This just gave me a step up.

I also calmed down quite a bit, smiled lightly and said a few words before they left.

Tang Song also asked me in doubt, why are you waiting here?

Could it be that they are really sending guests off?

I calmed down more, so I asked Tang Song if this was the first group of people to leave.

Tang Song immediately nodded and said yes.

I ordered him to send the town's militiamen to seal off all the exit roads, only the town entrance can leave.

Tang Song's complexion tightened, and his expression suddenly became more dignified.

He obviously saw the problem with my attitude, and immediately got away to go to work.

For the rest of the time, Zhu Xun and I have been guarding the entrance of the town.

Time passed bit by bit,

Gradually at noon, more and more guests left. In fact, these people are familiar to me.

I gradually became aware of another problem.

All the guests came in advance. I met, greeted, and talked.

With my current understanding of physiognomy, if there is a person who looks at me near me, he is still very strange, and if he has other purposes for me, I will definitely be able to find him.

Even if it was Guo Tianyu back then, I could tell that he didn't like me even when I wasn't very good at it!

Then this person appears near me, I can't fail to notice it!

I don't even have to worry about whether his yin and yang skills are too deep!

He may even be playing tricks, just to get this point right, to confuse me, and make me feel that he is unfathomable!

There is a [-]% possibility that he never entered Li's house, but just watched me pick up the bride outside...

I thought of another possibility. If he really planned on me like this, I'm afraid he has already left.

If I don't think about it, I plant a seed in my heart.

His yin and yang skills are so superb, even if I guard the entrance, I can't find him, and I can't find him walking in front of me...

After thinking about this clearly, I shivered, and my heart was full of fear.

"Mr. Li, is there a problem?"

Zhu Xun said unnaturally: "It's been a long time, and he hasn't come yet. Did he find us guarding here, or did we not stop him?"

"This person is unusual."

When I came back to my senses, I took out my pocket watch and looked at the time. It was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

I took a deep breath, and Zhu Xun's behavior made me jealous of this person.

Of course, this has nothing to do with my previous performance.

"Wait a little longer, when it gets dark, if we can't wait, we will leave." I said.

Zhu Xun nodded immediately.

The next few hours passed in a blink of an eye, and it was getting dark...

I told Zhu Xun to go to Tang Song and ask Tang Song to dismiss the militiamen and go home, and then wait for me at my second uncle, and tell them by the way that I am doing something serious.

Zhu Xun immediately took the order to leave.

I went back to the Dixiang Lu.

The three boxes at the door are still there, no one has moved them.

I picked up the three special talisman papers and looked down at them.

After standing there for a long time, I moved these boxes into the Dixiang hut, took the talisman papers to the main room, and put them on the wooden table.

I can't stop anyone now, but these talisman papers can also give me some clues.

Geographic geomancy is a collection of most Fengshui techniques, so many talismans are included.

But there are also a considerable number of Mr. Yin and Yang, whose inheritance has not been included in the geology.

If a famous Mr. Yin Yang has a special inheritance, then his famous talisman will definitely be known by his peers.

I just gained a lot of experience through travel notes, but I still don't understand the world of yin and yang today.

But I can rub these talismans and find a way to know their origin!

In this way, I can go straight to the door!

After contemplating on the spot for a while, I made a plan.

Instead of staying in Dixianglu, before leaving, I changed the incense candles in the mourning hall, and then went straight to my second uncle's residence.

When I got there, Zhu Xun was already waiting there.

The second uncle was pacing in the main room, while He Zhi was busy in the courtyard with Bai Qin.

As soon as I entered the yard, my second uncle hurried up to me, he frowned and said, "What's going on?"

Although Zhu Xun didn't come close, he nodded to me. Obviously, he signaled to me that the matter was settled.

I made a decision on the way here, and I can't tell my second uncle and He Zhi about this for the time being.

My hatred is too deep, they know it, it is wrong to persuade me, and it is even more wrong not to persuade me.

I briefly told my second uncle that there were some problems among the guests yesterday. Someone who should not have given the gift gave me a gift that I couldn't afford. I wanted to return it, but I couldn't find anyone.

When I said this, I neither lied to my second uncle nor completely concealed it.

The second uncle frowned even tighter, and he nodded again and again: "It's true, it must be returned, otherwise it will be tainted with cause and effect for nothing. But you didn't find anyone, what should you do?"

The paper figurine Xu also came out from the main room, and he also looked cautious.

I exhaled and shook my head helplessly: "Try to find a way."

"Tang Song should know more. He invited everyone here. Could it be that some unexpected visitor came?" Obviously, the paper figurine Xu looked at the problem from a more tricky angle.He asked the key point in one sentence!

"It is indeed an uninvited guest, but you should be able to find it. There are some clues left behind in the things he sent."

I smiled and said, "Uncle Xu, you don't have to worry, I can take care of myself."

The paper figurine hummed and nodded.

In the main room, Bai Shuangqin called us to eat.

When I entered the room, I first called my aunt, and He Zhi turned sideways to salute me slightly, and called my aunt.

Her cheeks were reddish, and I gently went over to hold her hand, and also called Pheasant.

When the second uncle sat down, he rubbed his face and said, "Shuangqin and I are also married, how can you be like this, and you will get goosebumps when we meet? Yin and Yang are okay, you are in front of us, pheasant, Let’s call it Yin Yang, but it doesn’t matter what you call the boudoir.”

With that said, the second uncle took a sip of his wine.

He Zhi's face turned red immediately, and I was also a little embarrassed.

Bai Shuangqin whispered something to the second uncle and asked the second uncle to go to the kitchen to get things.

Not long after, the second uncle came back, and while eating, Bai Shuangqin said a few more words, basically telling He Zhi not to listen to my second uncle, he is a rough guy and doesn't have so many good words.

He Zhi also chatted with Bai Shuangqin a lot, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

After this meal, my second uncle poured me a lot of wine, which made me feel a little drowsy.

At the end, I was escorted back to Li's house by He Zhi and Zhu Xie.

The next day, I didn't wake up until it was three poles high in the sun.

After I had eaten, He Zhi urged me to go to the dixianglu and let me devote myself to learning art.

I am very grateful for He Zhi's understanding...

Hastily left Li's residence and returned to Dixianglu.

The first thing I did was to make dozens of rubbings of those three talismans!

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