"Old man, I have also waited for seven years to kill Ghost Pom He, and He Zhi has also waited for seven full years!"

"You've done a lot of harm to others. Fate has allowed you to meet me, and your retribution will come soon!"

The great strength of the old watchman made me step back a few steps.

With a ferocious expression on his face, he raised the gong again and said sternly: "Retribution?! My disciple's life, who will pay for it?!"

In an instant, the old watchman rushed in front of me again, and he slammed his gong on my chest hard.

This time, I didn't dodge directly.

Or smash the old watchman's fontanel!

At this moment, the old watchman suddenly lost his balance under his feet.

When he hit me, he changed his direction and hit me directly on the shoulder.

The direction in which I hit his fontanel was also slightly shifted because of this, and it was too late to correct it.

With a muffled bang, I hit the old watchman in the middle of the head with a foot.

He groaned!

But I also felt a sharp pain in my shoulder!

The pain felt like a bone was about to be broken.

The old watchman staggered back.

I also kicked and stepped back a few steps.

Just now it was the protection of fate that made the old watchman stumble, but the protection of fate is only used to save life, and it may also fail if the opponent's life is too hard.

Although this protection did not fail, it still hurt my shoulder while protecting me.

The old watchman will be in a lot of embarrassment.

From the top of his head, two streaks of bright red blood were left, and the blood flowed into the eyeballs, making him look extremely ferocious.

At this time, Jiang Pan, Gu Qijie, and the rest of Yinshu, Mr. Yangsuan, had already fought with Wu Xianchang and Wu Rong.

Both of them, father and son, rely on murderous corpses to cause harm to one party, which is much more tyrannical than Mr. Ordinary.

Besides...Mr. Yinyang and the other gentlemen, there is no way to say that when they fight.

For a while, the scene became extremely chaotic.

It is not known who had the upper hand.

The paper figurine Xu only had one paper bundle left, and he was wearing another paper bundle. The two Mr. Yin and Yang beside Tongse Zhongjing also fought back and forth.

However, the paper figurine Xu Ming slapped him hard, but his body tilted to the right, and hit a wall without warning.

The two Mr. Yin and Yang immediately drew out their short knives at the same time, and approached the paper figurine Xu from behind.

They swung their knives so fast that they stabbed directly at the waist of the paper figurine Xu.

"Uncle Xu! Be careful!"

"Don't hit them deadly, they won't be able to do anything to you!" I growled directly.

At this time, I didn't have time to think about it.

He directly told Mr. Yin Yang's fate asylum!

The paper figurine Xu turned around abruptly, but he didn't even block the two daggers.

Instead, he reached out and patted the chests of the other two gentlemen.

My heart jumped into my throat for an instant.

The next moment, the dagger pierced the paper figurine Xu's waist.

However, the blade did not sink into his body.

The paper tie of the green corpse skin was tough enough, even Mr. Yin Yang couldn't pierce through it with a single knife.

boom!There were two soft sounds, one in front and one in the back, and the two gentlemen were immediately sent flying by the paper figurine Xu!

"Li Yinyang, distracted at this time, I will accept your life with a smile!" The ear-piercing sound of broken gongs reached my ears.

My complexion changed again.

Raise the golden ruler to open the orifices, and place it directly on the chest!

I was worried about the situation of the paper figurine Xu just now, so I could only be distracted.

But this gave the old watchman a gap, he was already approaching my chest.

I blocked it temporarily and barely blocked it.

But at the same time, he raised one leg and kicked towards my lower abdomen!

This time, I was unstoppable.

There was a piercing pain, and I was kicked out a full seven or eight meters!

I landed with a bang, and I rolled out another two or three meters, only to collide with two Mr. Yin and Yang of the paper figurine Xu Jianfei!

The pain made me sweat profusely, and the two of them were not much better, and their mouths were bleeding now!

"Li Yinyang, you are a lunatic!" A Mr. Yinyang gritted his teeth.

The other person even gasped and grabbed my neck: "You have exposed the secret of Mr., you also have no good fruit to eat!"

The paper figurine Xu Zheng charged towards these two people, and the old watchman also galloped towards me.

I resisted the severe pain, and blocked the hand of Mr. Yin Yang who was grabbing my neck with one hand.

With the other hand, he raised the golden ruler directly, and threw it at the head of another Mr. Yin Yang!

With a muffled bang, I hit his fontanelle directly!

His body trembled, and he fell down straight, motionless...

The paper figurine Xu turned around, instead of moving forward, he swung his arms sideways.

The green corpse paper pierced directly towards the old watchman!

The old watchman said coldly: "You are defeated! One arm is broken, what are you going to use to fight me!"

"You can try my green corpse paper tie!" Xu the paper figurine snorted coldly.

In an instant, the green corpse paper was tied in front of the old watchman.

The old watchman knocked on the top of his head with a gong, but the arms wrapped in the green corpse paper directly wrapped around the old watchman's neck!

The ability of a paper maker, in addition to his own skills, comes from paper making!

For the paper figurine back then, the strongest paper tie was nothing more than blood fiend.

He and Ghost He joined forces, neither of which was the old watchman's opponent.

But now, even if the paper figurine Xu Lianfan is damaged, leaving only a green corpse, it is much more tyrannical than before!

In an instant, the green corpse paper wrapped around the old watchman's neck.

The paper figurine Xu sprinted towards the eaves again.

The old watchman was also dragged up to the eaves.

But in mid-air, suddenly there was a soft swish.

Another black shadow sprang out from the direction just now!

All of this is what I saw from the corner of my eye.

Because I am still fighting with the only Mr. Yin Yang left.

Although one was hit by my fontanel and passed out.

But the other person is still safe and sound.

I just blocked one of his hands, and his other hand had already pinched my chin, and it was so strong that it just grabbed into my bone crevice, almost dislocating my jaw...

I endured the severe pain, and withdrew my other hand, and smashed the golden ruler towards the top of his head!

With this ruler, I smashed it firmly.

Blood spilled from the top of his head.

The whole person's eyes were wide open, and he fell unconscious...

I quickly got up from the ground.

But during this time, the black shadow has passed between the old watchman and the paper figurine Xu.

A black lacquered knife was still stuck in the same position as before.

The old watchman fell to the ground heavily, even with the green corpse paper wrapped around him, he also fell to the ground!

The paper figurine Xu's expression turned extremely ugly.

He raised his single arm, but what he held in his hand was only a piece of steel wire floating in the wind...

That knife didn't hurt the paper figurine Xu, but broke the connection between him and Zhi Zha...

I turned my head abruptly, only to see Fan Kuang lying in a pool of blood in front of the door of another room, life and death unknown.

A person stepped out of the room.

He was wearing a long gray gown, holding a long staff in one hand, and a black whip wrapped around his waist.

In the other hand, there were two black lacquered short-edged knives.

My complexion changed again.

Because of this person, I have seen it too!

"Liao Cheng, if you're not here, what about others?!" The man's cold words echoed in the courtyard.

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