Yang Zhushu's lips moved tremblingly, and a weak voice came out of his mouth.

"Che...Chechi...Xin Chou, Gengzi...Xiao...Xiaohan...Chen..."

Yang Zhushu said these words intermittently, his head sank even more, and tilted slightly forward, his whole mouth was completely submerged in a pool of blood...

"Yin Yang, what did he say?" He Zhi's tired voice came into his ears.

I stretched out my hand to probe Yang Zhushu's breath.

He's out of breath.

I was silent for a longer time before I said, "Che Chi's horoscope."

After saying this, I stood up and pulled Yang Zhushu's body back, not letting him continue to be stepped on by the living corpse.

No, it is no longer a living corpse.

The escape talisman, He Zhi's axe, has already subdued him, the talisman is burning his body, he is no longer Sha.

I pulled Yang Zhushu out a few meters away, without letting him be burned.

He Zhi and Dunkong followed me.

He Zhi showed uneasiness and bewilderment, and murmured: "Why did he want to tell you Che Chi's birthday? Aren't they brothers? Che Chi even helped him kill you, he... wants you to kill Che Chi? !"

"The car fled late." I spoke again.

I looked at Yang Zhushu's face again, he looked completely dead now, and a dead air began to radiate from his body.

"Yang Zhushu's mind is too narrow, and he seems to be able to see it completely. He told us back then that it was the same, but in fact it is not."

I lowered my head and thought for a while, recalling what Che Chi said to me that day.

I just recalled the details.

Back then, Che Chi told me that Yang Zhushu only had four fingers left, so he left with an old man to learn Yin Yang.

It's just that I have encountered too many things, many things, and I can't remember too many details.

Especially this matter, the impression is not deep enough.

It's just that it's ridiculous to Che Chi at this time.

He had remembered Yang Zhushu as his junior for decades, and he wanted to find him back.

He was also severely injured because of Yang Zhushu.

Now that he was seriously injured, he was unable to return to the sky and escape, but was directly betrayed by Yang Zhushu.

Obviously, Yang Zhushu can't kill me anymore, he doesn't want Che Chi to be alone.

He is narrow-minded, not only can't let go of the hatred between the two sons who are evil, but also can't let go of Che Chi and finally escaped...

At this point in my thoughts, I shook my head and said, "Chechi and I have no deep hatred at all. I took his ruler, and if he tricked me once, it will be wiped out."

"If he comes to me later, it will be a new enmity. I think he won't dare to come after this visit."

While speaking, I also looked at He Zhi.

He Zhi nodded and said, "There is really no need for Yang Zhushu to borrow a knife to kill someone."

I didn't say a word, that is, Che Chi is not an unreasonable person, and I have no reason to fight him.

"Pheaser, go and treat the woman's wounds, then let her go, escape, and go with mother." I said again.

He Zhi nodded and said a good word.

Dunkong followed closely behind, and the two walked towards the distance.

I looked at Yang Zhushu's body for a while, then walked towards the courtyard.

Entering the courtyard, thick smoke is right in front of you.

In the entire One Finger House, the fire burned to its most ferocious moment.

The roof is full of flames!

I didn't search Yang Zhushu's body.

He must have one-finger physiognomy and ten-point physiognomy.

During the fight with Yang Zhushu, it has been confirmed that the Ten Views of Physiognomy is a remnant of Guan Xiantao's Ten Views of Physiognomy, and it is not known how deep it is.

But for me, it's completely unnecessary.

Yang Zhushu and I have a deep enmity, if I accept his yin and yang technique, it will have too much negative impact on fate.

Walking all the way to the main room, I shook Yang Zhushu's body vigorously, and his body was thrown into the main room directly.

With a bang, the body fell to the ground, just hitting a burning table, and the table collapsed, directly pressing Yang Zhushu's body...

The fire became more raging.

I stood there for a while, until I couldn't bear the thick smoke, and then I walked out of the yard.

The living corpse was almost burned.

There were a lot of white ashes on the ground, and only half of his body remained, still being burned.

Yang Zhushu probably would never have imagined until his death that it was this living corpse that took his toll in the end.

Judging from the last sentence of the living corpse, and how he dealt with us.

I'm afraid that Yang Zhushu could put him here because he knew that he was a ghost woman during his lifetime.

Do you know that he has grievances with the previous generation of geologists? !

So, this is killing with a borrowed knife!

Yang Zhushu must have told him that our ability is not great, so he will cooperate.

Otherwise, even Yang Zhushu and Che Chi would have a hard time dealing with this living corpse.

But in fact, the living corpse was directly planted in the hands of our family of three.

He will say that Yang Zhushu lied to him!

I think my deduction is completely logical.

Exhaling heavily, I reached out and touched Yintang on my forehead.

I don't have much strength, just confirming Yintang's injury.

There were indeed some small scars there, like cracks in the bones.

For a while, it won't get better, I can only be careful to avoid bloody disasters.

At the same time, I walked towards He Zhi and Dunkong.

When I got a little closer, I realized that a lot of the clothes on the woman's body were taken off by He Zhi, and the shoulders and arms could be seen, and the rest was blocked by He Zhi.

I didn't move on.

After waiting for another quarter of an hour, He Zhi and Dun Kong came towards me.

The woman stood up tremblingly from the ground, and she also followed He Zhi forward.

He Zhi came to my side, and Dun Kong also took my other hand.

The woman came up to me and looked at me with a complicated expression.

There was hatred in her eyes, but the hatred was washed away by another indescribable emotion.

"You really don't want to kill me?" The woman bit her lower lip after saying this.

"Yang Zhushu and I don't have to die forever." I said calmly, and said, "Before he died, Yang Zhushu told you the horoscope of your master's birthday. I hope you will tell him when you find him. In fact, he doesn't have to be my enemy." .”

"I think he is a person who can afford and let go of Yang Zhushu. If he doesn't know what happened to Yang Zhushu's two sons, he can go to the provincial capital of Pingyang to inquire about it, or go to the Zhou family, and he will know what happened. It's over."

After I finished speaking, the woman was suddenly speechless.

After a long while, she bit her lip and said in a low voice: "Uncle Yang said that his two sons went out to practice, because they offended you and were murdered by your schemes. In the mouths of those families, they became heinous people."

"Master will be furious...to seek justice for him..."

Me: "..." He Zhi also stomped her feet fiercely, just as she was about to speak.

I knew that He Zhi couldn't say much nice words, so I raised my hand to cover her mouth.

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