Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 794 Short Pain is worse than Long Pain

"Wu Xianchang, I admire your viciousness!"

"If the son is dead, the body doesn't matter. If you want to chop off the head, chop it off!"

I put my arms on the ground and turned sideways from the ground.

As the time for fighting the half cup of tea passed, the dissipated mist disappeared without a trace.

The impact on my body also completely disappeared, leaving only the severe pain that was still bleeding after the shoulder was penetrated.

Wu Xianchang, however, stood there trembling all over, and shouted "Ronger" in a trembling voice.

The hand holding the jade head loosened, and the head fell to the ground. He raised his hand and wiped the blood on his face!

"Well, you vicious Li Yinyang, today, I will tear your bones and skin off you, so that I can vent my hatred!"

Wu Xianchang shouted in grief and indignation.

With his free hand, he touched his waist again.

What fell into his hand was a round object the size of a fist.

He raised his hand, towards my direction, and threw it hard!

The next moment, the bone knife in his hand was also thrown towards me!

With a soft cracking sound, the bone knife pierced the ball,

He fell heavily to the ground.

They didn't hit me, they just landed not far in front of me.

Wu Xianchang rushed towards me again!

In an instant, a large amount of black mist emerged from the ball!

The mist was so thick that it choked my mouth and nose for a while!

There was also a sense of numbness, which spread to all limbs in an instant!

I immediately understood that this is also poison!

But this kind of poison doesn't seem to be as strong as the black mist just now? !

This time, I didn't run away, not even dodge.

Just now, by dodging, I deliberately led Wu Xianchang to Wu Rong's body, because I wanted Wu Xian to be in pain!

Severing limbs is nothing compared to letting him chop off his son's head, it hurts so much!

In an instant, Wu Xianchang came to me again.

He stretched his arms toward my chest,

The location of the attack is not my fatal wound.

Sure enough, Wu Xianchang was more vigilant.

But my body was slightly to the right, and Wu Xianchang was about to pierce my chest.

He suddenly let out a muffled grunt, and fell heavily on one knee to the ground.

His arms were still tied to my legs.

I suddenly turned the angle of my body, raised my leg and kicked Wu Xianchang's chest!

Wu Xianchang tied his hands in the air, but his arms just passed my legs, forming an embracing movement.

I kicked him in the heart, and I was about to kick him away!

Unexpectedly, Wu Xianchang hugged my leg with his backhand!

A piercing pain came!

When Wu Xianchang hugged me, he tightly grabbed my calf with his hands.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that it was his nails, which penetrated directly into my flesh!

The blood has been spilled rapidly!

"Li Yinyang, Fate Asylum, can the Asylum be poisoned?! I know I can't hit you! But now, this poison will seal your throat with blood!"

Wu Xianchang raised his head suddenly, his gnarled eye sockets and muscles throbbed, as if a few drops of blood were overflowing.

My complexion changed slightly.

However, apart from the severe pain and the numbness caused by the mist in the ball just now, I didn't feel any more uncomfortable!

It is also a godsend opportunity for Wu Xianchang to be close to me!

I raised my hand, held a pen, and landed on Wu Xianchang's brow in an instant!

The speed at hand is extremely fast!

A six house talisman was drawn instantly!

Temporary character breaks, because I am sure ground pen characters are useful.

I already know the effect of the Hekui Corpse Slaying Talisman.

That talisman is the main attack!

The six mansion talisman is the main town!

Wu Rong died, his soul was scattered, but he felt relaxed and refreshed.

Wu Xianchang, but I don't want him to die so easily!

The bloody Six Mansion Talisman seemed to penetrate deep into Wu Xianchang's flesh.

Wu Xianchang's originally ferocious face became extremely painful and struggling.

He still wanted to speak, opened his mouth, but couldn't utter a word.

His entire face was originally filled with black air, but now it became another whitish air, lingering on it!

The Six Mansion Talisman also worked!

I gasped heavily, and pulled my legs out of Wu Xianchang's arms.

He froze in place, obviously wanting to move, struggling for a long time, but unable to move...

The pain in my leg made my veins bulge.

I stared fixedly at Wu Xianchang's face, and his face also froze slowly.

The function of the town of Liufufu is really so tyrannical!

"Wu Xianchang, death is not that easy."

After I finished speaking, I felt exhausted all over my body, and this time I still felt faint, but it was not because of the poison, but because of excessive blood loss...

I took a few steps back and slumped on the ground.

The ground pen was slipped into my pocket, and I also quickly put away the golden ruler.

Lifting my calf, I tore off the bottom of my trousers.

What was exposed to my eyes were ten blood holes on my legs.

Originally, the edge of the blood hole was pitch black, the color of poison.

As the blood flowed, it gradually turned red...

I gasped a few more times, faintly understanding.

The methods used by Wu Xianchang and his son, and the poison they prepared, should be very ruthless corpse poison.

Ordinary people face it, and I am afraid that it will turn into thick water in a short time.

I am also poisoned...

But I was fine, and now even the toxin dissipated.

The only reason is the change of the good corpse pill to my body.

The strong anger, invisible, makes me not afraid of these poisons.

No matter how vicious the corpse poison is, can it be more vicious than the corpse head mushroom? !

I tore off the corner of a piece of Tang suit, and I tied my leg so that the wound would not continue to bleed...

Immediately afterwards, I tore off another piece of cloth, and passed it through the shoulder from the armpit to block the blood hole on the shoulder.

After doing this, I moved my body and came to Wu Xianchang.

Under the moonlight, Wu Xianchang's face was so dull that he didn't seem to have any emotions.

But he was breathing normally and was alive.

The Six Mansion Talisman was used by my master to suppress the heads of those murderous corpses,

Its effect should be soul sedation.

Wu Xianchang's soul was completely suppressed.

I struggled to stand up and walked towards the other side.

First I went to the place where I left the Tiangan inkstone, and after picking up the inkstone, I went to the place where Wu Rong's body was before.

I picked up the jade head on the ground.

Looking down at the pair of eyes inlaid on the skull, I felt a tightness in my chest, and a fishy sweetness in my throat.

I suppressed the blood in my heart.

Another piece of cloth was torn off, and I wrapped the jade head.

When I get back to Jiuhe County, I will open a grave and bury my father's bones so that he can have a whole body.

I went to Wu Rong's rolled head again, grabbed his hair, and lifted him up.

Walking all the way to Wu Xianchang's side, I tied his hair with the rope around Wu Xianchang's waist.

"Wu Xianchang, your son's head is tied around your waist."

"You are full of evil. I don't kill you now, except because I don't want you to die so happily, and my second uncle will want to see you."

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