Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 822 Yang Zhushu, I'll Visit

At this moment, Dunkong said again: "Father, when we deal with bad guys in the future, I will help you draw a talisman."

I came back to my senses, raised my hand to touch Dunkong's head, and my eyes became much deeper.

"Dunkong, the power of this kind of Fengshui talisman is no small matter. Daddy uses this Fengshui bureau to deal with bad guys. It is determined that the death energy from the mountain will be poured into the town before entering the mansion."

"Now you are only proficient in talisman skills, but you don't have good ventilation. I'm afraid that if you act rashly, you will hurt the lives of innocent people in the future."

"So, your talisman, don't use it rashly. After this trip, we will go to Jiuhe County, and then return to Tang Town. Maybe I will let you learn some Yin skills." I said in a deep voice.

"Yin art? Daddy, is your geography good?" There was surprise in Dunkong's eyes.

I shook my head again, and said it wasn't geomancy, but other insidious tricks.

Dunkong pouted, and said again: "Is that uncle who taught me?" Dunkong's words gave me a hard look.

Tianyuan Physiognomy recruits a wide range of disciples. Among them, the Yin technique, if it can be taught to Dunkong, it should be of great help to Dunkong!

At least in terms of using talismans, it can give Dun Kong some control.

Otherwise, Xu Fu's talisman would be too effective in many cases, and it would be too big to stop.

"I promised uncle before that I would go to Honghe to meet them. I will take you to Honghe to see if he can teach you." I said again.

Dunkong's little face was filled with surprise, he clapped his palms and said repeatedly: "That's great! I miss Uncle so much!"

There was a smile on my face, and a lot of relief in my heart.

Suddenly, I smelled a burning smell in my nostrils.

The normal wind and breath became a little cold and a little hot.

This kind of breath mixed together, a sense of irritability welled up in my heart.

Turning my head, I looked at the mountains behind me.

He Zhi has already started to burn the mountain!

"Dun Kong, you retreat to the side of the road and wait for Daddy." I looked a little more solemn.

Dunkong retreated obediently, trotting to the side of the main road.

I walked forward a few steps until I reached the edge of the mountain.

From the corner of his eye, he looked at Dun Kong in the distance, and at the same time, his main line of sight was still on the mountain road.

time flies.

Half an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

The hot and cold air brought by the wind made people's mood fluctuate even more.

I also have some hidden worries in my heart, fearing that He Zhi will make some other mistakes. If the mountain fires are all burning and she has not gone down the mountain, then the danger will be great...

Just as I was thinking this far, a figure appeared at the end of the mountain road in my sight!

As the figure approached quickly, I could see her face more clearly, wasn't it He Zhi? !

Her hands hang by her sides, clutching two tree trunks.

The worries in my heart suddenly eased a lot.

Not long after, He Zhi came to me.

Her hair was a little disheveled, and there was a lot of sweat on her forehead and temples.

Raising my hand, I took over the two dead logs she was pulling.

"Dunkong is on the side of the road, you go and look at him, and rest for a while, I will go to heaven and earth to add dead trees to add evil spirit." I said in a deep voice.

He Zhi nodded, her chest rose and fell slightly, and she was panting.

"it is good."

After saying that, He Zhi walked towards the side of the road.

I pulled the two dead logs and walked to the small river.

This river is the bright hall under this mountain.

I first put down the dead wood in my hand, and looked to the left and right sides.

The two orientations of Heavenly Tribulation and Earthly Punishment are on the left and right sides of the Ming Hall, sitting at half a corner of the mountain.

The heavenly calamity is on the left, and the earthly punishment is on the right.

Otherwise, the opposite is true.

I picked up one of the dead woods, walked to Qianfang Tianjie's place, and drove the dead wood deep into the wet soil by the water.

Immediately afterwards, I followed the same pattern and walked to Kunfang on the right, and pricked down the dead wood at the place where the punishment was placed.

In terms of Feng Shui, there are dead trees in these two places, and the air flowing out of them is mainly harmful to children, people, serious illnesses, loss of money, and family decline!

After I finished these things, the air flowing out of the mountain pass was filled with chill.

Thick black smoke rose continuously from the mountainside, and even the flames soaring into the sky could be seen!

I immediately walked to the main road, next to He Zhi and Dun Kong.

Only then did I see that on He Zhi's shoulder, there was actually an evil spirit transformation talisman.

The same is true for the empty shoulders.

"Dunkong said that the qi here hurts people, and this talisman can be used to protect safety." He Zhi immediately explained to me when he saw my sight.

"Daddy, here you are." Dunkong raised his hand, and he also handed me a talisman in his hand.

"Dunkong, put it away, Dad has a lot of treasures on him, so he doesn't need the talisman." I patted Dunkong's head again.

Squinting my eyes slightly, I glanced back at the mountain again.

From this angle, you can see more than just the wildfires.

At the entrance at the foot of the mountain, bursts of black air gushed out like a tornado.

It quickly passed me, He Zhi and Dun Kong, and after entering the avenue, it blew downwards!

After the black air entered the avenue, the blowing speed became faster and much more turbulent!

"Yin-yang...those qi..." He Zhi said in surprise.

"This is a gift for Yang Zhushu. Let's walk slowly, and it will be dark when we reach the entrance of the town. Yang Zhushu's auspicious house should be lost." My tone was much calmer.

"Okay." He Zhi nodded vigorously.

After that, we walked along the edge of the avenue towards Yangjia Town.

It took almost two quarters of an hour to get out of town to this location.

It was a carriage, faster than walking.

We walked all the way, it took almost an hour, and we finally saw the outline of Yangjia Town!

By this time, the sky had turned from twilight to night.

On a quiet night, the sky above Yangjia Town was extremely dark.

It seemed to be shrouded in a cloud, and that cloud, like an incomparably hideous grimace, was staring straight at the town.

From the distance of the avenue, strands of black air flowed past our bodies incessantly along with the wind, and poured all of it into the Yang family town!

At the end of the line of sight in the distance, there is a mountain filled with fire!

"Yang Zhushu... must have seen it long ago? What if he escaped?" He Zhi finally opened his mouth.

"Escape, can you escape? Pheasant, do you remember the warlord who occupied Huo's house?"

"The house has become his, and he can't leave."

"In the same way, if Yang Zhushu leaves, he can also leave the monk, but not the temple."

I explain more firmly.

He Zhi's face was even more shocked.

Not long after, we walked into Yangjia Town.

At this time, the pedestrians in the town were in a hurry, and almost everyone looked up at the sky, and then nervously said that it was going to rain and they had to go home.

I remembered the location of Yang Zhushu's Fushou Yong'an house, and walked straight in that direction.

Another quarter of an hour later, we arrived at the gate of the house.

As soon as I got here, the door plaque on the top of the house fell off with a bang...

With my hands behind my back, I calmly looked at the plaque for a few seconds.

Then, I said: "Yang Zhushu, today, I'm going to pay a visit. You know I'm here, why don't you come out?"

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