Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 617: Those Who Make Major Events Don't Stick to Small Chapters

Now is obviously not the time to ask more questions.

We have been out for so long, if Jiang Pan wakes up, he will definitely be worried.

After I said a good word, I squatted down and checked the rest of Jia Gongming's body first.

After making sure that there were no other protective items, he carried it on his back.

During this period, Liao Cheng asked for my Huixian gloves and went to pick up the bone longevity bowl.

Zhou Wei carried Jin Yang on his back and walked down the mountain, followed by me.

Liao Cheng followed me, and he glanced at Jia Gongming from time to time, his eyes still vigilant.

As soon as we arrived at the foot of the mountain, there was a large group of Taoist priests in front of us, rushing towards the position up the mountain.

An anxious Jiang Pan followed behind.

After meeting, those Taoist priests panicked and came to help Jin Yang.

More people stared vigilantly at Jia Gongming on my back!

Jiang Pan walked quickly to us, his eyes were filled with astonishment.

"Brother Jiang, the matter is complicated. I'll talk about it later. Go down first. I want to stabilize Jin Yang's energy." Liao Cheng said in a deep voice.Jiang Pan didn't say much immediately, turned around and walked in the direction of Liuyang Taoist Temple.

After we returned to the Taoist temple, Liao Cheng asked Zhou Wei to put Jin Yang on the floor.

Then, he took out a row of silver needles and stabbed Jin Yang in different places on his body.

I noticed that those positions are all about longevity.

Especially the Baoshou Palace for the eyebrows, where four silver needles are pierced in respectively!

Finally, Liao Cheng took out a jade bottle and poured out a black lacquered pill.

After Liao Cheng fed the pill to Jin Yang, Jin Yang's face became more rosy.

He was breathing much more smoothly, and he woke up from a semi-comatose state.

"Take Daoist Jin Yang to take a good rest. He has taken my unique secret medicine and he will recover soon without serious problems."

There was a lot of joy in Zhou Wei's eyes, but he was not grateful. Instead, he looked at Liao Cheng with apprehension, and immediately took Jin Yang away.

The rest of the Taoist priests gradually dispersed and hid in the night.

At this time, after Jiang Pancai saw Jia Gongming, he frowned and said, "Daoist Jin Yang's life was stolen, what happened?"

"It's a long story." Liao Chengxian opened his mouth.Basically, he and Jin Yang were tricked by the Gushou Bowl, and went up the mountain to find Jia Gongming in the middle of the night without consciousness. Fortunately, Zhou Wei and I found out.

After Liao Chengyu finished, I added a few words that he didn't mention.

Jiang Pan's face was very serious, he frowned and said, "So Brother Liao, you gave Jia Gongming the longevity soil of Daoist Jin Yang, and let him steal his life, Yin and Yang, you watched, but didn't stop him?" Jiang Pan These words made me choke for a moment.

Obviously, Jiang Pan's tone was to blame.

But the reason Liao gave was beyond my control.

It's hard for me to say this in front of Jiang Pan.

Liao Cheng replied in a deep voice: "Brother Jiang, I have control, besides, Jia Gongming really cannot die."

Jiang Pan shook his head, but fell silent.

After a long time, he said: "Brother Liao's kindness is appreciated, but life stealing is vicious, you shouldn't risk Jin Yang's life, we can think of other ways."

"There's still Yin and Yang." Jiang Pan suddenly stretched out his hand and said, "I'll use your Acuity-Splitting Golden Ruler."

At first I didn't understand what Jiang Pan meant, so I took out the golden ruler for Tongqiao and handed it to him.

Jiang Pan gripped the ruler tightly.

But he turned around abruptly, and slammed it on the wooden table extremely quickly!

The Gushou bowl was placed on the table by Liao Cheng earlier.

With a click, it was smashed into countless pieces!

Liao Cheng looked shocked, took a step forward, grabbed Jiang Pan's wrist, and growled, "Brother Jiang! What are you doing!" Obviously, he did not stop the success

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Bone Shou Bowl is ruined

This scene shocked me too.

It's just that after the Gushou bowl was shattered, I felt as if the temperature in the hall had heated up a lot.

Jiang Pan didn't break free from his arm, he closed his eyes and said calmly: "Perhaps the Taoist priest who came out of the black will give up less life for the sake of more life.

But sir is different.Now that it's in charge, you can't exchange your life for conditions!If you can't manage it, it's because you are not good at learning, and you should bear the karmic debts yourself, not others. "

"Brother Liao, you are obsessed, and you want to see how life is stolen. Yin and Yang, you are also paranoid. You will think it is good for me. In fact, you are all wrong."

What Jiang Pan said made me startled.

If ordinary people listened this way, they might think Jiang Pan was paranoid and dull.

But if you think about it in detail, most of the travel notes of the geologists of the past dynasties record compassion for the world and people, and do good deeds everywhere.

Sir, if you do great righteousness, you will not ignore small righteousness

Tianyuan and Di have the same name and similar methods, and Jiang Pan is also the son of the master.

His character is more inherited from his master.

If it weren't for this style of behavior, I'm afraid they wouldn't be praised and loved by so many people?

Looking back, Liu Huayan and Liu Tianniu did make moves to get rid of me

While I was thinking, Liao Cheng let go of Jiang Pan's forearm.

He frowned and said: "Brother Jiang, you are too kind, you may not be able to cover everything. If Jia Gongming dies, we don't know how many twists and turns it will take to find that Jia Sheng."

"Besides, I'm sure that Jin Yang will not die."

"If we use the runes on the bone longevity bowl to decipher the weaknesses of longevity stealing, or even counteract them, they will cease to exist!"

Liao Cheng's words were also very serious.

Jiang Pan immediately shook his head, and said: "Throughout the ages, princes and generals wished for longevity, who would not be sure and not be tempted?"

"If we use the method of life-stealing and cannot withstand the temptation, I'm afraid the lives of the common people will be in danger." Jiang Pan's words were even more decisive.

I was afraid that Liao Cheng and Jiang Pan would have a conflict, so I immediately walked between them.

"The Bone Shou Bowl has been destroyed, Brother Jiang, Brother Liao, it's useless to talk more"

"More importantly, we still need to get more information about Jia Sheng from Jia Gongming."

I paused for a while and continued: "He is still the murderer of Mr. Guo, even more powerful than Jia Gongming."

Jiang Pan was silent and did not speak out.

I took a deep breath, and said again: "Brother Jiang, we have to be prepared to deal with it." As soon as I said this, my face suddenly changed.

Because I almost overlooked one thing

That is the hexagram that Master gave Jiang Pan.

As the ninety-two line said, injuring others will bring disaster to oneself and benefit the enemy. A gentleman must keep his heart and not hurt others.

Jia Sheng is Jiang Pan's enemy.

I immediately changed the subject and said, "Brother Jiang, you can't interfere with Jia Sheng's affairs. Brother Liao and I will deal with him."

Jiang Pan frowned.

I squinted my eyes slightly and said nothing more.

Because I think that as long as Jiang Pan thinks more, he will definitely figure it out, or I will explain it to him in private later.

On the contrary, it was Liao Cheng, who was instantly satisfied.

"Brother Yinyang is very reasonable. Brother Jiang, before we have absolute ability, it is contradictory to take care of everyone's life."

"If you make a big deal, don't stick to the small details. This matter is left to me and Brother Yin Yang. We will discuss how to deal with the method of stealing life in the end."

Liao Cheng's words were extremely firm.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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