Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 74 Both you and that dead grandpa will hang themselves!

He Zhi nodded solemnly, and said cautiously: "I definitely can't wait for dark."

While speaking, she looked down at the stream, and then said softly: "Follow me, along this stream, if you can go out from the willow forest, you have to walk a long way to reach the east of the village."

I was slightly relieved by He Zhi's words, and I immediately replied, as long as I can go out and don't meet those raccoons, it doesn't matter if I go a little further, the worst thing is to walk a little longer.

And I also turned my head to look at Grandma Song who was carrying her back. Her wrinkled face had regained some color, which was much better than before.

She should be able to hold on.

He Zhi didn't say much else, and walked along the stream.

I followed closely, and the two of them never stopped.

After walking for a while, I realized how far away He Zhi said.

Judging by the position of the sun, the time is estimated to be at Shen time. When we came in, it was at noon, and it was almost two hours since we left.

The willow grove beside the stream is still the same as before. This grove is really astonishingly large, and we are moving forward in a curved direction.

This means that the other side of Hejia Village is completely surrounded by Liulinzi?

But if you think about it, it's terrible. Those raccoons in Liulinzi... I'm afraid they have contaminated human lives...

We went all the way to Youshi, it was already the sunset time on the western mountain, Liu Linzi finally came to an end, and the stream slowly formed a canal, in the distance of sight, you can see the water flow of the Hanging River!

Similarly, on the other side, I saw the village of Hejia Village...

My physical strength is pretty good, my head is full of sweat, wet and dry, dry and wet.

He Zhi's pretty face was pale, his mouth was a little chapped, and his hair was a little messy.

Grandma Song on her back coughed suddenly, I quickly put her down and patted her back lightly.

After coughing a few more times, her originally dull face regained some emotion.

Then, tremblingly, she grabbed my hand and He Zhi with the other hand, and almost knelt down for us.

This scene really startled me, and I quickly supported her.

Grandma Song's voice was trembling, and she kept saying thank you for saving my life.

He Zhi also persuaded Grandma Song a few words in a low voice, probably telling her not to thank us so much. We are so young, how can we make the elders kneel down.

I also roughly understood that I was blindfolded and fascinated by the raccoon, but I should know what happened.

Otherwise, Grandma Song wouldn't thank us either.

I regained my composure for a while, and hurriedly talked about someone in the village who was about to give birth to a difficult child.

He Zhi immediately looked at Grandma Song eagerly.

Granny Song's face suddenly became more anxious. She stomped her feet and said, "It's bad. Today is the birth of Fangzi's wife. I saw that the fetal position of the girl is not right, so I have to go quickly."

Immediately, He Zhi helped Grandma Song to the Hejia Village, followed by me.

After we entered the village, it was Grandma Song who led the way until we reached the outside of a courtyard. There were still many people in the courtyard, some were village women, some were obviously relatives of the family, and the rest were some warm-hearted villagers. Good looking, tinged with anxiety.

In the house, there was still the painful cry of a woman wailing, which was obviously extremely painful.

He Zhi pushed open the courtyard door, and when we entered, the villagers were stunned.

Grandma Song broke free from He Zhi's hand and hurried into the house.

Immediately, several women followed in, and their faces also had joyful expressions.

Many other villagers looked at me and He Zhi with puzzled and dazed expressions.

Originally, they looked at me with anger before, but now the anger has dissipated a lot, and they are still more confused.

"I have to go back quickly... I don't know if grandpa and the others are back." He Zhi turned his head and said something hastily.

I nodded too, and whispered that I was very negative, and staying here was not good for pregnant women, so the two quickly turned around, walked out, and walked towards the tail of the village.

However, when we went back to the yard, it was still empty, the ghost woman and the second uncle hadn't come back, so naturally there was no one in the yard.

I was able to hold on before, but now that I am in the yard, I am completely safe, and my legs are almost weak.

He Zhi went to fetch water, and we shared the drink, almost slumped on the chairs.

After a long while, he recovered a little.

At this moment, the way I look at He Zhi also changes slightly.

There is even a bit of admiration.

He Zhi looked no more than fifteen or sixteen years old, much younger than me, a girl who could handle such a heavy knife, and looked at the white raccoon without fear.

I don't know how the ghost woman taught her.

When He Zhi found that I was looking at her, she snorted again and turned her head away.

