All this happened in that instant!

At the last moment the door closed, his eyes returned to my face.

That superficial smile made my goosebumps almost fall off...

I squeezed the corner of my clothes tightly, and my body was trembling uncontrollably.

The sound of footsteps approaching, the second uncle passed by, and pushed the door open!

But at this time, the outside of the house was empty, and there was no one there.

Reflected by the cold moonlight, the centipede scar on the second uncle's face was extremely ferocious, and his round eyes were extremely sharp, scanning left and right.

Now that there is no fog outside, my heart skipped a beat.

But in a few seconds, where did the person go?

"In the middle of the night, just open the door casually. Do you know what's outside? It's going to be a ghost."

"The black dead clothes, the shoes are all toad's skulls, can't you recognize it? Didn't your old man teach you?" The second uncle looked back at me, his voice was stern.

I froze and told him that my father didn't teach me these things, he just taught me how to swim and how to recognize dead bodies.

But I heard many things from the village leaders, and I know that toad shoes are dead people's shoes.

It's just that the man just now was really not bad, so I didn't think much about it, I just thought it was a bit strange for him to wear toad shoes.

The second uncle looked puzzled, frowning and asked me to make it clear, don't meander.

I carefully took out the handful of money from my pocket and told my second uncle the truth about what happened on the road.

After the second uncle heard it, he slapped his thigh, his forehead was sweating, and said that I caused a disaster!I was even more uneasy, what does it mean to ask the second uncle?

The second uncle paced back and forth at the door with his hands behind his back for a few times before he shook his head: "Your father is confused, so I won't talk to you more about what should be said. We are in the business of picking up corpses and eating dead food. What are the most taboo things?" thing."

"Don't turn your head when you're walking at night, don't turn your shoes toward the bed when you're sleeping, you can't take money from unknown sources... If you use money that shouldn't be moved, you'll get dirty things that shouldn't be touched, you take it away With so much money, I don’t know what the hell this dead man wants to do when he entangles you!”

"Dead?!" I was even more uneasy in my heart.

The second uncle glared at me and said, "He's going to strangle you, you haven't reacted yet?!"

I lost my voice, recalling the action just now, he was really choking my neck, and I felt lingering fear for a while.

Fortunately, the second uncle suddenly yelled that voice and scared him away...

"Then second uncle, what are you doing now? Lost the money?" I asked the second uncle.

"It's useless if you lose it. He's already entangled you, but he sent such a large sum of money for no reason, and I don't know what he's going to do. When I see the ghost woman tomorrow, I'll ask you." The second uncle waved He waved his hand, and after he finished speaking, he signaled me to go to sleep, don't wake up at night again, and hold back even if there is urine.

I felt a faint sense of panic in my heart, but I didn't go back to the room right away. After taking the big money back, I took out the Gu jade and handed it to the second uncle.

The second uncle was obviously stunned, he pursed his lips and said nothing.

I don't need to say, the second uncle knows better than me what is the result of the corpse hunter going into the water without Gu jade.

"It's not that simple, you old man didn't bring Gu jade, maybe he didn't plan to go ashore, but the knife in his chest was very strange, asked the ghost woman, let's get your old man ashore, and then talk about other things. "After saying that, the second uncle actually hung the Gu jade on my neck, patted my chest, turned around and entered the room, and went back to my father's room.

I stood there in a daze for a long time before I closed the door and went back to the house.

After that, there was a night of no words and no dreams.

When I woke up the next morning, my spirits improved a lot, and the pain in my heart was suppressed a lot.

When we went to the main room, the second uncle was dealing with a bowl of porridge, a small dish of peanuts, and a bottle of white wine by his hand, taking a sip from time to time.

There was another bowl of porridge on the opposite side of the table, which was steaming, and he signaled me to drink the porridge quickly with his eyes.

I was hungry too, so I picked up the porridge bowl, and drank it in big gulps, regardless of burning my mouth.

The two were equally silent, and the room was very quiet except for the sound of hula la drinking porridge.

But before the bowl of porridge was finished, there was the sound of chaotic footsteps outside.

I froze for a moment, and as soon as I raised my head, the door of my house was kicked open with a bang.

There were at least a dozen villagers standing outside.

There were men, women and children, all of them had white silk wrapped around their arms, and there was sadness on their faces and anger in their eyes.

The one in front was a tall, thin man with the same face, thin lips, and single eyelids.

He asked sharply: "Li Yinyang, where is my brother's body?!"

"It was agreed yesterday that I will give you Baijiami. You have to get him back. You only care about Liu Shuigui, and you don't care about other people who were killed by you?"

My complexion changed slightly.

The villagers in the back also questioned loudly. With that posture, I felt that they were going to drag me out and go to the river to retrieve the body.

It's just that I didn't know what to say for a while.

It’s true that these people are fierce, but there are indeed dead people in their family... Luo Yinpo’s falling into the water has nothing to do with my mother, and the death of those strong men has nothing to do with me...


The second uncle's bowl fell heavily on the table. He glanced at the villagers and said, "My brother didn't catch it. There is something in the water. You don't know it. You just dragged Yin Yang to the river and let him into the water. People can't get it, and maybe they won't get it in the future."

