Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 781 can't let him run away

The protection of fate can indeed save my husband's life at a critical moment...

But its constraints are too great...

Among them, there is no way to crack it?

In fact, even though I told Gu Qijie and others like that, I really don't have much confidence in dealing with Mr. Yin...

He has too many means.

From the hands of Mr. Mai Yin, who was accompanied by Mr. Suspected Dragon, I found the Mountain View of Burying Shadows of the Qiang people.

With the method of heavenly stars, Feng Shui, which opens special doors, completely subverts the cognition of yin arts.

This Mr. Yin probably will use it too.

In addition, his skills are sharp and decisive, and his moves are all killing skills, let alone the limit on the number of lives.

Coupled with Wu Xianchang and his son, we are actually very passive.

The only one who can fight is the paper figurine Xu.

The corpse head mushroom was exposed today, Mr. Yin will definitely not approach the paper figurine Xu...

It is even possible that the next time they do something, they will kill the paper figurine at any cost!

It's not impossible.

When it comes to hands-on, many things are unpredictable.

In my thoughts, I took out a finger-thick thing, this is the summoning order of the Liu family!

When Liu Tianqian gave it to me, it was because he thought that Liu Huayan would have something to do with me and came to me.

Tell me that if I meet Liu Huayan, I will call the members of the Liu family.

I haven't used it in all these years.

The Liu family has helped me a lot, but I can't give much back.

This summons has its purpose, and I have no reason to use it for my own affairs.

After hesitating for a while, I still made a decision.

After dark, ordered the Liu family to be summoned to see which priest could be summoned.

Correspondingly, if I ask the Liu family to help this time, I will also work for the Liu family.

Closing my eyes again, I endured the complexity in my heart.

Moreover, I thought of one thing, and I must be prepared.

I want to use the heavenly stem inkstone to grind ink, and the earthly branch pen to draw symbols.

For the rest of the time, I have been drawing the evil spirit talisman.

Ordinary evil-suppressing talismans don't consume much of my energy.

In one afternoon, I drew at least a hundred talisman papers.

However, the number is still not enough.


Time passed by little by little, and the sky gradually became dark...

Another person came to the Xianglu, paper figurine Xu with Bai Shuangqin, and several townspeople.

They brought a lot of food.

Bai Shuangqin asked me with red eyes, will my second uncle really be okay?

I forced a smile and told her not to think badly, it would be fine.

Then, I took out all the evil spirit talismans again.

Let Bai Shuangqin take it with him, go to the person in charge in the town, and spread the talismans as much as possible.

Those who can get it are pasted with talisman papers.

If there are those who cannot be allocated, try to let them stay at the home of someone who has a match.

The paper figurine asked me in surprise what was the purpose of this?Could it be that Mr. Yin and his group still attack ordinary people?

I told the paper figurine Xu that Mr. Yin may not be, but Wu Xianchang and his son certainly don't have such concerns.

Besides, the most intuitive function of their murderous corpses is to bump into ghosts.

If we don't take precautions, they will drive the whole town to deal with us, what should we do?

The paper figurine Xu fell silent for a moment.

During this period, Jiang Pan and the others also came out of the room.

Jiang Pan obviously heard some of what I said.

When he got close, he said that he would draw some more talismans with me, and try to make them available to the whole town.

I asked Bai Shuangqin to leave first with the people.

After everyone shared the food, it was completely night.

Many people showed worried expressions on their faces, but no one said much.

Jiang Pan also asked everyone to draw symbols.

Including him, there are nine people in total, and the speed of drawing symbols is obviously much faster.

Of course, the talisman papers of the other gentlemen are definitely not as effective as mine and Jiang Pan's, but better than nothing.

I walked to the center of the Dixiang hut, took out the summoning order of the Liu family, lit it with a torch, and with a soft swish, the summoning order flew into the night sky, exploding a ball of gorgeous fireworks.

Everyone in the main room stopped what they were doing, looked at me in surprise, and then looked at the sky.

I didn't explain to them more about the function of the Liu Family Summoning Order.

When Taoist priests of the Liu family were summoned, they would naturally understand.

As time goes by, my heart becomes more and more difficult to calm down...

Gou's family has been gone for at least six hours, why hasn't there been any news yet? !

Just when I was about to lose my patience and leave the Dixianglu.

The sound of chaotic footsteps came from outside the Dixiang hut.

My heart trembled, and I walked quickly towards Lumen.

As soon as I stepped out, I saw a large group of people walking towards us.

Under the reflection of the moonlight, I saw at a glance that the front of the crowd was He Zhi!

She pulled Dun Kong along with a limping person beside her.

Isn't that man Zhu Xun? !

There was another person beside Zhu Xun. The person had many wounds on his face and was very desolate. I soon recognized that it was Huang Qi.

The second uncle was a little behind them, talking to a group of corpse hunters.

There is still a distance, but the second uncle's loud voice has already reached my ears.

The worries in my heart disappeared in an instant.

The previous displeasure towards Gou Qian was also swept away!

I walked out of Dixianglu quickly, and in two or three steps, I was in front of the crowd.

He Zhi paused, picked up Dunkong, and threw himself into my arms.

I hold her shoulders tightly...

He Zhi's body trembled slightly.

I whispered: "It's okay!" At the same time, I raised a hand and gently stroked Dunkong's head.

Dunkong had been pursing his lips just now, until now, his tense little face relaxed a little bit.


The milkiness in Dunkong's voice was much less, replaced by a crisp childishness.

"Daddy is back, everything will be fine." I said these words with extreme force!

"Sir." Zhu Xie's face was pale, his calf was seriously injured, and he could even see a small piece of bone stuck on the flesh, obviously the inside had been broken...

He was bruised all over his body.

At the same time, I also noticed that there was a pannier on his back, and the old chicken drooped its neck from the hole next to it, and its comb was wilting, looking very weak.

"Heal your wounds first, and I will do everything." I said solemnly, not letting them see the slightest uncertainty.

Zhu Xie obviously had the feeling of being in tears, he said hoarsely: "Thanks to Huang Qi, he has good water skills, and thanks to the young master for giving me a talisman, otherwise, I'm afraid I would have been caught by those people in the water." something to eat."

"Sir, you are back, those people didn't run away, right?" "They are disrespectful to old Mr. Jiang... they are disrespectful to Xianglu!"

"Especially the leader, Se Zhongjing, who actually said that if Mr. Jiang was still there, he would also enter the Xianglu, and he would also want Mr...." Zhu Xun's eyes were red, and his voice was full of hatred and murderous intent.

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