I hurriedly turned my head in a little panic, pretending nothing happened.

Probably we have to rest for more than an hour.

It was completely dark, but I still didn't see the ghost woman or my second uncle.

I'm not worried about their safety, but I'm a little flustered. Could it be that something went wrong in the process of inviting the husband?So you haven't come back yet?

The stomach was empty, and there was a gurgling call.

He Zhi got up and went into another room, and it was hard for me to ask her where she had gone.

After waiting for about half an hour, He Zhi took a pot and entered the front room.

There is a lid on the pot, and there are two sets of bowls and chopsticks on it.

The tangy fragrance also has a slight fishy smell, but I am too hungry right now, and my stomach is rumbling even more.

I stood up instinctively, He Zhi put the pot on the table, and made a bowl of porridge.

"Here, drink it, dog blood porridge, it's very nourishing." He Zhi glanced at me and motioned for me to serve the bowl.

I hurried over, picked it up and didn't care about the heat, so I blew on it a couple of times and drank a couple of sips.

With some food in my belly, I finally felt better, and my whole body seemed to come back to life.

One bowl of porridge was obviously not enough, I drank three bowls in a row, not only did I feel energetic, but also seemed to have enough strength in my body.

He Zhi was also a little bit surprised, and said in a low voice: "You can have fun secretly. Usually, grandpa can't drink the dog blood porridge I cook. The blood he cooks is old and stale. It's unbearable. This porridge Tonify yin, you are born with yin, so there are many benefits."

After a pause, He Zhi snorted again, and said, "I give you all the benefits, but you don't want to say anything, you are stingy."

Of course I know what He Zhi is talking about, but it's still impossible for me to tell her how to take over Yin.

Putting down the porridge bowl, I said awkwardly: "Then I won't drink..."

He Zhi's beautiful eyes widened, and she pursed her lips and said, "You're full! Only after drinking three bowls will you say you don't drink! Hypocrisy!"

I was even more embarrassed, and I didn't know how to answer the conversation, so I could only keep silent.

He Zhi picked up the bowls and chopsticks, took the porridge and left in a huff, and said: "Next time you beg me, I think you are starving to death, and I won't even give you half a bowl of porridge!"

But just at this moment, there was a knock on the door suddenly.

The knock on the door came suddenly, without any warning at all, and it startled me.

I turned my head to look at the door, and He Zhi also looked over.

At this glance, my heart trembled.

Standing at the door of the house was a tall, thin man, dressed in linen clothes, with sunken cheeks, big bags under his eyes, and his eyes were staring straight at He Zhi's pot.

And he was still swallowing his saliva, and his Adam's apple was rolling.

This man seemed familiar, and my face immediately changed again.

Isn't he just the dog who begs for death! ?

My second uncle and I went back to the vicinity of the village. Even if he wasn't in Lijia Village, he came here!He even followed him to Hejia Village!

There is still the sound of jingling bells shaking in the yard, which is clear and sweet. He Zhi and I were talking just now, but we didn't even hear it.

The man licked his lips, but he still looked straight at He Zhi's pot, and suddenly said: "Little girl, can you give me some porridge, do you want it? I haven't had anything to eat for a long time, and I'm about to die of starvation. "

His voice was dry and emotionless.

And I also found that he was glancing at me from the corner of his eye, the dead silence and resentment in his eyes made people feel chills.

I also noticed that his feet were bare and without shoes? !

This is really strange, he doesn't wear shoes, so what's the point?

Of course, I keep in mind the words of the ghost woman relayed by my second uncle.

I was about to tell He Zhi quickly that I couldn't give him food.

With a bang, He Zhi directly put the pot on the table.

She pulled up the two-finger-thick stick at her waist, and beat her head out of the house!

"You got to the ghost woman's house for begging for your life! I think you died once enough! You want to die again!"

It was obvious that He Zhi was in a fit of anger, she moved faster, and reached the door in two or three steps.

This slap of a stick hit the man on the head!

With a scream, the man covered his head and ran out of the courtyard with his bare feet.

When he was running, he cursed even more viciously: "What a little girl with a vicious heart!"

"You don't give me a bite of food, and you take in the damn Yinshengzi, and you still want to hurt people's lives!"

"The rat kowtows, the chicken walks away, and the ghost carries the coffin! Both you and that dead ghost grandfather will hang themselves!"

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