His stop is obviously not as fast as mine!

With a muffled bang, the cloth bag hit one of the coffin fragments and got stuck in it!

I jumped towards the back of the boulder and fell to the ground with a muffled bang.

I calculated the location, and the back of this huge boulder is also very open, so it is easy to escape.

At the same time, I shouted in a low voice: "Lu Su, I can't trust your stick of incense. This place is full of murderous corpses. If you want something, you can find it yourself!"

"Besides, I'm not afraid to tell you that Zhou Jingyi died here and made this place happy. If you can't get something, don't even try to get it again!"

In the blink of an eye, I had already run more than ten meters away.

The place I threw it just now has also been calculated.

It seems that there are coffins piled up there, but in fact, most of the entire sunken place is sewage from Neiming Hall.

If Lu Su wanted to go to pick up the cloth bag, he had to wade into the water.

In this way, he will definitely bump into the murderous corpse in the coffin in the center.

If I threw it directly into the water just now, making it impossible for Lu Su to find it, Lu Su would not go looking for it again when he was furious, but would fight me directly!

My thoughts are fast, and I run even faster.

There was no sound of chasing from behind, so I turned my head and took a look. Out of the corner of my eye, I could barely see Lu Su carefully stepping onto the edge of a broken coffin in the sunken place from where he was standing.

It's just that the coffin was overwhelmed and broke immediately, and Lu Su crashed and fell directly into the sewage.

He cursed and shouted, "Li Yinyang! Just wait for me!"

The echo of anger echoed in the sunken land, and the murderous intent was full!

Of course I dare not wait here.

Whether something will happen to Lu Su is just my guess.

In fact, his skills are far inferior to mine, but I had nothing to deal with just now, and the Asylum of Fate happened to be restrained by the coffin maker.

So I can't fight Lu Su desperately.

Zhou Jingyi forced me to a corner, and I had no choice but to fight him desperately.

Here at Lu Su, I have to protect myself and avoid getting hurt as much as possible.

After I ran for a certain distance, although the dense forest was still cramped, it was far less gloomy than the place where the four golden sands were sunken.

Relying on the fixed compass to determine the bearing, I quickly ran back to the southern position where I was just now.

After returning to the original position, I did not pause, and quickly walked towards the direction Lu Su came from.

Going forward from there, in about half a cup of tea, I came under a rock wall!

Looking up from this place, it is extremely steep and not completely vertical.

In fact, many cliffs are like this. Over the years, after years of tumbling earth dragons and various natural disasters, most of the mountain walls are broken or the mountain is cracked.

It's not sharpened by a knife, how flat is it?

A rope, hidden in the cracks and cliffs and rocks.

The moment I saw it, I was overjoyed.

I pulled up the rope, wrapped it around my hand, and wanted to climb up.

As a result, there was a sharp pain in the position of the arm.

I hissed and gasped in pain.

With trembling hands, he let go of the rope, and turned his head to look over his shoulder.

There was a deep wound there, which was slightly scabbed at first, but now it is overflowing with blood.

Fatigue and pain in the rest of the body

Before Zhou Jingyi wanted to stab me in the mouth, I dodged when I bumped into him, but his dagger stuck in my shoulder.

After so many things happened, my spirit was always tense. By the time it got dark, my shoulders were almost scabbed. In addition, Lu Su's sudden appearance made me have no time to think about my injuries.

In the current situation, how can I climb the tens of meters, or even nearly a hundred meters of cliffs?

I gritted my teeth, and planned to wrap the rope around my arms tighter, and try to climb up by force.

But by a strange coincidence, his shoulders sank again.

My heart skipped a beat, as if I heard the crackling of the golden abacus.

This crackling sound, on the contrary, made my head quiet for a moment.

I recall my needs

Whether it is the ninth line of the first day or the third line of the ninth day, it is waiting

Not only that, I have to wait for my entire fortune telling

The rope I grabbed again was let down by me.

I took a deep breath, looked up at the top of the cliff again, and I didn't force myself to climb.

Instead, I tried to find an open space around me, with a good view from above, and at the same time, I could sit down in a place where I could see other directions.

After stopping and resting for a while, I felt the hunger and thirst in my belly, and the feeling of weakness came in waves.

I cut off a Tang suit and wrapped it around the wound on my shoulder to stop the bleeding.

I lay down on the ground and looked up at the sky.

It seems that in this place, the moon has become much smaller.

In addition to the feeling of weakness, another burst of dullness came from my chest. I felt that my throat was uncomfortable, and my head was even more uncomfortable.

Subconsciously touched the corner of my mouth, my mouth was dry.

Panting, I took out my pocket watch, the back of this silver pocket watch could barely reflect a human face.

I found that my lips were dry and white

The lips are withered and white, because they died of poisoning.

There was corpse poison in that place just now

I struggled and wanted to get up, but I was too weak, and obviously I was starting to get sick and couldn't support my body.

I firmly grasped the long wooden box on my shoulders, and stared at the sky with my eyes wide open. ,

I am not reconciled, let alone believe that I will die here.

Fate cannot abandon me now, but my hexagrams, I have never messed up, will definitely come true!

He Zhi and Dun Kong are still at home, and their danger has not dissipated.

My mother is still in the Xuanhe River Basin outside Hongsong County, and has never been liberated.

The Dou family hasn't paid the price yet.

And Brother Jiang

The thoughts in my head become extra messy, my eyes are about to close

When I was about to lose consciousness, I vaguely saw three people climbing down the steep cliff.

Their speeds were different, and they were wearing Tang suits, clearly Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng.

There is another person with a lean body and a beheading knife on his back!

I grew my mouth, but I couldn't make a sound.

At this time, a sound of surprise echoed in the cliff.


Isn't this excited shout coming from Zhu Xie? !

After that, my consciousness sank completely.

I don't know how long the coma lasted. In short, I was cold and hot for a while.

The whole person was suffering and uncomfortable, as if his whole body was soaked in icy water, and then he was immersed in a hot stove after a while.

I'm still dreaming, I dreamed that a Taoist priest wearing Taoist robes and a high crown was drifting away from me.

I also heard a sinister voice beside me, saying how did being a father teach you your character?

In the end, it seemed to be the voice of Master, sighing softly the word fate.

There are many people around me, and it seems that there is no one.

That feeling, let alone how depressing it is.

Suddenly, I opened my eyes, panting heavily.

At a glance, I saw Jiang Pan sitting beside me.

With ecstasy on his face, he shouted: "Brother Liao! Yin Yang has woken up!"

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