Obviously, the mother-child Sha of Huaheisha is also difficult and difficult for the ghost woman...

Originally, I thought that the ghost woman was going back to his yard.

But I didn't expect that after going out for a while, I detoured another fork and walked to another slightly narrow village road.

Not long after we arrived outside a courtyard, the ghost woman called Song Guang.

Soon, a man hurried out of the courtyard.

The clothes on this man were clean, but he was born thin and thin, his face was fleshless, and his cheeks were slightly sunken.

About forty years old, the overall feeling is that he is timid and afraid of getting into trouble.

He walked quickly to the gate of the courtyard with a flustered look on his face. He called out "Mother", ran over and opened the door, and came to help Granny Song by my side.

Naturally, I didn't stop her, and carefully put Grandma Song down, and he walked into the courtyard with the help of others.

The ghost woman glanced at Song Guang and said, "Don't you know what's going on in the village?"

Song Guang's expression froze obviously, and there was a lot of panic in his eyes, but he didn't answer, but just helped Grandma Song down.

The ghost woman shook her head again, and said: "Give your mother a whole bowl of glutinous rice to put on her forehead, and when it's dawn tomorrow, she will bask in the sun, and then kill two more chickens to make up for her, don't let her go anywhere, or you But there is no mother. Do you understand?"

Song Guang nodded quickly.

The ghost woman hummed, then turned and walked back.

In fact, I am a little relieved now, obviously Grandma Song is fine.

The ghost woman also explained a few words to me, roughly saying that Song Guang, the son of Grandma Song, is usually timid and lazy, and runs the fastest when encountering any danger. I must know it, but I dare not take care of it.

I didn't feel right when I heard it.

Something happened to the old lady, and the son hid at home and dared not go out?

Of course, I can't control this matter, I can only sigh, Grandma Song's life is not very good, raising a child is useless.

After a while, we returned to the front of the yard at the end of the village.

Before entering the hospital, the ghost woman told me that I should know the rules when I see my husband, don't talk nonsense, and tell me what I ask.

As for the matter of mother and child evil, he will ask, I don't need to open my mouth, don't offend my husband.

I nodded cautiously to show that I was clear, and I also calmed down, and my whole person calmed down a lot.

Stepping into the yard, my footsteps became much more stable.

The two walked into the main room, and I saw the second uncle first. He was sitting on a chair, dozing off a little.

Next to the chair where the ghost woman usually sat, stood a man with his back to the door.

He has short hair, tall and thin, with his hands behind his back, and he is wearing a satin Tang suit, with a finger pull on his fingers, which is very elegant.

He seemed to be looking at the wall of the hag's house.

It's just that there is nothing on the wall, but he seems to be enjoying it.

The second uncle shuddered and woke up from his doze.

His gaze was slightly severe, he nodded to me, and at the same time looked at the back of Mr. Miao, and said respectfully: "Mr. Miao, Yin Yang and Mrs. Ghost are back."

At this time, Mr. Miao turned around.

He must be about fifty years old, and there is a round copper vessel hanging on his waist, with layers of strange words on it, and a clock-like pointer in the middle.

In addition, there are some talisman papers hanging on the other side of his waist, some are yellow, some are black, sandwiched in front of the talisman papers, there are also some nails made of peach wood, and even wooden figures.

Mr. Miao has slender cheeks, but his cheeks are not sunken, they are very plump, his lips are plump, his forehead is high, his nose bridge is high, his eyes are piercing, and he has an extraordinary aura!

And he has a light smile on his face, the whole person gives me the feeling that he is very easy-going and easy to get in touch with.

"It's rare to see a Yinshengzi who lived past the age of 22. The name Li Yinyang is a coincidence." Mr. Miao smiled and nodded to me.

Although he is easy-going, I feel flustered when I look at him, which is different from looking at the ghost woman and feeling that I will be seen through.

The impression that this gentleman gives people is that from the bottom of his heart, people feel that he knows everything...

"My father said I was born on a special day, so I named him that." I replied cautiously.

Mr. Miao nodded and said with a smile: "The winter solstice when Yin and Yang alternate. It is not easy for a corpse hunter to know so much. My name is Miao Guangyang, and I have the same Chinese character as your name."

I pursed my lips, but smiled reluctantly.

"Rest overnight, don't worry too much, I will take care of this matter. Let your father be buried safely." Miao Guangyang spoke again.

Immediately, I felt a little better, nodded, and said thank you in a slightly hoarse voice.

At this time, the ghost woman also said with a little respect: "Something happened in the village. My little granddaughter didn't handle it properly, and she got into trouble, and there were some ghosts and monsters at work, which caused a lot of trouble. The pregnant woman of Huaheisha, can Mr. Miao give some advice?"

"Mother and son evil?" Miao Guangyang glanced at me, and he said, "Isn't the concubine here?" My body froze slightly.

Then the ghost woman said in a low voice: "Li Yinyang has just learned how to catch Yin for a few days, and the means are not enough. Could it be that there is no other way..."

Miao Guangyang was thoughtful, he glanced at me, and said: "It is true that you can't kill people's souls rashly, this method is too vicious, how about this, you go and paste another talisman, so that the mother and child can't escape!" Come on, Li Yinyang can take care of it later, and then go in."

I half-understood these words, but there was a bit of joy on the ghost woman's face, and he nodded quickly.

