Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 605 Ruoguan Taoist Priest

I shook my head.

Liao Cheng's eyes also showed astonishment and shock.

Jiang Pan's brows were tightly wrinkled, almost turning into a pimple.

Finally he sighed and said: "Forget it, Yin Yang is also stubborn, brother Yu will thank their mother and daughter again."

As he spoke, Jiang Pan clasped his fists together and bowed to me.

After that, Jiang Pan said the reason for the eight house whips.

There are many sects in the world of yin and yang, and the best among them are Mr. Yin and Yang who came out of black, Taoist priests who came out, and the fairy family who came out on horses.

Then go to the lower part to pick up the corpse, pick up the vagina, carry the coffin, the watchman, make paper, drive the corpse, the witch, the coffin maker, the shaving picker, etc...

Each faction has its own rules for inheritance, but it is always passed on independently, and it is impossible for one person to learn several skills.

After a short pause, Jiang Pan said again: "Of course, it is not without precedent that you should fish the corpse first and then learn Yin-Yang art."

I nodded and didn't interrupt Jiang Pan's words.

He continued: "But there is a faction, very special, they are Taoist priests, Taoist priests punish evil spirits, like the Taoist priests of the Liu family, they travel around the world, eliminating demons and defending the Tao, there are places that the Liu family cannot enter, and they often ask for help from Mr. , like the elder of the Liu family, he has invited my father several times."

"The special Taoist priests I'm talking about are fierce and eccentric, and they are more independent than the Taoist priests of the Liu family."

"In order to get in and out of some special places, they forcibly took the yin art of a Feng Shui master. They practiced yin art and Taoism together, and often entered the haunted grave and haunted house, and then killed the evil corpses and ghosts."

"The eight-house whip is a magic weapon they made. In the haunted house, a whip whips out corpses and scares the soul. This whip is blessed with Taoism, so it becomes an excellent town house and evil spirit."

At this point, Jiang Pan sighed softly, and said: "Ruoguan Taoist priests have almost disappeared, and there are fewer eight house whips in the world. You can get Yin and Yang, which shows your chance. If you keep it in your own hands, you can go in and out some more in the future." Any dangerous place is also of great use."

After listening to this, I nodded, but I just smiled and didn't say anything else.

Liao Cheng clasped his fists together, and he said, "Brother Li, can you tell me where the eight house whips come from, so that Liao can try his luck."

I pondered for a moment, there was no need to hide this matter from Jiang Pan, so I told about the watchman Pan Yu, and his husband, the Taoist priest who dug the grave, and then I rescued Zhu Xie.

As for Liujianshui's feng shui bureau, I didn't say much, but Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng looked shocked.

Liao Cheng's eyelids twitched wildly, and he said, "I can understand that the Liujian Shui Feng Shui Bureau collapsed, and you are safe and sound, brother Li, but the three people you can bring along with you are indeed young heroes born out of heroes."

"Geographers are still geographers after all. At that time, brother Li should have been 22, and he was protected by fate. I don't know how many Mr. Yin and Yang I want to envy..."

My face was slightly stiff, and I immediately understood that Liao Cheng had misunderstood.

Jiang Pan shook his head, and he said in a complicated way: "Brother Liao, during that time, Yin and Yang and I worked together. I am afraid that he has not protected him. It was you and me back then. Not that far."

Immediately, Liao Cheng was at a loss for words, and his brows frowned even tighter, and he said unnaturally: "Without shelter, can you retreat safely?"

For a while, the quiet needle drop could be heard in the house.

After a long time, Jiang Pan raised his hand and patted me on the shoulder. He sighed softly: "Yin Yang, brother Yu also looks at you with admiration. Teacher will be happy when he finds out."

"I'll have something to eat later, and I'll rest early. Tomorrow, we'll have a detailed discussion about the good corpse."

He said, looked at Liao Cheng again, and said: "Brother Liao also brought out those clues. The three of us will discuss together, and we will definitely gain something."

Liao Chen nodded.

I took advantage of the situation and said, "Brother Jiang, I'm not tired, but you pointed out my Mercury acupoint back then, and I should have gained some insight. You can accompany me to the pier to have a look later."

Jiang Pan naturally nodded in agreement, and he got up and went to the side room at the same time.

After a while he came out, followed by his wife Su Yun and daughter Jiang Munu, who brought out a lot of food to eat.

Finally, Su Yun moved out a small table to warm the wine.

During the meal, Jiang Pan asked me some more things about Tang Town, and after I answered them one by one, I also said that He Zhi and I had a son.

Of course, I didn't immediately talk about the hidden disease of escape.

Similarly, I also had a few conversations with Liao Cheng, and what I understood was the zero and positive two gods, which are related to fate and the two-five essence.

Although there are some weak descriptions in geology and geology, the content is too superficial. Liao Fan just said a few words, which made me think deeply and couldn't figure it out.

I can't observe Liao Fan's face, I will be discovered by him, so I can only judge Liao Fan's character from his words and actions.

At least after talking now, this person is intelligent and friendly with Jiang Pan, except for the taboo when I look at his face, the rest of the time is very friendly.

After a meal, all three of them were slightly drunk.

Liao Cheng clasped his fists and said he would not disturb me and Brother Jiang Pan talking about the old days, then got up and went to a room, apparently to rest.

Su Yun and Jiang Munu were clearing the dining table, while Jiang Pan smiled and got up, saying that he would go to the entrance of the town for a walk. He wanted to see me and talk about the Mercury Point, but he wanted to know how far my yin and yang skills were.

Jiang Pan walked ahead, and I followed behind.

As soon as we left the thatched hut, Lao Huang mooed and followed me slowly.

Not long after, we arrived outside Honghe Town and came to the pier.

At this time, the bright moon hangs high, and the water surface of the Red River is sparkling.

A mountain stands in the middle of the Red River in the distance, and the water on the other two sides comes from afar.

Jiang Pan was standing on the edge of the pier with his hands behind his back, the wind was blowing, and the Tang suit fluttered bitterly.

"Yinyang, tell me." Jiang Pan smiled, and his voice was more relaxed.

I closed my eyes, but my eyebrows gradually became depressed.

"Brother Jiang, actually, I didn't come out just to talk about Mercury Point." I let out a foul breath, and my voice became hoarse.

"Oh?" Jiang Pan was slightly surprised and puzzled.

"Brother Jiang, you said everything is fine for you, are you really safe? You look relaxed, but Yin Yang thinks you are not easy." I looked deeply at Jiang Pan.

Jiang Pan and I looked at each other, he suddenly smiled, and said: "Yinyang, you really have a bit of father's unfathomable, only four years to this point, I am relieved for father."

"But you don't have to worry about my affairs, I have my own arrangements." Jiang Pan said in a very serious voice.

I was silent for a moment before I said: "Brothers have nothing to say, Brother Jiang, you are worried about my affairs, and I am worried about yours. It is not a good strategy to be monopolized, and what I want to say today is not what I counted. of."

"It even took me several months to understand this hexagram."

"Master is worried about you, give me advice, your arrangement is also within your destiny, the authorities are confused, but the bystanders are clear."

Jiang Pan's body trembled slightly, and his eye sockets turned red in an instant.

His voice also became extremely hoarse, and he said, "Father, did you even make a divination for me?!"

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