Dunkong's injury was the lightest, so I gave blood to He Zhi first, and then to Dunkong last.

After doing this, I couldn't bear the weakness and exhaustion of my body anymore, and passed out on the ground.

I have no awareness of darkness, but because I was too weak, I lost my thinking and perception for a short time...

I don't know how long it took...

When I woke up again, I realized that I was not lying on the ground anymore.

I was lying on a clean bed, wearing a white coat with a thin quilt around my waist.

Above are the roof beams, and the spider silk has made a web, and some spiders are crawling back and forth.

The feeling of weakness came again, I only felt empty in my body, and seemed to pass out.

With a muffled snort, I propped myself up and sat up, leaning against the head of the bed.

After breathing for a while, I finally became more awake.

Looking around the room, it was the same room as before, but He Zhi and Dun Kong were gone.

"Pheasant...Dunkong..." I forcefully shouted.

The door was suddenly pushed open.

It was He Zhi who hurried in!

She was wearing the commoner clothes I changed for her before, her face was still weak and pale, and the corners of her mouth were slightly black.

"Yin Yang, you're awake!" He Zhi's face was full of surprise.

When she reached the bedside, she quickly supported me.

I forced a smile and signaled her that I was fine.

I raised my left hand, pressed her cheek lightly, and observed her face carefully.

He Zhi pursed his lips, did not hide, but looked at me with distressed eyes.

I have seen He Zhi's face again and again.

Her eyebrows did not continue to fall off, but there was a slight change in the shape of her eyebrows...

Originally, her long eyebrows were slightly shortened, and the narrow and long eyebrows were slightly curved.

The darkening of the lips is due to the residual poison.

The change of face, but the life span has been affected...

My hands trembled twice, and my eye sockets turned red again.

"Yin Yang... what's wrong with you?" He Zhi asked anxiously.

"I'm fine..." My voice became hoarse, and I looked outside the house, slightly avoiding He Zhi's eyes.

"Where is Dunkong?" I looked at the door and asked He Zhi.

"Dun Kong is looking at Daoist Liu. Daoist Liu's injury is too serious, I'm afraid he won't be able to survive." He Zhi said in a low voice.

She lowered her head and looked at my right hand again.

I actually found out just now that my right hand was wrapped with a cloth strip. Obviously, He Zhi also helped me treat the wound.

"You let the blood out to detoxify us, right?" He Zhi asked me in a low voice.

I forced a smile, but I couldn't laugh any more.

I did bloodletting to detoxify them, but it can be seen from He Zhi's face that the poison has not been completely detoxified.

It even affects the lifespan...

"A little bit of blood was let out, it's okay."

"I'm going to visit Dun Kong and Daoist Liu. I can't stay here for long." I gasped and said.

He Zhi immediately helped me out of bed.

She whispered tremblingly: "Three bowls of blood, is it a little bit of blood? You have been in a coma for two days..."

My complexion changed.

two days? !

After a while, I was helped by He Zhi out of the door and into another room.

At a glance, I saw Liu Zhengdao who was sitting cross-legged on the bed and meditating, and Dunkong who was lying beside him, falling asleep.

I shook my hand a little, and said in a low voice, "Go and hug Dunkong, I'll just watch here."

From Dun Kong's profile, I saw a face similar to He Zhi's.

I felt even more distressed, but speaking directly now would make He Zhi worry, so I didn't open my mouth.

He Zhi obediently went over, picked up Dunkong, and walked out of the house.

I walked to the bed and looked at Liu Zhengdao's face.

His lips were darker, and the wound on his chest had obviously been treated with a simple bandage.

It should be He Zhi who helped Liu Zhengdao treat the trauma?

Liu Zhengdao's recovery was not very good, it should be that he was poisoned more deeply.

After all, both He Zhi and Dunkong were injured and poisoned, and Liu Zhengdao's flesh and blood on his chest was exposed and invaded by Hanba's corpse.

After a moment of hesitation, I was going to do another bloodletting.

But the lack of body and the sudden palpitations made me give up.

The consumption of life skills, as well as the previous bloodletting, almost brought my body to a critical point.

If I consume it again, I'm afraid I will lose my mobility.

At that time, there will be no way to leave Shi Nian Town, and we will not be able to think of countermeasures in time to help He Zhi, Dun Kong, and Liu Zhengdao detoxify...

At this moment, Liu Zhengdao's body suddenly trembled.

He opened his mouth suddenly, and with a puff, he spat out a mouthful of dirty blood!

I dodged to the side so that the blood didn't spray on me.

Liu Zhengdao slowly opened his eyes.

His complexion was weak, and his dark lips were slightly receded, which made me feel a little relieved.

"Daoist Liu." I whispered.

Liu Zhengdao turned to look at me, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he nodded.

"Thank you." Liu Zhengdao's voice was still tired and weak.

"A long talk is serious." I replied hoarsely.

Liu Zhengdao opened his mouth again, and said in a low voice: "The poison of the drought scorpion penetrates into the marrow of the bone. His bones shatter and hurt people. It is too difficult to cure the poison. Stone Town can't stay for long. I can barely move. You wake up too. We have to Get out of here immediately."

I raised my hand to help Liu Zhengdao, but Liu Zhengdao signaled not to use it.

He got out of bed by himself.

Although he is deeply poisoned, he seems to have much stronger mobility and energy than me.

I made a gesture of please.

Liu Zhengdao turned his head and glanced at me, but said with a complex expression: "Li Yinyang, your hair is gray."

I was taken aback.

Before I could speak, Liu Zhengdao said another sentence: "The Liu family has a talisman that consumes life yuan, which is the complete magic spell of holding the town."

"I saw you used a talisman, the Qilin Shengju talisman? Did you use that talisman to break Hanba's death?"

"How many life yuan did you consume?"

I never expected that Liu Zhengdao actually saw that scene at that time? !

After a moment of silence, I replied: "Ten years." Liu Zhengdao's eyelids twitched wildly, and he looked at me with a hint of admiration, but it was more complicated.

"A talisman, ten years of life, Mr. Yin Yang also has such means, and you have such courage... Zhengdao thanked the people who were spared from the drought." I didn't know how to answer for a while, so I had to make another invitation action.

Liu Zhengdao stopped talking, and walked out of the house.

After entering the courtyard, Liu Zhengdao stood in the courtyard basking in the sun, and his complexion recovered a bit.

I went to the room just now to find He Zhi, and said that we are leaving now.

He Zhi was a little surprised, I told her that Liu Zhengdao had already woken up, and it was not appropriate to stay here for a long time.

Only then did she nod, and softly woke up Dunkong.

While picking up Dunkong, she told me that she had already cleaned the previous Tang suit for me and asked me to change it into it.

I just saw a Tang suit folded on a chair beside the bed.

My guys' business is all about Tang suits.

After putting on the Tang suit in the past, I put on everything else, and then escaped out of the house with He Zhi.

Dunkong followed me, lowered his head, and kept silent.

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