, and stared at the surface of the hanging river.

The talisman also slowly sank into the water, and there was nothing on the surface of the water.

"Father, what should we do?" Dunkong asked me anxiously.

"Get in the carriage." I got up straight away, picked up He Zhi by the waist, turned around, and walked towards the carriage.

Soon, I got to the side of the carriage, let Dunkong get into the carriage again, and took He Zhi from my hand.

"Human beings and ghosts have different paths." Liu Zhengdao said suddenly.

I was silent, and answered after a long while: "Fate."

"I'm afraid this corpse full of resentment will stay here," Liu Zhengdao continued speaking.

My eyes became sharper immediately.

Liu Zhengdao and I looked at each other, he raised his hand to support his beard, and said no more.

"Liu Daochang, my mother is not an evil corpse. She died in a pitiful way. She died in a pitiful manner. Now more than [-] years, the hatred has not disappeared. Now that she doesn't show up, I can't save her. But one day in the future, the one who should pay the price Pay the price, and I will save her." I said another sentence.

Liu Zhengdao closed his eyes, he held his breath and concentrated, he was resting his mind.

I stood on the side of the road for a long time, without getting in the car, but overlooking the water of the hanging river.

Time passed bit by bit, and I didn't get in the car until almost half an hour later.

At the same time, I whispered to Liu Zhengdao that we will leave directly.

Liu Zhengdao waved his whip, and the carriage drove in the direction of departure.

The red mastiff followed beside the carriage. It had a vigorous figure, and could easily keep up with the speed of the horses without seeming strenuous at all.

Dun Kong guarded He Zhi's side cautiously, his eyes still worried.

I went to look at He Zhi again, saw her face, and told Dun Kong in a low voice that she was just being backlashed and there was no serious problem, and she would wake up after a while.

This relieved Dukong a lot.

It took me a long time to let my thoughts calm down, and I didn't think about it any more.

Before leaving Hongsong County, the sky was already bright.

I did not go to the former site of the Li family, nor did I go to see the two old people of the Li family.

What I did back then is considered to be the end of fate, and there is no need for more contact.

Around noon, He Zhi woke up. She was just a little weak and had no other problems.

We headed straight towards Panjiang Honghe.

Along the way, the horse raced at full speed, and except for resting at night, he never stopped to waste time.

In about ten days, we arrived at the Panjiang River Basin!

Next to Honghe Town, when we came to Jiang Pan's residence.

Jiang Pan's house has undergone earth-shaking changes!

In the past, Jiangpan was a thatched cottage.

But now, it is a house of green bricks and big tiles!

There is a plaque on the door, which says Jiang's house!

The carriage stopped in front of the house, and after I got off, I stood under the steps, looked up at the plaque, and frowned slightly.

But then, I stretched out a little.

I haven't seen you in these years, it seems that the eldest brother has also changed?

Those words that Liao Cheng said back then subtly changed some of his character?

This is a good thing.

Dunkong was nervous, Liu Zhengdao was still calm, and there was no wave in the ancient well.

I walked up to the front, reached out and knocked on the courtyard door.

The sound of bang bang hit my ears.

He Zhi walked to my side and gently took my arm.

After a while, the courtyard door opened.

It was a quiet and pleasant girl who opened the door.

Her long black hair was tied up in front of her chest, and there was a familiar look between her eyebrows and eyes.

I recognized it immediately, isn't this woman Jiang Pan's daughter, Jiang Munu? !

Jiang Munu was stunned for a moment, and surprise appeared in her eyes.

"Uncle Yinyang?" Jiang Munu's tone became more joyful, she immediately opened the door of the house, and saluted me again.

She looked at He Zhi again, and said respectfully, "I've seen my aunt."

I nodded and sighed softly: "I haven't seen you for a few years, but Mu Nu looks very graceful. Is elder brother at home?"

Jiang Munu immediately made a gesture of invitation, and said: "Uncle first enters the house to rest, and father has gone out to look after the house. He should be back before dark. I will go to the town to call my mother and come back."

During this period, Dunkong walked to He Zhi's side, he looked at Jiang Munu, and smiled at Jiang Munu.

"Sister, my name is Li Dunkong."

His tone was crisp.

"You, are you Dunkong?" Jiang Munu's eyes also showed surprise, and she said softly: "Father often tells me that I should have a son like Li Dunkong, and he always said, if only I had talent, he Don't let me be an ordinary daughter anymore." When she said this, there was a bitter smile in Jiang Munu's eyes.

The smile on Dunkong's face was even brighter, and there was obviously eagerness in his eyes.

Jiang Munu walked into the courtyard, and he followed Jiang Munu into the courtyard first.

After we followed up in the hospital, Liu Zhengdao was admitted to the hospital.

In the main room, Jiang Munu poured us tea.

Immediately afterwards, she said to call her mother back, and hurriedly walked out of the courtyard.

He Zhi, Dun Kong, and Liu Zhengdao sat at the table drinking tea and resting.

With my hands behind my back, I walked around the hall.

What makes me frown slightly is that there are cabinets on both walls, and there are some valuable ornaments in the cabinets.

This is even more inconsistent with Jiang Pan's rules.

Even if he changed his nature a bit, he couldn't become a money-grubbing person.

Just at this moment, the sound of chaotic footsteps suddenly came from outside the courtyard.

As soon as I turned my head to look at the gate of the courtyard, a group of people hurried in.

The leader is a middle-aged man in luxurious clothes, he is full of smiles.

Behind him, followed by a line of servants.

It's just that, although those servants looked like they were wearing servant's clothes, their brows and eyes were ruthless, their eyeballs were bulging, and there were bloodshot spots on them.

Obviously, these people have all licked blood, and their hands were stained with human life.

"Mr. Jiang, Mr. Huang came to visit again, and still brought some souvenirs as usual."

The man bowed and clasped his fists, shouting with a smile on his face.

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