Then he said something else, asking him to put down his little granddaughter first.

After finishing speaking, the ghost woman quickly walked into a room and came out in a hurry.

Miao Guangyang took a black talisman from his waist, handed it to the ghost woman, and told him how to use the talisman.

The ghost woman didn't leave immediately, but settled us in our respective rooms, let us rest, and then turned and left.

Miao Guangyang didn't say anything else to us, and entered a room first.

My second uncle and I live in the first room on the right next to the door.

After entering the room, my heart was beating non-stop, and I carefully looked outside the door again.

The feeling Mr. gave me was really different, and I couldn't restrain the joy in my heart at the moment.

Although he didn't directly solve the troubles of the mother and son Sha, but he simply gave a talisman, so that this matter would not cause any trouble to Hejia Village for the time being.

Although I was asked to solve it in the end, I didn't resist. On the contrary, I felt that he had strict rules and no one would do anything.

In that case, he will definitely be able to handle my father's affairs well!

In fact, I want to ask a few more questions about my husband, but I feel that it is not very good to be under the same roof.

The second uncle obviously didn't want to say much, so I let this idea go.

When I was lying on the bed, I didn't fall asleep for a long time, because I was a little worried when I thought of He Zhi who was unconscious just now.

The second uncle was sleeping on the inside, already snoring loudly.

After hesitating for a while, I still got out of bed and planned to see He Zhi.

I remember clearly the room where the ghost woman sent He Zhi into the house just now.

Walking in lightly through the main room, the kerosene lamp was still lit inside the room, and the light was slightly dim.

At a glance, I saw He Zhi lying on the bed against the wall, her face closed, her brows were gloomy, and she was slightly in pain.

I hurried my steps, and when I got to the bedside, I was also very nervous.

But I don't know how to do it...

I can only look anxious.

The ghost woman must have been in a hurry to stick a talisman on the door of Fang Zi's house just now, and she didn't help He Zhi.

On He Zhi's immature face, there were many beads of sweat, and now he looked abnormally weak.

I was thinking about whether I should go to Miao Guangyang for help again.

Footsteps came from behind.

I turned around, and it was the ghost woman who walked into the room.

On both sides of his waist are the knives he left at the gate of the courtyard just now.

I looked at him, he frowned slightly, and said: "Don't worry, He Zhi will be fine, she was just blown away by Heisha, and she will wake up at dawn. Go to sleep." The ghost woman was speaking , It's still the cough of the baby.

I breathed a sigh of relief and nodded.

But just as I was about to leave the room, I suddenly thought of something I forgot to tell the witch...

Going into Liulinzi, provoking Li Zi, and then having problems with pregnant women, I told them verbatim.

But I forgot to mention that the begging dog came to ask for porridge, but was chased away by He Zhi, and he finally said those few vicious cursing words.

I quickly stopped and quickly talked to the ghost woman.

Especially when I recounted the last words of the dog who asked for death.

The ghost woman's eyes became more gloomy. He sat on the edge of the bed, put his hand on the center of He Zhi's brow, and muttered in a low voice at the same time: "The dog scratches the door, the cat bites the corpse, the dead man gasps, you will die, and your second uncle will die." His heart was dug out."

"The rat kowtows, the chicken walks backwards, the ghost carries the coffin, and He Zhi and I will hang ourselves. The two curses are poisonous enough, and the strikes are ruthless enough."

My heart was throbbing, and I said cautiously, it's actually okay to curse people, that is to say, just a little harsh words, but he will come to me again, and this matter is very troublesome.

After hesitating for a while, I asked the ghost woman if there was any way to solve it in advance. I was afraid that when he went to the village to deal with my father's affairs, he would come out and make trouble.

But the ghost woman shook her head. He looked at me with deep eyes, telling me not to underestimate the death-seeking dog. His curse words are also called death curses.

Basically, people who have used the death curse to beg for death are all dead, and it is difficult to carry it over. You must be extremely careful.

Pausing for a moment, the ghost woman continued, now it is impossible to deal with the dead dog ahead of time, and he doesn't have that ability. Fortunately, the husband is here, so he can only follow the husband and take one step at a time.

My face was stiff, and my throat seemed to be blocked.

Just at this moment, suddenly I heard a weird swishing, snapping sound.

My heart trembled slightly, and I immediately walked out of the room.

After entering the main room, I looked out in the direction of the sound.

At the gate of the yard, a few big yellow dogs came from nowhere at this moment, they were all terrifyingly fierce, grinning, their teeth and cheeks were all exposed.

And they are crazily planing the yard door, the sound is harsh and unpleasant.

In a blink of an eye, a small hole was dug out at the gate of the courtyard.

I shuddered as I saw it, and felt daunted.

I just thought that begging for a dog's death would be ruthless, that's why the ghost woman denied me...

At this moment, the dog planing door came...

They dug for a long time, and the small hole turned into a big hole, and the ghost woman came to me and watched together.

My hair was trembling in my heart, and I asked the ghost woman uneasily, shouldn't I drive them away?

The ghost woman shook her head and said: "If you can't drive them away, the old dogs are going to die, dig a hole and bury their bodies, and they will leave by themselves later."

What the ghost woman said made me even more confused.

And the next moment, I widened my eyes in astonishment.

One of the yellow dogs digging the pit suddenly wailed and rolled into the pit.

The limbs twitched, and he died just looking at it, and died instantly!

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