"Brother Liao, you..." Jiang Pan raised his hand, he sighed heavily again, and put his hand down.

Obviously, Liao Cheng always called Mr. Jiang, which made Jiang Pan very concerned.

But immediately afterwards, Jiang Pan frowned and asked, "Brother Liao, what else do you know, why they couldn't get anything from the corpse?" Liao Cheng didn't say much.

My mind froze, and I thought of the things Liao Cheng said before...

In the eyes of the acupoint that is too angry, the feathered corpse has long been a part of it. If you want to take the corpse and dig the pill, it is equivalent to shaking the entire dragon vein. Either it is enough human life, or it is the first life...

Those five people can throw us off, and none of them is a fuel-efficient lamp. After they discover this method, who would be willing to die?

Jiang Pan asked a few more questions, but Liao Cheng pointed to the sky and said: "The secrets of the sky must not be revealed. If they don't know, they will only waste time there. If the wall has ears at this time, let them know. It's really a big deal." Did Mr. Jiang make a big mistake if he got there first?"

"It's better not to be too curious."

Jiang Pan: "..."

Someone in the crowd saw the signs, stepped forward and said a few words to smooth things over.

Jiang Pan didn't say much, and returned to rest in front of the bonfire just now.

The paper figurine Xu Zheng was going to wear green corpse paper, I told him not to go, eat something, rest for the night, and then leave tomorrow.

A group of people returned to the campfire, sat down, took out the water bag, and took out the food.

I gave the paper figurine Xu the hot food that Tang Ding gave me, and even though he refused repeatedly, I forced him to eat it all on the grounds of his age. "

After I broke some flour pancakes to satisfy my hunger, I leaned against the campfire and fell asleep.

I'm actually very light sleeper.

I woke up once in the middle of the night, and I found Tang Ding next to me. He fell asleep intermittently, and looked up from time to time.

I frowned and opened my eyes, and said in a low voice, "Tang Ding, sleep well."

I told him that this place is dangerous, if he doesn't take a good rest, I'm afraid there will be problems later.

It was Tang Ding and another servant who had been driving the carriage for us before.

This man is simple, speaks few words, and looks honest and honest.

With a jolt, he regained consciousness a lot, and approached me in a low voice and said, "Sir, don't worry about me, this place is dangerous, the mayor has told me, I have to protect you."

"Those Laoshizi things are so poisonous, I'm afraid some people have malicious thoughts."

"We were put together by those old things, we can't..."

Tang Ding's voice was very low. Liao Cheng and Jiang Pan who were closest to me were both deeply asleep, and it was even more impossible for the people behind to hear them.

I also understand what he means.

However, I still told him to sleep well, my safety, at least in the hands of these people, will not cause any problems.

My tone is very firm.

Tang Ding was puzzled.

After thinking about it for a while, I asked him not to ask too much, but to think more. According to what I said, sleep well, ensure good energy, and only use him when he is needed.

Only then did Tang Ding nod his head, and he lay down on the ground carefully.

I was still very sleepy, I glanced left and right, and found that the paper man Xu was not there.

I didn't read much either.

I can still persuade Tang Ding, but perhaps the paper figurine Xu cannot.

He is also an outstanding paper maker. He has been out at night for the past few decades, so he will definitely be in control.

The second half of the night passed in a blink of an eye.

In the early morning of the next day, our group gathered after eating.

Jiang Pan and I roughly explained the previous analysis with everyone, and the dead door should not have the function of the dead door itself.

If the anger is too strong, if there is no death energy, many things in the door of death will not take effect.

On the contrary, for other positions, there will be many variables.

Liao Cheng agreed with our statement, and the rest of the people no longer doubted it.

In fact, we still face a slightly troublesome problem...

That is, everyone didn't bring much food, and basically everyone was saving to eat, and basically they were going to run out.

Not only do we have to go to the tomb faster, but we also need to find Lai Qian and others, who have more food on them.

Otherwise everyone will be hungry.

In our thoughts, Jiang Pan was leading the way, and the two Taoist priests of Shangqing Dongyang were beside us. We entered the forest from the southwest.

The places I have traveled in the past are dense forests with more lifelessness.

It was the first time to walk through the vibrant woods.

Although the trees are lush, the light is not dark at all.

There is no bad luck that the dead door should have.

What Jiang Pan said was correct, the place where the entire Feng Shui bureau excreted the dirty air should have been changed.

After we walked for a while, the two priests, Shangqing and Dongyang, first discovered some traces, which were walked by Lai Qian and the others.

Sure enough, the five Mr. Yin and Yang were together, and the youngest was in his sixtieth year, and their abilities were astonishing.

The plank road is right, and even the gate of death is ahead of us.

After about an hour, the traces on the road began to increase.

There were some broken pieces of clothes, some crossbow bolts appeared on the ground, and even blood.

Everyone was very careful along the way, wary of the white fungus.

But never saw that kind of thing.

Shangqing and Dongyang carefully inspected the torn clothes and crossbow arrows before saying that there were all five people in the torn clothes, and it was not sure who was injured.

As for the top of the crossbow, there is no poison, just some small organs.

It just so happened that they broke it for us, saving us a lot of trouble.

There was even more excitement in the eyes of the crowd. I could see that they all felt that if the praying mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind, we are the oriole.

However, after another hour or so.

The woods began to become thinner and thinner.

On the ground not far away, some stone slabs began to appear.

These slabs took the place of the road and went straight on.

The trees became rarer, and the air was filled with a thin layer of mist. Going deeper, the mist became much thicker...

I can't even see what's behind it...

"Should go here, you will reach the land of the tomb. There are not many dangers on the road. This road should not be so easy to walk."

It was Jiang Pan who spoke, with a serious expression on his face.

Everyone just looked at him.

But Liao Cheng said: "Mr. Jiang, I don't think it's all like that. There are not few dangers on the road. The five Yin-Yang gentlemen walked ahead to open the way and shed a lot of blood. We took an easy way."

Immediately, more people responded to Liao Cheng, saying that Mr. Liao spoke well.

Jiang Pan's face was not good-looking, he frowned and looked at Liao Cheng, and was about to speak.

Liao Cheng didn't look at Jiang Pan at all, he turned his head to look at the stone road, and murmured: "The anger has turned into fog, and there is no blood in this place, so there shouldn't be any major problems. Guan Xiantao has already left a lot of mortal situations, He is looking for an apprentice, not to let everyone die here, there must be tests in the tomb, this place is generally safe."

"We have to hurry over."

While speaking, Liao Cheng passed by Jiang Pan directly.

The rest of the gentlemen looked even more excited, and their speed was not slow, and they followed Liao Cheng closely.

But I can see some problems of Liao Cheng.

He was obviously not vigilant before?

No, that's not the case, he was deliberately letting people down.

Seeing that they were about to go up the stone road.

Liao Cheng paused suddenly, he did not go up first.

The one who got on the slate first was a Mr. Yin Art...

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