I didn't answer his words, and my eyes fell on the bridge of his nose again.

The golden ruler of Tongqiao left Hood's chin in an instant, and I directly hit the tip of his nose with a ruler.

There was a light snap, followed by a snapping sound.

Hood's nose was bleeding profusely.

He let out a scream and wanted to reach out to cover it, but his hands were bound by me and he couldn't lift them up at all.

The lower half of his face was completely soaked in blood, and even his clothes were soon soaked in blood.

Hood trembled miserably and said: "Brother, I told you...why are you so cruel?!"

His voice was trembling.

"Don't you know, Mr. Yin Yang's eyes can see through anything? How dare you lie in front of me?"

"The nose is the wealth palace, since you are greedy for money, I will destroy your wealth palace first."

My tone was extremely cold, and I raised the golden ruler again, squinting my eyes slightly and said: "You have killed a lot, I will destroy your longevity palace again."

Hood's entire face became extremely pale.

His nose was bleeding more, and he didn't know whether it was because he was pale due to excessive blood loss, or because he was frightened like that.

"That corpse is one of our companions! He broke the rules and touched something that cannot be touched in the tomb! I punished him a little and pushed him into the hole of the dead air hole. I didn't expect that the thing he touched So poisonous, he contracted consumptive disease, and exploded quickly in the dead breath!"

"I've said it all... I've said it all... Only the people in Zhanshan Town get sick by accident. If they are obedient, I won't..."

Hood's tone trembled even more, and at the same time showed weakness.

This time, there was only fear in his eyes, and there was no wandering anymore.

My eyebrows became a pimple, and I only had disgust for Hood.

The golden ruler of Tongqiao directly slapped his neck obliquely, and he passed out completely.

Glancing at Xu Baoshu next to him, I said lightly, "Stop the bleeding, don't let him die."

"This man is going to give you an account of Zhanshan Town." This Hood has done all kinds of evil things, and I just made a few perfunctory words as a stopgap measure.

It's impossible for me to let go of a villain like this.

As for how Zhanshan Town will deal with him at that time, I will tell you not to violate the law.

However, it has been a rule since ancient times to pay for life by killing and pay for debts.

As soon as my thoughts settled down, Xu Baoshu squatted down. He took off his shoes, pulled out the cloth that bound his feet, and wrapped them around Hood's nose and mouth.

I ignored this and went straight to the statue.

I took out the gray fairy glove, and after I put it on my hand, I went straight into the hole.

This hole is not big, and it can only be crawled on the back.

If it was bigger here, I am afraid that those few people just now would not be so easy to deal with.

The narrow entrance of the hole, after crawling for a few meters, a vertical hole appeared.

I entered the cave, and there was faint candlelight below, only a few meters high.

There is a little more space here, I braced myself in the hole and turned my body direction, with my legs facing down, I jumped straight down.

Bang, down to earth.

At a glance, I could see the surrounding layout clearly.

This is a small tomb of about ten square meters.

There is no coffin inside, three walls are empty, and there is a tomb passage on the fourth wall.

Perhaps it wasn't always empty here.

Hood and the others have been here for at least several months. They also said just now that they can't take all the things away, so they have been entrenched for a long time.

It should be a long time, they have evacuated some places.

I stepped towards the grave, and I took out the fixed compass and held it in my hand.

Now the fixed compass, the pointer has just formed the rotating needle.

Among the eight methods of strange needles, it represents the intervention of evil here, and the lingering resentment...

There is also a light source in the tomb passage, and torches are inserted obliquely on the wall.

Hood and others have completely figured out this place...

At first glance, the entire tomb passage is at least tens of meters long, giving people a depressing and gloomy feeling as a whole.

I walked forward and passed several tombs, almost all of which were emptied.

Go all the way to the corner of the tomb passage, and then pass through the tomb chamber, you can see the coffin and the funerary objects.

The speed of the needle is accelerating slightly.

The speed under my feet is also much faster.

When the spinning needles hissed, I arrived at the door of a tomb.

The door of the tomb showed signs of being blasted open, and both sides were broken and jagged.

In the tomb, the light was extremely dark, and it was almost impossible to see your fingers.

I pondered for a moment, turned around and took a torch from the tomb passage, then turned around and entered the tomb chamber pointed by the turning needle.

The torch itself had an orange light, but after entering, the flames were actually covered with a faint green.

This tomb is much bigger.

There is a thick coffin in the center, at least for now, this coffin has not been damaged.

All I can see is the front and side.

The walls on all four sides, except for the side where the opening of the tomb passage is damaged, there are some weird portraits standing in the corners of the rest of the walls.

Those people are all made of clay, and they seem to be staring at me.

Although the faces are rough and even the facial features are blurred, they still give people a vivid feeling... as if they are still alive.

My eyes continued to scan the tomb.

Under normal circumstances, the main burial chamber is the place where the vitality resides.

In ordinary burial caves, whenever a corpse is buried in the hole, there will be another hole for the excretion of dead energy.

The deeper the golden well, the fiercer the corpse and the more dead energy, the bigger the hole for excretion.

This acupuncture point is not a dead place in Feng Shui, but the dead energy excreted from it will lead to the dead place.

As I deduced it in my mind, I walked around the tomb.

When I walked around to the other side of the coffin, I saw that at that end, the ground was slightly sunken.

In the sunken place, a tank was placed inside.

The tank was full of filthy water, as if something was tumbling in it.

When I glanced, I didn't see any bones...

But that place is where the dead energy is excreted!

I went straight to the front of the tank and stared down at the water surface in the tank.

From a distance, there is something rolling in the water.

But upon closer inspection, there were actually some thin insects wandering on the water.

I'm used to seeing corpses, no matter how vicious a corpse is, I think I can accept it.

But these slender, black bugs gave me a particularly disgusting feeling.

The skin on his body was itchy, as if something was still swimming around, especially the lungs, which were even more sore and uncomfortable.

Suddenly, a bug bounced up, as if it wanted to jump out of the water and land on me...

I immediately took two steps back. After it fell to the ground, it struggled a few times before it stopped moving and turned into a little bit of black water.

The shaking frequency of the water surface is faster and heavier, those bugs have sensed me, bouncing on the water surface...

A considerable part of it fell on the ground, forming a circle of black water around the edge of the tank.

The water level has changed because of this...

While the water surface was floating, I saw a crumpled head, part of it was exposed...

There is indeed a dead body here!

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