Under the reflection of the candlelight, the paper figurine Xu's already slender face seemed to be stretched into a horse's face.

His cheekbones seemed to form shadows, and his aquiline nose was even more creepy, especially his narrow, fox-like eyes, narrowed into a slit.

The paper figurine Xu Mobang looks creepy, and it is because he has gotten acquainted with him a little bit, coupled with his always smiling expression, that makes people not afraid to get along with each other normally.

At this moment, his expression immediately made me feel shuddering.

And his face changed, those paper bundles seemed to come alive, trembling, as if there were sinister and sinister laughter in the room.

"Xu...Uncle Xu..." My throat was dry.

The paper figurine hummed, and he suddenly said, "Shuimo Lane? Courtyard No. [-]?" I nodded.

Immediately afterwards, the paper figurine Xu sat down suddenly, and he pulled out the bottom of the stack of papers on the table. Normally it was white paper, but this time, what he pulled out turned out to be a piece of blackened paper. .

Then he didn't say a word, his hands kept moving, and he quickly made paper ties.

This actually made me unclear, so I wanted to ask him, but didn't dare to interrupt.

At this moment, on the other side of the pavement, the curtain leading to the yard behind was lifted.

It was the second uncle who walked out, he was touching his bald head with one hand, and holding a bottle of Lao Baigan in the other.

The centipede scar on his face was ferocious and flushed because of the alcohol.

"Yin Yang?" The second uncle's expression was also surprised.

However, he glanced at the paper figurine Xu from the corner of his eye, and his expression changed slightly.

The eyes that were slightly drunken and foggy suddenly became a lot of surprise.

"Yin Yang!" The second uncle's voice was much lower, and he waved to me quickly, his tone still a bit hasty.

I walked over immediately, but the second uncle grabbed my wrist and pulled me directly into the yard.

He was really strong, and it hurt me a lot.

I couldn't understand the second uncle's reaction even more, and the second uncle's face was also very serious.

After entering the backyard, the second uncle turned his head and glanced at the door curtain. He seemed to have lingering fears and said, "I don't know who provoked the paper figurine Xu, but he came out with a dark shadow. If you see this thing, you have to take it off." A layer of skin..."

"Paper figurines have opened a shop in the past few years, and their mentality has become much more stable. They usually sell ordinary paper figurines to make a living, and sometimes dig graves to get some materials for paper figurines. It's been a long time since I have made such a fierce thing gone."

"He is fierce, you have to avoid him." The second uncle explained to me cautiously.

But he still muttered a few words, almost wondering why the paper figurine Xu was stimulated to come out with such a fierce thing.There was more sweat on my forehead, but I subconsciously turned my head and looked at the front curtain.

My second uncle's words have made me understand.

Xu, the paper figurine, got angry and wanted to deal with the man who ripped off my clothes?

I took a deep breath and told what happened just now.

The second uncle was obviously taken aback when he heard this, and his expression became even more cloudy.

Then he exhaled, shook his head and said, "That's fair enough, he won't take care of this matter, I'll throw all his paper bundles into the river." I was a little embarrassed.

With the attitude of the second uncle, he obviously feels that this matter should be settled by paper figurines, but in fact this is a trouble caused by me...

I was about to talk and explain a few more words, but my second uncle changed the subject and asked me how my trip was going?

At the same time, he was still frowning, and his tone was a bit serious, telling me not to make my own opinions next time, and to do things by myself, in case of trouble, there would be no one to help me.

My second uncle's concern moved me a little.

At this moment, my mood has calmed down, and while talking to him about the matter at Zhu's house, I walked to the table in the courtyard, put down the back basket, and opened the big black wooden box directly.

Of course, I didn't forget to open the lid to let the old chicken get out and move around.

I quickly took out all the things in the big black wooden box.

I put the sum of money and the little yellow fish we saved these days in a cloth bag on the side of the table.

The other is the big yellow croaker alone.

