The Shanshi Pill doesn't just change the number of fates, it's the essence of changing two to five essences with a lot of anger.

With incomparably abundant energy, he changed his Yangshou, and thus promoted the change of his fate.

After barely standing up, I pressed my neck with my backhand.

The bone at the back of my neck is indeed slightly sunken, and the lower part is weirdly raised...

I didn't notice it before because the physical discomfort reaction was too strong.

Feeling it now, the pain went straight to the brain.

I squeezed hard with two fingers, pinched the protruding joint, shook my neck a little, and pressed down hard with my fingertips.

After a slight clicking sound, another burst of pain hit.

However, the protruding joints calmed down.

Among the bone phases of geography, there are calculation methods for people of various shapes. Regarding bones, I know no less than Yang Zhushu.

With the recovery of the spine, the remaining numbness in the hands and feet disappeared completely.

Only Yintang was left with bursts of severe pain.

There is nothing I can do.

All this happens in just two or three breaths.

Yang Zhushu was moving his body tremblingly, walking towards me.

His eyes were red with blood and tears flowing in them.

He roared in a trembling voice: "Li Yinyang, what fate do you know?! Talking nonsense in front of me?!"

"If you don't take a few more paths, how will you know which one is correct?"

"I let Chang Chau cut off nine fingers, which means that the one-finger method is the right way!"

Yang Zhushu's words made my heart tremble.

Suddenly, I thought of a possibility.

When Yang Zhushu got the inheritance of one-finger physiognomy, did he already have the Ten-Concept Physiognomy?

When he broke nine fingers back then, Yang Zhushu must have been unable to let go of the method of ten contemplations.

That means, at least at the time, the Ten Views of Physiognomy was equivalent to the one-finger Physiognomy.

But later, Yang Zhushu realized that he had gone the wrong way.

Then this ten-view method is not as good as one-finger physiognomy? !

I don't think so, there is more than half the possibility that the ten-view method is not as good as the one-finger technique in the follow-up.

But Yang Zhushu did not give up completely...

Is that because the ten contemplations are incomplete?

I had some luck before, and I felt that the method of ten observations of physiognomy and the technique of ten observations of physiognomy, the difference is a thousand miles, and the two are not the same book.

But the world of yin and yang is said to be very big, and said to be small, and extremely small. Where can there be so many luck, where can there be so many coincidences? !

In a blink of an eye, Yang Zhushu was only half the distance away from me. He tremblingly raised his left hand, five fingers curled his claws, and at the same time the single finger of his right hand was tied up, and the speed of his feet suddenly exploded.

Obviously, he wants to fight to the death!

The thoughts in my mind reached the extreme, and in an instant, I deduced an extremely possible answer!

I obliquely raised the golden ruler to protect my chest,

At the same time, he said in a deep voice: "When looking at a person's appearance, first look at the bones, and then look at the five elements... If you look at the face ten times, once you take the majesty, you will go down the mountain like a tiger!"

I said this sentence.

Yang Zhushu's pace suddenly stopped.

His eyes widened, full of astonishment and puzzlement!

"Li!" Not only his expression, but also his tone was extremely shocked.

Yang Zhushu's stop also shocked me.

I guessed right!

Ten Aspects of Physiognomy, it really is Ten Aspects of Physiognomy!

However, it is definitely not complete!

Otherwise, how could Guan Xiantao's physiognomy of ten views be inferior to that of one finger? !

"Me?! What's wrong with me?!" I narrowed my eyes slightly and took a step forward.

"Ten Views on Physiognomy... How could you..." Yang Zhushu's face was flushed, and his voice was trembling.

It's not fear, it's anger.

"Ten Contemplations?" I squinted my eyes slightly, and stepped forward again.

At the same time, I shook my head mockingly, and said, "You don't even know the name of this yang calculation technique, but you still have one hand and have learned it for decades?"

"Yang Zhushu, you are the most ignorant person I have ever seen!"

"Impossible! You're lying to me! You little one must have sneaked into my Yizhi residence..." Yang Zhushu stepped forward suddenly, and was about to charge towards me again.

My complexion did not change, and at the same time as I stepped forward, I said in a deep voice: "Second, look at the spirit, and the body is like a week of ten thousand goblets! Third, look at the clear and turbid, fourth, look at the head and forehead, fifth, look at the five mountains and three stops!"

Yang Zhushu stopped in his tracks again, his complexion changed again, the anger and resentment in his eyes did not diminish, but what emerged from it was a kind of greed!Extreme greed!

I squinted my eyes slightly, and I already concluded that Yang Zhushu's Ten Views and Aspects, in terms of macroscopic aspects, did not have as many records as the stone tablet in front of Guan Xiantao's tomb.

However, some of its details, perhaps the first part, must be partly complete.

This was the reason why Yang Zhushu didn't devote himself to learning one finger!

Before the voice paused, I continued to say in a deep voice: "Six take five senses and six abode! Seven take round waist and thick back, chest flat and belly down, three armor and three ren, the body is delicate and tender!"

"Eight for siblings, nine for voice and dantian, ten for shape and five elements!"

My last sentence is very heavy.

After more than ten steps, Yang Zhushu was forced to retreat to the edge of the yard by me, and stepped on a piece of black charcoal.

The black charcoal broke apart, exposing the red hot coals, but Yang Zhushu didn't feel it at all.

He just looked at me greedily.

I didn't continue to speak, Yang Zhushu's eyes widened, and he said in a hoarse voice: "Why don't you continue to read?!"

I looked at Yang Zhushu indifferently, and calmly said: "Why do you want to read it? Is it possible for you, a fool who holds a fragmented book of Ten Views of Physiognomy and treats it like a treasure forever?"

"Yang Zhushu, you are too dull, and too pitiful. One-finger physiognomy is nothing more than that, it can't hurt me, and because of this mere fragment of ten-concept physiognomy, it ruined two sons."

"Ten Aspects of Physiognomy? Little Li Yinyang, how can you understand this book..." Yang Zhushu's eyes turned red again.

Before he finished speaking, I shook my head again, with a more sarcastic tone.

"What I just said is that the inner essence of the ten contemplations of physiognomy is much more than your remnant physiognomy, but even so, so what?

It is too weak compared to geography and geography, and compared to yang calculation and bone phase! "

"I despise the complete ten-concept physiognomy, but you hold the fragmented copy and enshrine it like a treasure. I can't understand this book?"

"Yang Zhushu, you are ignorant and pitiful, sitting on a well and watching the sky!"

The last sentence was uttered, and I sprinted forward again.

Yang Zhushu was stunned on the spot, but suddenly spewed out a big mouthful of blood, and his whole body was quite weak.

However, his face was even more ferocious, with one hand forming a palm and the other raising a single finger, he rushed towards me violently.

"I'll kill you! Ten Observation Physiognomy and Geophysics are mine!" Yang Zhushu roared, and the whole person became hysterical!

The two of us collided instantly!

For a split second, I crossed my arms and switched directions.

Originally, the golden ruler for the opening of the right hand was intended to split the left hand of Yang Zhushu.

The divination knife in the left hand is intended to cut off Yang Zhushu's right finger.

After I crossed it, it became a divination knife to cut off his left hand, and a golden ruler to cut off his right finger!

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