After Liao Cheng took it, he looked down, and his complexion suddenly changed slightly.

"The eyes...face..."

"The portraits are not very similar, but the facial features and the pair of eyes are exactly the same."

"Brother Yinyang, you haven't seen him before, so why do you look like this?"

After receiving Liao Cheng's affirmative answer, my eyes turned red a lot.

Liao Cheng looked up at me at the same time, and my eyes met his.

When we met for the first time, I took one more look at Liao Cheng's face, and he was on guard.

And Liao Cheng was also very careful and didn't look at my face much.

The moment I looked at each other, I continued hoarsely: "Brother Liao, do you look at my eyes familiar?" Liao Cheng concentrated for a moment.

His complexion changed even more!

"One white on the left eye, three whites on the right... like... as if..." His expression was even more stunned, and he looked down at the portrait again, with more guesses in his eyes and more changeable complexion.

Immediately afterwards, Liao Cheng took out a pair of pen, ink and inkstone from his body.

He rubbed the ink quickly, and finally wrote on my piece of paper.

Soon, he edited out a new portrait.

Originally, the face I drew had only blunt facial features and facial bones, which were patchwork and lifeless.

After being edited by Liao Cheng, this face became much younger, and you can see the look.

"I only remember the appearance of many years ago, but he is at most 50 years old, and he can be recognized through the portrait. The senior brother was also considered a person with outstanding talents..."

"Brother" Liao Cheng hesitated to speak.

I was silent for a long time, and then I looked at He Zhi and said, "Phee, take Dun Kong to the room and let him read a book. Brother Liao and I will go back to the house."

"Uncle Xu, Second Uncle and the others still don't know that I'm back. Go and see Second Uncle and talk to him." I'm not avoiding He Zhi and the paper figurine Xu, but I just don't want Dunkong to hear these things. too small.

Furthermore, before I went to Hongsong County, they already knew about my background.

The paper figurine nodded, he turned and left, and He Zhi returned to the room with Dunkong.

I led the way to Di Xianglu, Liao Cheng obviously understood my plan, and he didn't urge me.

After a while, I returned to the Dixiang hut.

Jiang Pan didn't kneel in front of the mourning hall anymore, he walked around in the Dixiang Hut with his hands behind his back, as if he was remembering.

It was only then that I realized that there were already more inscriptions on the blank spiritual tablet.

In the 25th generation of geophysics, there is Mr. Hei Yinyang, the spirit of Jiang Yihong.

On the other side is the unfilial son Jiang Panli.

Obviously, there is still an empty seat next to it, which is the seat reserved for me by Jiang Pan.

Back then, Master asked Liu Tianniu to say his last words to me, only when he was able to bury him with Jiang Pan after he had completed his yin and yang skills.

At this time, I have the protection of fate, and I have already achieved the yin and yang skills mentioned by geologists.

Although it is still far away from the master, the conditions for burying him have already been met.

In addition, I also remembered another thing.

Master said, if one day someone comes to me with a Yin-Yang ruler, I will do a fortune-telling for him.

Subconsciously, I touched the golden ruler on my waist,

I calmed down a little and didn't let my emotions get so irritable and out of control.

I first went to the spiritual tablet, took it down, and carved words on it with a carving knife, "Unfilial Li Yinyang stands."

Just after doing this, I found Jiang Pan standing beside Liao Cheng, who was talking in a low voice.

Obviously, Liao Cheng was talking about what happened in Li's house.

Under the eaves at the other end, Zhu Xie stood respectfully.

Jiang Pan frowned, nodded to me, and said, "Yinyang, sit down and talk about it."

He turned and walked towards the hall.

Jiang Pan gave the impression that he was a little older, calmer, and his emotions were all restrained.

We sat around the wooden table, and Liao Cheng put down the Sanyang Fu and the modified portrait.

I lowered my head and stared at it for a long time before I said, "My mother, her name is Li Huarong. Brother Jiang knows that I am born of a yin, but he doesn't know my background."

"I always thought that I was an ordinary person in the Li family village, and my father saved my life, but until I was 22 years old..."

What I said was extremely detailed, including the matter of my father Liu Shuigui.

And until I found out my mother's background, until I deduced my life experience, I told everything.

Especially when it comes to the outside village of Hongsong County, the man who killed my mother, Mr. Feng Shui of the Dou family, I am more detailed.

Including that I counted Dou's family and buried Dou Kaikai in a murderous place, I didn't hide it.

After saying this, I stared at the portrait and said in a low voice, "Brother Liao, what's his name?"

"Zhou Jingyi." Liao Cheng answered in a low voice with a complicated look on his face.

"Zhou Jingyi..." I murmured in my heart.

Jiang Pan opened his mouth. He frowned and said, "It seems that Zhou Jingyi knew that your mother was pregnant, but deliberately turned a blind eye and let her be sacrificed. He never wanted your mother to live."

"You survived, which really surprised him. He probably didn't expect that a child born to an ordinary woman would become the successor of Geography."

"Yinyang, if I have to say something, don't get angry."

"Okay." I nodded.

Jiang Pan looked at Liao Cheng, and the two of them made eye contact, before he continued: "When you were engrossed in engraving, I had a chat with Brother Liao. He, he should have done a lot of things, but he didn't get what he wanted."

"Often this kind of people are too self-confident and have too high airs. Your mother was just an ordinary girl back then. He should have liked it for a while. In fact, he would only think your mother is humble."

I subconsciously clenched my hands into fists.

Jiang Pan paused for a moment, and then continued: "This is what I deduce his psychology, and he will go to that place, probably because of disputes, why he came to a village inexplicably, and he wants to treat your mother, your mother How could he lose his soul suddenly, even impartially, there is a gentleman in the Dou family."

"That won't be Mr. Feng Shui, it should be Mr. Yin Yang."

"Zhou Jingyi is fighting that Mr., and your mother and Dou Kaikai from the Dou family are most likely victims of their struggle."

"The authorities are obsessed, but the onlookers are clear. Brother Yu can see more, plus what Brother Liao said about Zhou Jingyi's habits, this is indeed very possible."

I clenched my fists even tighter, and my knuckles turned white.

Jiang Pan looked at me again, he obviously hesitated for a moment, and then said: "It is true that he has good yin and yang skills, and his ability to calculate people is simply high-strength, making you think that the talisman is a flaw, but in fact he is calculating your heir."

"Then what is the purpose of him plotting against your heir? Just to kill him? I don't think so, otherwise, after all these years, he would have been able to make Dunkong die unexpectedly."

"He is waiting, waiting for you to find out, and then go to him..."

"It's very are asked to ask him."

"Mr. Yin-Yang, who is a geographer, is his son. I'm afraid this news will shake the entire Yin-Yang world..."

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