Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 715 People are like rotten wood, flesh and blood grow bacteria

Liao Cheng didn't pay attention to Jiang Pan, but he kept the distance and movement, and didn't get any closer.

After a while, Liao Chengcai narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "He is not dead, he has a little breath, but he is also dead, the poison is a bit strange, he turned into a living corpse..."

"If my judgment is correct, he should not be able to transform the evil spirit, but I don't know whether it is because of the side effects of the poison, or the blowing of the air here prevents him from completely dying. This is a special change between the two."

At this point, Liao Cheng's eyes showed a bit of strangeness, he was not afraid, but a desire to explore.

The other gentlemen were extremely disturbed.

At this moment, Liao Cheng suddenly looked at the two priests, Shangqing and Dongyang.

He said solemnly: "Daoist Dongyang, Daoist Shangqing, can I trouble you with one thing?"

Daoist Dongyang and Daoist Shangqing clasped their fists at the same time.

Priest Shangqing said, "Mr. Liao, but it's okay to say."

Liao Cheng said solemnly: "Under the condition of ensuring your own safety, can you bring Zhou Fangquan's body here, and then pull out an old corpse? I want to see their condition, and maybe I can know what kind of poison it is. gone."

The expressions of Shangqing and Dongyang changed slightly.

Liao Cheng continued: "Among us, apart from Uncle Xu's skill, there are only two priests left..."

For a while, Shangqing and Dongyang didn't answer the conversation, and their expressions darkened a lot.

The rest of the gentlemen didn't speak for a while.

I naturally understand that Liao Cheng's words are actually a bit embarrassing.

Although he said, to ensure his own safety, he pulled out Zhou Fangquan and another corpse.

But at this moment, the cause of the poisoning is indeed unknown. Now that Mr. Yang Suan is dead, it is difficult to stand up for the argument of guaranteeing safety.

It is inevitable that people have selfishness, and I don't want paper figurines to take risks.

Seeing the stalemate in the atmosphere, Shangqing sighed softly and said: "Mr. Liao, it's not that we don't take action, it's because we don't know the reason now. Once something happens, your life will be in danger. If you lose your life while killing the evil corpses, poor Dao Er Everyone can understand that we don't need to touch this unknown poison..."

Dongyang also nodded.

I am not easy to answer, they are also right.

At this moment, someone from behind whispered: "Two priests, it is true to say so, but as long as we find out the reason, we can avoid it and reduce the number of deaths. Besides, everyone can rest assured that Mr. Liao is doing things, don't you? Can't you trust Mr. Liao?"

Liao Cheng frowned, and he immediately looked at the person who spoke.

The gentleman kept his mouth shut, but the others spoke, roughly speaking the same thing.

Liao Cheng's face darkened a lot, and he told them to shut up in a low voice.

Then, with a relaxed expression, he clasped fists with Shangqing and Daoist Dongyang, saying that it was because he spoke improperly and it was fine.

Dongyang and Shangqing looked extremely embarrassed.

Between these few words, I vaguely understood something, and felt even more frightened...

Subtly, Liao Cheng invisibly made everyone stand by him.

For some things, he doesn't need to guide, everyone will say something.

Both Dongyang and Shangqing are orthodox in character, I am afraid they will not be able to resist everyone's few words.

At this moment, Dongyang took a step forward, and he even took out a roll of white cloth, just about to speak.

There was a light snort from the side.

Jiang Pan's voice changed slightly, and he said in a low voice, "Uncle Xu!"

I immediately turned my head to look over, only to find that the paper figurine Xu was approaching the bottom of the plank road at the other end. He hooked up two steel wires with one hand, and a green corpse paper bundle jumped over many strange corpses and came to the front of Zhou Fangquan's corpse. The paper bundle suddenly Open it at once, wrapping Zhou Fang in it.

The paper figurine Xu hooked his elbow again, and the paper stick jumped back, pulling Zhou Fangquan out!

My eyelids twitched wildly, and I said in a low voice, "Uncle Xu, be careful!" Xu the paper figurine didn't make a sound.

Zhou Fangquan's body was pulled out four or five meters to the front of an open space, the green corpse paper was loosened, and the body fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the paper figurine Xu once again hooked up the steel wire, and the green corpse paper tie once again pulled out a corpse from among the many corpses.

The corpse fell beside Zhou Fangquan.

In fact, Zhou Fangquan's body had a deadly feeling, as if a heavy object had landed on the ground.

This corpse is so light and weightless.

Liao Cheng's eyes suddenly showed joy, and he whispered: "Okay! Thank you, Uncle Xu!"

I frowned, and I couldn't restrain the worry in my eyes. At the same time, I immediately whispered, let Uncle Xu handle the green corpse properly, and it's best not to touch him.

Paper figurine Xu and I nodded.

Shangqing and Dongyang hugged him, with admiration flashing in their eyes.

Liao Cheng walked to a position four or five meters in front of the two corpses, and took out something in his hand.

It was a transparent bottle, and I noticed that it contained a river crab.

This is the magic weapon of the two gods of zero and positive.

After that, he walked forward slowly while staring at the transparent bottle.

Jiang Pan and I followed behind him, and the others dared not come over.

About one meter in front of the corpse, Liao Cheng stopped. At this moment, the river crab was gently tapping the edge of the bottle with its pliers.

"If you get any closer, it will be dangerous." Liao Cheng said in a low voice.

Looking at the corpse from this distance, Zhou Fangquan makes people uncomfortable, and the other one makes me feel numb and itchy, as if something has crawled out.

I shivered.

Liao Cheng suddenly murmured: "Look, Zhou Fangquan's wound seems to be healed?"

When he said this, I just noticed that the wound on Zhou Fangquan's forehead had really healed... There was a white mark there.

Liao Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly, he looked back at Shangqing and Dongyang, and said in a low voice: "I also ask the two priests to cut off a little bit of flesh from these two corpses."

Shangqing and Dongyang raised their hands almost at the same time, and between shaking their elbows, each threw a mahogany sword

With two swishing sounds, a piece of flesh was cut off Zhou Fangquan's forehead.

Another body was missing a piece of the jaw.

A tingling scene happened.

On the chin of another corpse, an extremely pale fungus actually grew out.

Zhou Fangquan's forehead was a little red at first, but it still looked like blood, but before the blood seeped out, it was covered in white, and several mushroom caps were densely drilled out...

I felt my scalp tingling and my body covered in goosebumps.

The feeling that something is swimming in his body, even about to come out, is stronger.

Jiang Pan's eyelids twitched wildly, and he murmured in a low voice: "People are like rotten wood, flesh and blood grow bacteria, what the hell is this..."

But I thought of those vines from before...

Including the second plank road, aren't those white fungi growing on the vines?

At that time, the paper figurine Xu even touched it with his hands...

But he is covered with green corpse skin...

I turned my head abruptly, and looked at the paper figurine Xu again, he was still wearing the green corpse skin!

My complexion changed again, and I was extremely vigilant, and said word by word: "Uncle Xu, take off the green corpse paper on your body, don't touch your hands, be careful...there may be very poisonous on it!"

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