What she said immediately made me feel a lot more disgusted.

During the day, she said she was asking someone, but she did it without hesitation.

Probably because she saw that I was not good enough, so she wanted to force me to go over first?

It's just that she didn't expect to be hurt in my hands!

Jiang Pan also showed displeasure.He was about to speak, but Liu Tianqian interrupted him.

"What's the use of capturing that living corpse to take Qingsha?" Liu Tianqian didn't pay any attention to what she said just now.

The woman bowed slightly to salute, and then said: "Zhenshi, this corpse is named Yang Dixian, who used to be a Fengshui master within a hundred miles. He has a close relationship with my master and is the righteous brother of a patriarch. .”

Hearing this, my pupils suddenly constricted.

His eyes subconsciously looked sideways at the temple.

The old monk repaired the grave, and this temple was also passed down from his lineage?

Or was it built later by a Feng Shui master of his lineage?

In this way, the matter of Yang Dixian is indeed their affair, even if there is any problem, it is not something we should intervene

At the same time, Liu Tianqian said again. "Mr. Li, Mr. Xiao Jiang, and Mr. Liao, the three of you have a look to see if she has murdered anyone, and has she ever hurt anyone."

Obviously, the woman looked startled, and she still wanted to speak.

But Liu Tianqian said calmly: "You don't need to be a guest. You caught the murderous corpse, and it has a relationship with you. If you handle it properly, I won't take care of it."

"But if you are harming others because of this, you will leave your life here today."

"After seeing that you are all right, go and call your master. Don't try to run away, because you can't run away."

Although Liu Tianqian's voice was old, it was full of deterrence.

Lao Huang mooed in a low voice, and his flicking tail also made a crackling sound!

The woman's face changed even more, and she took half a step back.

"Liu Daochang, what you said is a bit aggressive." The woman's voice did not finish.

Liu Tianqian frowned, and the horizontal lines on his forehead became several times deeper.

"Noisy." His eyes were even more severe, and all his eyes fell on the woman.

The woman let out a muffled snort, but her body softened and she knelt straight on the ground.

My eyelids twitched slightly.

Immediately remembered the first time I saw Liu Tianniu

Didn't Liu Tianniu give me the same feeling at that time?

There was an indescribable sense of oppression, and his eyes seemed to cut open the depths of his heart.

The woman didn't dare to say any more, she was able to control her body and barely stand still by supporting her crutches.

I, Jiang Pan, Liao Cheng, and the three of us looked at her at the same time.

Soon, I saw her face.

Although this woman looks scheming, mean, and even a bit ruthless.

But she really didn't look like she had killed anyone.

Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng looked at each other, and they both nodded.

For the three of us, many things don't need to be said so clearly. A look or movement can almost be understood.

Jiang Pan said in a deep voice: "Go and invite your master to come over."

The woman stood up disheveledly, supported the crutches and returned to the boat, immediately punted the boat, and headed towards the Qinxing Temple.

I couldn't help but sigh slightly in my heart, it was because Liu Tianqian's methods were tough, and he was also powerful enough to make this woman do what she said.

If not, it would be difficult to deal with them.

It's hard to say whether I came here to invite you to be a guest, or to do something else.

About a quarter of an hour later, the boat came into view again.

Standing in the middle of the boat was a slender old man who was really dressed in sackcloth and had no hair on his head.

"Not ordained, no scars on the head, not a monk." Jiang Pan murmured in a low voice.

But Liao Cheng suddenly said: "Could it be that they are Mr. Yin inherited from the lineage of Mudao Monk?"

Jiang Pan's pupils tightened, nodded and said, "It's possible." I couldn't understand what they were saying.

Mainly, I don't know who the head monk is.

Jiang Pan seemed to see my doubts, and told me that Monk Mu Tao is a rare person in the lineage of Mr. Yinshu who is famous all over the world.

He used to be a Jinshi, and later joined the army. With the method of Fengshui, he did a lot of things that benefited the country and the people.

When he was old, he shaved his hair, cut off all common things, and only devoted himself to practicing Yin art and walking around the world.

Jiang Pan sighed softly, and said: "Among many classics, it is said that the Mu Taoist monk has never left any inheritance, but among the gentlemen, he is the only one who dresses up as a monk."

Only then did I understand and nodded.

During this period, the boat docked again, and the woman and the old man went ashore at the same time.

She didn't dare to approach us, but the monk in sackcloth walked up to us.

He has a gentle smile on his face, especially the two eyebrows that grow beyond the brow bone, looking extremely blessed.

"Riding a scalper and holding a whisk, but you have never worn a high crown, so you are not the elder of the Liu family."

"I don't know how many elders you are."

"Old monk Che Chi, there was a gap between the young disciple and the Taoist priest, and there were misunderstandings with several gentlemen, so I apologized for her."

Che Chi put one hand on his chest and saluted us.

Liu Tiangan didn't answer him, but glanced at us again.

Jiang Pan, Liao Cheng and I looked at Che Chi's face again.

After looking at the car a few more times, it made me stunned.

I don't think so at first glance, but upon closer inspection, I find that he looks a bit like someone I've seen before.

Mr. One Finger, Yang Zhushu!

However, they only have similar eyebrows and facial contours.

Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng took the lead to look away, and they both looked at me.

My gaze was still on Che Chi's face.

Suddenly, Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng also had doubts in their eyes.

Che Chi looked back at me, his eyes full of fish tails were still clear, without the cloudiness of an old man at all.

"It seems that I know this unusual gentleman?" He smiled and asked.

I let out a bad breath and closed my eyes a little.

Because he does not have the appearance of killing people, Wuyue is even better.

Opening my eyes again, I said, "Does the old man know someone, Mr. One Finger, Yang Zhushu?" Che Chi was obviously taken aback, and he said, "Do you know Zhushu?" I could tell from his eyes that Che Chi This is not a temptation, it is really an inquiry.

He is indeed related to Yang Zhushu!

However, he obviously doesn't know the relationship between me and Yang Zhushu.

"I've heard of it." I didn't want to say anything more.

Obviously, Che Chi still wanted to talk, so I turned around and clasped fists with Liu Tianqian, and said in a low voice, "Second Elder, it's okay." Of course, Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng also answered similarly.

Liu Tianqian nodded, looked at Che Chi, and said: "The matter on the mountain is the matter of your teacher, and you have not harmed anyone, so you can go."

"But if the Liu family hears anything else, someone is angry with Yangshan, or other things, I will come to you."

Che Chi shook his head, he saluted slightly again, and said: "If you guys came a little later, I would let the people on the mountain go, but there is indeed something wrong with Yang Dixian's body, he was buried for too long, and has never been buried. Incarnate."

"Following the patriarch's will, we have to think of another way. Also, the particularity of our temple has sucked away the vitality of the mountain. Don't worry, Elder Liu Er, our lineage has never harmed anyone." Liu Tianqian stopped talking.

Che Chi looked at me again and said sincerely: "Sir, can you tell me the whereabouts of the bamboo book? To be honest, he left with another old gentleman in order to become Mr. Yin and Yang, leaving only four severed fingers. Haven't seen him in years."

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