The villagers are still a little afraid of my second uncle. After all, he and my father are both corpse hunters, and Liu Guishou's name is not small.

"It's what you said. If you say you can't pick it up, you can't pick it up? ... What if you run away with Li Yinyang?" The thin and tall villager obviously said stubbornly, and the rest of the villagers The eyes are also full of suspicion and vigilance.

"That's right! If you run away, who do we go to?"

"Li Yinyang was originally a mourner! How many people have drowned in these years, isn't it because of him?"

"With such a big incident happening now, he must run faster than a rabbit!"

What the villagers said to each other made me panic and feel extremely uncomfortable.

"I won't run." I pursed my lips, got up and walked to the door, facing the villagers.

"Believe what Li Yinyang said? Then the whole village will die!" One of the villagers suddenly became emotional. He stretched out his hand and grabbed my shoulder.

"Go! Go to the river right away! Either you pull people up, or you die!" His expression became more agitated and angry.This also ignited the emotions of other villagers.

Others also started to do it together, and at least seven or eight hands dragged my clothes together.

The second uncle slapped the table and stood up abruptly.

I also panicked and struggled to retreat.

With a hiss, the clothes that had been patched more than once were pulled to pieces.

There was another soft crash, and amidst the crisp crashing sound, the handful of money in my pocket scattered in all directions!Half of it fell into my house, and the other half was spilled at the feet of those villagers.

I staggered back, staggered and nearly fell, and was finally supported by my second uncle.

At this moment, almost all the villagers were stunned.

They all stared blankly at the ground.

The next moment, greed burst out in their eyes, followed by mad grabbing!

My face turned pale, but my second uncle stopped me behind me, watching the villagers steal money coldly.

It took about a quarter of an hour for the villagers to rob at first, and then even groped the base of the wall of my house, before a group of people stood together again.

"Li Yinyang, you really are not authentic." The tall and thin villager licked his lips and glared at me.

There were three or four large coins tightly clenched in his hand, and his knuckles were turning white.

"That's right, so much money on your body, why don't you even take it out? If you hurt someone and didn't make you pay for your life, you should pay for it if you have money! You still have to hide it!" The rest of the villagers also continued to abuse.

My face became paler, and I finally realized it now. I gritted my teeth and said, "You can't touch this money." Money is dead money, and if I take it, the dead will miss it. If these villagers touch it, no Unlucky?

As soon as I said this, the villagers all moved in almost the same way, either stuffing money into their trouser waists or stuffing them into their pockets.

"Can't move? Fart! If you kill someone, you will pay for your life. If you don't pay for your life, you will pay for it! These are interest rates! Let me give you Li Yinyang a little face today. If you don't bring up the body later, this matter will never end!" A villager threw down a harsh word, turned around and ran out of my house in a hurry.

The rest of the villagers were also chattering, and probably said the same thing, saying that they would give me a few days before they came to ask for the corpse.

In just a moment, more than a dozen villagers ran away without a trace...

My body trembled slightly, and I knew very well that they didn't want to return the money.

For these big money, I don't feel bad, but this is really dead money...

"Second uncle...what's the matter..." I asked the second uncle uneasily.

The second uncle frowned and said: "Everyone is poor and hungry these days. Money is life, and it's all in people's hands. You mean it was stolen by a murderer, and they won't pay it back." .We can't fix it."

"It's not too late, let's find the ghost woman first."

After speaking, the second uncle turned around and finished the rest of the porridge, and then asked me if I had anything to pack.

I said no more.

He asked me to dig out another piece of clothing and put it on.

I shook my head and told him it was gone too... I looked down at the rags on the ground and felt even more uncomfortable.

"You old man insists that the corpse hunters don't see rabbits and don't scatter eagles. The master who must collect real money to fish corpses has forced him to become a coolie who works for nothing in the river and is scolded by others. Let's go first , I’ll buy something for you later.” With that said, Second Uncle patted my shoulder and walked out of the house.

Soon we were at the pier.

At this moment, you can see many boats floating on the surface of the hanging river, and there are still people drying and repairing nets by the river. Even if something happens in the village, fishing is a means of making a living, and most households are still working.

When I boarded my second uncle's corpse boat, he let me sit in the bamboo shed in the cabin, while he paddled at the stern.

This scene is so similar to the past, my father always takes me up the Xuanhe like this.

I hugged my legs, stared blankly at the waves of the river, watched the fishermen cast their nets, and thought of my father, I couldn't help but want to cry again.

At this moment, out of the corner of my eye, I suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a shadow on the water surface on the right side of the ship...

It's like something's hooked up to the boat and we've been dragging it along...

Subconsciously, I bowed out of the cabin shed and looked at the water on the right.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, just look at it, my brain is buzzing!

Now the sun is shining through, and I can see clearly.

This is a corpse floating vertically in the water, her body is slightly leaning against our boat, her disheveled hair is spread out, like a little hand with teeth and claws...

Along with the water waves, from time to time, half of her face would emerge out of the water, with livid dead skin, tightly closed eyes, and broken hair clinging to her forehead after getting out of the water, not to mention how terrifying it was.

This is no ordinary drowned...

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