Under the reflection of the moonlight, the big yellow croaker reflected light slightly, appearing unusually thick.

The second uncle swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his Adam's apple rolled, and after a while, he managed to squeeze out a word.

Stretching out his hand to touch the big yellow croaker, the second uncle picked it up again, took a bite on the corner, and then said: "This trip is really worth it, big yellow croaker, I have the money to find Mr. ! The Zhu family has a solid foundation, Yin and Yang, this matter is handled decently!"

Until now, the second uncle was smiling.

He suddenly patted me on the shoulder again, and said mysteriously: "Go back and bury your old man, the second uncle will take you to a good place!" think.

All I can think about in my mind is that I have collected enough money, so I hurried to Hejia Village to find the ghost woman, and invited my husband to bury my father.

He fell off the cliff that day, and he doesn't know what happened to the body now.

The people in the village have become like that under the leadership of Old Li, and they hate my family even more. If they do something more, or let my father kill a few people, then my father will really suffer a great crime.

Mother and child evil harm people and cannot be reincarnated, and normal dead people are almost the same.

While thinking about it, I pursed my lips and said in a hoarse voice: "Second Uncle, can we go to Hejia Village tomorrow?"

The second uncle nodded first, then he frowned and said, "It's a good thing to go. Even in the past two days, I also went to take orders, and the price negotiated was not bad. I just told the owner to wait for you to come back."

"This..." My face was stiff. It's normal for the second uncle to pick up things. He didn't know that I made enough money just by going there.

But to me, if I can't take care of my father's business right away with the money, it's heartburning...

After waiting for a long time, I was out of my mind.

The second uncle lowered his head in thought, took a sip of his wine, shook his head again and said, "But you old man agreed to something before, and you have to wait a few months before going. It's okay for us to wait a few more days." His tone was so solemn now Quite a few, let me go back to my room and have a good rest, and I will go to Hejia Village to see the ghost woman tomorrow.

After a pause, the second uncle warned me again, saying: "Yinyang, you have to be extremely careful, the one who begs for your clothes is actually much worse than the one who begs for your things twice."

"You have to meet that ghost when we go back to the village. This round of begging for death is different from before. You may be able to use any tricks. Be vigilant."

I nodded, with a more serious expression on my face, to reassure my second uncle that I will be careful this time around and there will be no trouble.

The second uncle hummed and let me go back to the room to rest.

I went back to the room, although the room was cold and cold, but here, I feel a lot more friendly.

Although the paper figurine lived in this yard only twice, it gave people a sense of peace of mind.

When I suddenly felt this way, I was still a little uncomfortable at first, but thinking of the fierce paper tie made by the paper figurine just now, and what the second uncle said, I calmed down a lot.

Although the paper figurine Xu looks gloomy and quiet when doing things, he really helped my second uncle and me a lot.

Lie on the bed, feeling tired all of a sudden.

I fell into a drowsy sleep.

It's just that when I woke up, I almost closed my eyes, and I had a dream.

And this dream was extraordinarily cold and weird. I was surrounded by mottled mist, and the corpse boat was floating on the water under my feet.

Even in a dream, it is extremely depressing.

There seemed to be a lot of corpses floating on the invisible water, and those corpses were all approaching the boat, but they seemed to be blocked by invisible forces and couldn't get close.

I originally wanted the boat to dock, and I was still very anxious in my heart.

In this dream, I also want to go back to the village to solve my father's funeral.

But the strange thing is, my boat has been spinning in place, unable to move forward at all.

I was anxious and wanted to use bamboo poles to punt the boat.

As a result, when I went to grab the bamboo pole, I caught a cold hand. I was shocked and frightened.

Turning his head, he saw a blue face.

This is a woman's face, which looks familiar.

Her eyeballs are all blue, staring at me blankly, but the emotion permeating through her eyes is still sadness...

"Danger... don't..." Youyou's tone echoed in my consciousness.

I was shocked, feeling as if my whole body had fallen into an ice cellar, and my dreams were shattered...

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