When I was fighting just now, I saw that Guillotine Knife.

The ghost woman's strongest is not the mourning stick, but the ghost knife!

But what surprised me was not the knife...

But his words!

That person back then...

So is he talking about Xu Fu, or my master Jiang Yihong? !

In the blink of an eye, he pinned the mourning stick to his waist, clenched the Guillotine Knife with both hands, and rushed towards me!

He cut it down with a horizontal knife!

Beads of sweat appeared on my forehead.

In this situation, I want to draw symbols to restrain it, it is too difficult!

A shout sounded suddenly.

What followed was a sharp piercing sound!

A shadow of an ax flew past me in an instant, and slashed at the Guillotine Knife!

A wet cloth was wrapped around He Zhi's face, her eyes were extremely solemn, and the exposed half of her face was extremely tense.

The sound of clanging and collision resounded, and there was a large burst of sparks.

"Coffinmaker?" The living corpse let out a small sigh.

He drew the knife suddenly, and with another sharp and ruthless move, he wiped He Zhi's neck.

He Zhi swayed to the right, dodging the knife, and at the same time, the ax in her hand was fully charged, and struck at the shoulder of the living corpse!

"The knife technique of the ghost knife, the coffinmaker's axe, did you steal the skills of the ghost woman, or did the ghost learn more of the coffinmaker's skills?!" The living corpse's tone was no longer puzzled, but surprised !

"Wait a minute, you'll find out!"

He Zhi yelled again, and the speed of the ax's downward pressure became faster!

Seeing that the ax was about to hit the living corpse's shoulder, he suddenly fell backwards, his body forming an iron bridge, followed by one side of his body, and kicked his right leg hard backwards!

This sharp and tricky angle was intended to kick He Zhi's waist!

The kick of the living corpse was strong enough to kill He Zhi!

The moment He Zhi slashed through the air with his axe, his legs jumped up suddenly, and both feet fell fiercely towards the right foot of the living corpse!

There is nothing fancy about their moves, they are all vicious killing moves!

No, this kind of move is used to deal with ghouls.

As far as humans are concerned, how many people can stop it? !

It all happened so fast.

I managed to come back to my senses, and quickly put away the golden ruler, holding the ground pen and the Tiangan inkstone, and rushed directly towards the living corpse.

During this period, He Zhi's legs just kicked on the right foot of the living corpse.

The living corpse crashed, and its body fell heavily to the ground.

He Zhi was also pushed at least three or four meters high by that force.

In an instant, I was in front of the living corpse. He was still lying on the ground and couldn't get up immediately.

The ground pen in my hand suddenly fell towards his face!

The moment the tip of the hair fell to his forehead, a Hekui Corpse Slaying Talisman was outlined!

At the same time, he violently raised his hand holding the handle of the Guillotine Knife, and hit me hard on the chest.

A huge force knocked me out of the air, and I felt a rush of blood in my chest.

At the same time as I landed heavily, the living corpse also stood up suddenly!

The cold moonlight penetrated the thick fog, and a deep bloodstain appeared between the eyebrows of the living corpse.

His face was even covered with black spots that were burned by the rune just now.

"It's a bit interesting, geographer, I can't meet the old one, this young one, let's stay here today!"

He turned his head abruptly, his eyes full of murderous intent!

Those dark blue eyes looked like a ghost crawling out of the abyss.

Panting heavily, I turned over.

A figure suddenly approached the living corpse, jumped up from behind, crossed its legs, and landed directly on the shoulders of the living corpse!

The living corpse's attention was on me just now, and he didn't care at all how He Zhi landed.

"Kuixing decapitated!"

With a low cry, He Zhi grabbed the living corpse's jaw with both hands, and pressed his forearm close to his slender cheek. His hand trembled subtly, and I even heard a soft click!

The next moment, her calves were staggered and tightened, and she pulled her hand up vigorously!

The neck of the living corpse tensed instantly, and it looked like it was about to have its head severed!

A shrill scream came from the mouth of the living corpse.

"Kuixing Diandou, you are a descendant of the ghost woman of the He family, an unfilial descendant, deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors!" The sharp voice almost made my ears ring.

He Zhi's face was tense, his complexion was pale, and two bloodstains faintly overflowed from his ears.

I gasped, stepped again, and approached the living corpse.

The ground pen brushed across the Tiangan inkstone, and the fine tip instantly sucked up all the blood and ink.

I sucked on the wound on the tip of my tongue again, and directly pushed the tip of the tip towards my mouth.

Blood, overflowing from the crack of the lips, sucked the entire tip of the hair.

During this period, another thin figure suddenly rushed to the feet of the living corpse.

Isn't that just escape? !

Dunkong raised his leg, and actually stepped on the living corpse's leg, took two quick steps upwards, and reached his chest!

"Wuyue town life!" Dun Kong's clear and crisp shout was loud, forming an echo in the courtyard!

At the same time, a talisman in his hand stuck to the head of the living corpse with a sound of "snap!"

That living corpse stopped moving all of a sudden...

Obviously, I can see, his neck is deforming...

But in the next moment, the Five Sacred Fate Talisman on the head of the living corpse turned into pitch black.

He suddenly raised his hands, the hand with the ghost knife, and swung the knife towards the top of his head.

It is to cut He Zhi in two!

The other hand directly patted Dunkong's chest!

Dunkong's reaction speed was faster, he wiped his hands on his waist, and two talismans swished out, just landing on the face of the living corpse.

At the same time, he kicked his legs hard, and his thin body jumped directly into the air. When he turned over and landed, he just stepped back to stand beside me.

The two talismans he swung just made the living corpse dull, but soon, he was able to move again.

He Zhi could only let go of his hands, stretch his legs, and also leap towards the rear.

After she landed, inertia made her take a few steps back.

The three of us formed an angled situation, surrounding the living corpse in the center.

The thick black smoke choked the mouth and nose more and more.

Both He Zhi and Dun Kong had wet cloths, and the living corpses were not affected, but I had a lot of difficulty breathing and coughed dryly.

There are more flames on the courtyard, and some fires have already burned directly into the courtyard and into the main room.

My heart sank even more.

Because I still think of a possibility.

What Yang Zhushu did was similar to what I did with the Ding family.

He should have been relocating himself.

This fire can block our way.

This living corpse can delay our time.

When the fire burns out and the house is turned into ruins, the heart-piercing dragon aimed at him will be destroyed without attack!

"Deal with it as soon as possible, to put out the fire, Yang Zhushu is very cunning." I said, covering my mouth and nose.

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