There was a sneer on Wu Rong's face, and even a sinister look flashed in his eyes.

My complexion changed slightly, and I bit the tip of my tongue hard.

My head cleared up again, but it soon became dizzy and weak again...

From the corner of my eye, I noticed that there was no body left at the place where Mr. Yinjutsu fell down...

The white smoke lingered on it, as if some kind of special change and influence had been produced.

Only a pile of bones and scattered blood remained on the ground.

Under the moonlight, a lot of black mist rose from the dirty blood.

And they have spread everywhere without knowing it.

My first reaction was that this black mist must be poisonous!

Wu Xianchang, Wu Rong and his son are indeed good at handling murderous corpses, but they are actually ready for this kind of preparation? !

My footsteps became staggered a lot, and I could barely stand still.

Wu Rong hurried forward, he suddenly waved his hand, and the small half of incense was directly tied to the ground.

At the same time, he pulled out something from his waist.

It was a long and slender leg bone, but the top was ground to a sharp point.

"Li Yinyang, you are indeed a person with extraordinary talents. In just a few years, you have become Mr. Yinyang, a geologist!"

"But what about Mr. Yin Yang!? Aren't you going to die in our hands!"

"I killed you today, and I killed the Taoist priest of the Liu family! My father and son just happened to become famous in the world of Yin and Yang!"

"By the way, I'll also accept your geographical geomancy!"

In an instant, Wu Rong was in front of me.

He raised the leg bone in his hand and stabbed it fiercely towards my heart!

The weakness and dizziness of my body became more intense, and there was actually no time to escape.

But I didn't hide either.

Mr. Yinjutsu before, it was because he had endured too much life.

If I'm not sure about going straight to the front, I won't go at all.

Similarly, I am not sure whether Wu Xianchang and his son were prepared at that time.

But now, Wu Rong obviously felt that he had the chance to win!

That's why he wanted to kill me with one blow!

From his vicious eyes, I actually still saw a trace of fear.

He killed me because he was afraid that I would have the power to fight back? !

Also, they dare not spare my life!

While my thoughts were flickering, I suddenly thought of the woman I met in front of Qin Xing and the temple.

Thinking of Zhou Jingyi again!

In fact, Guo Tianyu is still fixed in my mind!

Liu Tianniu is not on the offensive.

But Guo Tianyu is good at calculating the body, he can create dead spots.

I have learned his way many times, but I am still not as natural and comfortable as him.

I squinted my eyes slightly, leaned forward, and directly hit Wu Rong's blow!

Wu Rong's face was ferocious, and bloodthirsty excitement appeared on his face.

"Li Yinyang, you are really too arrogant!" Seeing that bone spur was about to pierce my chest.

But Wu Rong suddenly cried out in pain, and his voice was extremely shrill.

His bone spur directly pierced the air!

It just went right under my armpits.

I felt a lot softer and less powerful.

Wu Rong bumped into me face-to-face, the golden ruler missed his brow bone, but hit his seal.

There was a mistake, but there was a word of evil printed on the hall!

Moreover, I was unable to control the front and back of the yin-yang ruler just now, and it just so happens that this is also the yin side!

Yang suppresses death, and Yin restrains life.

If the word harm falls in Yintang, it means that the tongue disease is dying!

Wu Rong's face became extremely sallow and pale.

Especially his Yintang had a wound like a knife scar, and besides, there was a white mist.

Yintang is white, relatives and friends at home will die.

Scars and wounds are disfigured, and the career will eventually be ruined!

A moment ago, Wu Rong didn't even have such a face!

At this moment, he became like this!

This penetrating golden ruler can do so much harm to a living person!

But in other words, Wu Rong's life is definitely not as good as the living corpse of Mr. Yinjutsu just now.

After all, after being tempered, the living corpses are already fundamentally different.

I panted and took a few steps back, opening the distance between me and Wu Rong.

Wu Rong raised his leg, and he tremblingly took two steps forward.

I just discovered that there is actually a penetrating wound on the back of his instep!

The wound was dripping with blood, and the flesh and blood were extremely blurred.

"Li" Wu Rong's face was painful, his eyes were full of anger, he wished he could peel me off!


I also had a lot of chest wheezing.

But I didn't back down.

Wu Xianchang, father and son, not only contributed to my father's death, but even my father's death came from Wu Xianchang's greed for my mother's living corpse!

Last time, I was already in front of Wu Xianchang, and I was in a mess!

At that time, I did not have the ability and ability.

But now it's different, not only this hatred, but also my identity, it doesn't allow me to retreat.

Besides, Wu Xianchang and his son are not as good as Zhou Jingyi, let alone the danger I encountered before.

"You are just a mere mr. Yinjutsu, and you have gone on an evil path. Fate will only spurn you."

"You want to kill me?!"

"Did you kill it?!"

I took out two things again in my hand, namely the Earthly Branch Pen and the Tiangan Inkstone!

It's not that I don't have anything other than a golden ruler.

Jiang Pan also mentioned to me the dizhi pen and tiangan inkstone of geophysics, and they are even recorded in some travel notes.

When Jiang Yihong encounters extreme danger, he will hold a pen and draw amulets.

He hardly inherited Xu Fu's talisman skills, but he also has this ability.

It's all because the geology geomancy itself is clever enough, plus the special features of the earth branch pen and the heavenly stem inkstone!

In fact, on second thought, the foundation of Xu Fu's creation of talisman art is also the geography.

This can say a lot.

Biting the tip of my tongue, I spit out a mouthful of blood into the Tiangan inkstone.

The ground pen was directly stuck in the Tiangan inkstone, and I swiped hard, and the whole pen tip was soaked in blood.

My body is still sore and limp, but my hand can hold a pen firmly!

Wu Rong came to me again.

Even though his foot is injured, his speed is still faster than mine.

The bone spur in his hand pierced my shoulder, and he shouted in a low voice: "It goes without saying that it's so mysterious, pretending to be a ghost!"

"It doesn't matter that Mr. Yin Yang has protection, so what if my life is not as good as yours, so what if I break your limbs and goug out your eyeballs, I think you can live!"

I obviously couldn't dodge Wu Rong's blow.

But I reversed my body movements, faced the door, and went directly to pick up the bone spur!

He dodged in surprise and wanted to stab at other parts of my body.

Obviously, he is not so arrogant now, knowing that Fate Asylum is not something he can ignore.

However, under my action, Wu Rong was also distracted for a moment.

He ended up stabbing me in the shoulder anyway.

But my ground pen landed directly in the middle of his eyebrows!

The severe pain in the shoulder was pierced by a bone spur.

But my hand speed didn't stop, and I drew a talisman extremely fast!

On Wu Rong's face, I drew a Hekui corpse talisman!

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