My tone was too strong, and He Zhi was obviously taken aback by me.

She looked at me uneasily, and swallowed the words again.

Dunkong didn't cry anymore, he raised his head and stared blankly at me.

Seeing the appearance of their mother and son, I feel distressed again.

"Brother Liao and I, the fate is over, except for him to come to me, in this life, I can't go to him again." I stroked Dun Kong's head with one hand, leaned forward slightly, and hugged He Zhi.

He Zhi sobbed softly.

The atmosphere in the car was extremely gloomy for a while.

The sound of horseshoes kicking and treading, and the sound of wheels rolling over the ground reached the ears.

After a long time, He Zhi finally stopped crying.

She fell asleep leaning heavily on my shoulder.

I laid her down and covered her with a thin blanket.

Dunkong squatted in the same place, staring blankly at He Zhi's face.

"Father, mother and I, as well as Uncle Liu Daochang, all look very bad." Dunkong suddenly said in a low voice, "Have we been poisoned by the corpse, and we haven't recovered yet."

My body froze instantly.

Regarding Liu Zhengdao, I just said that the residual poison has not disappeared.

As for Dun Kong and He Zhi, I'm afraid of affecting their mentality, so I don't plan to talk about it now.

Unexpectedly, Dunkong asked directly.

Xu Fu's yin and yang talisman is rooted in geography. Although Dunkong didn't learn the basic yin and yang skills, he still uses yin and yang skills in essence. It's not surprising to see this.

"Are we going to die?" Before I could speak, Dun Kong asked in a softer voice.

"No, it's just that Hanba is dying to fight back. As long as we arrive in Jiuhe County and have time to rest, Dad will find a famous doctor who can detoxify. You listen to Dad and don't think about it." I looked serious, His tone was also solemn and determined.

"Okay!" Dun Kong nodded seriously,

Lying obediently beside He Zhi, he soon fell asleep.

I leaned against the wall of the car and looked at my right palm, the gauze on it was faintly bleeding.

The poison of drought is not so easy.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to change the appearance, and a layer of haze could not help rising in my heart.

The time for driving was very boring. I went to change Liu Zhengdao, but Liu Zhengdao refused me. He said that he could drive the car and rest.

Taoist priests of the Liu family are stubborn, and each one is more weird than the other. I can't persuade them, I can only accept them.

We rushed towards Jiuhe County along the way, and when we met other villages and towns, I didn't stop there.

Even if there are still some things in those villages and towns, I can only pretend that I didn't see them.

The trip can't be delayed any longer. There is Huo's family in Jiuhe County. I have to go to a famous doctor through them, or go to a foreigner's hospital to see if they can detoxify.

It's just that we took a long detour before, even if we drove fast, it still took us a full ten days before we arrived at Jiuhe County.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the county seat, Liu Zhengdao let out a cry, and the horse snorted and stopped.

He Zhi, Dunkong and I were shaken, and Dunkong looked out.

He shouted in surprise: "Daddy, it's Huang Qi!"

At the same time, an excited and trembling voice came from outside the car door: "Sir! It's been more than half a year, and you're finally here!"

There was a gentle smile on He Zhi's face, and she looked up at me.

I sighed in my heart, and my emotions were a little turbulent.

I picked up Dunkong and got out of the car with He Zhi.

Huang Qi was standing in front of the carriage.

He was wearing a clean cloth, a hat on his head, and a pair of white cloth shoes on his feet. He was well-groomed all over his body!

I haven't seen him for more than half a year, and his face is a bit more rounded. Obviously, his body has been well maintained in the past six months.

Beside Huang Qi, there was a man with a hunched back, who also saluted He Zhi and me, and called out respectfully, "Sir, madam."

Isn't that man Xie Mancang? !

I nodded, showing a satisfied expression, and said: "Seeing how you look now, I feel relieved."

Huang Qi saluted me again, and he grinned from the bottom of his heart.

"When Huang Qi arrived in Jiuhe County, he waited here every day for Mr. When Mr. came back, the big stone in Huang Qi's heart fell. I cleaned Uncle Xu's shop very clean. Are you going to live there or go to my house. "Huang Qi said more respectfully.

"Let's go to Funeral Street by ourselves. You go to Huo's house and tell Huo Kunmin that I want to ask him for help and invite all famous doctors within a radius of a hundred miles to Jiuhe County." I answered Huang Qi.

Huang Qi was stunned for a moment, his face was more serious, and he said: "I'll do it right away, the warehouse is full, you can lead the horses for the master and the others."

Xie Mancang nodded quickly, walked to the front of the carriage, and took the reins of the big horse.

During this period, Liu Zhengdao didn't say a word, instead he closed his eyes and rested in the carriage.

Xie Mancang showed love for the two horses from his expression.

He has been a coachman all his life and has raised horses all his life. It is normal to have this look.

He Zhi told me that she had been in the carriage for a long time, and she didn't want to take the carriage anymore, so she wanted to walk back.

I nodded in agreement.

She is much happier.

Dunkong also got down from me, and while holding He Zhi's hand, he walked forward and looked around.

The emotion in my heart is familiar with a touch of regret, and a little sentimental.

What's more, He Zhi has regained the joy of a teenage girl, and Duan Kong is curious about this place.

Not long after, we passed the Jiuhe County Wharf.

Over the past eight years, the pier has undergone considerable changes, and the whole has been widened a lot, and the wooden floor has been trampled under the sunlight.

The clothes of most boatmen, fishermen, and workers have undergone obvious changes.

It is no longer as dilapidated as it was back then, it is much cleaner and tidy.

Most people's faces are full of energy, and there is not so much lifeless feeling.

The water surface of the hanging river is sparkling and full of vitality.

I overlooked the upper reaches of the Xuanhe River, and then thought of Hongsong County.

My mother stayed in the Xuanhe River Basin in that section, and there was a talisman.

After a while, when He Zhi and Dun Kong recover from recuperation, I plan to take them to see my mother and bury them in a supernatural burial.

"Yinyang, I want to take Dunkong back to He's Village, and then we'll go back to Li's Village, okay?"

He Zhi suddenly stopped, looked at me seriously, and said softly.

"Okay." I nodded.

The smile on He Zhi's face was even bigger, and she said again: "When you come back this time, you can be regarded as the glory of your ancestors. I didn't disappoint my grandfather. Let's build another big house so that my father will be alive and happy, okay?"

I was stunned, my heart was sore for a while, and my eyes were wet for a while.

"Okay!" I nodded vigorously.

"Yinyang, you are Mr. Black Yinyang who is good at geology, you can't shed tears here." He Zhi smiled like a flower, stretched out his hand and pinched my nose.

I raised my hand, held her hand, and whispered thank you with some sobs.

He Zhi wanted to speak again.

I interrupted her and said word by word: "None of us let them down. The old man expelled you from the He family back then to reassure everyone in the He family. Part of the reason is also to allow us to walk together."

"Now, I want you to return to the He family, at least in this role, and no longer be an expelled person."

He Zhi's eyes were also red, and two lines of tears fell down his face.

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