Immediately my face became frozen, master's relic?Tell my fortune? !

Immediately, I didn't want to stay and eat again, and after a few words to He Zhi and my second uncle, I followed Zhu Xun and left.

Back on the street of Dixianglu, I saw a carriage parked in front of the Lumen from a long distance away.

Beside the carriage, there was a coachman waiting respectfully, and there was another man in luxurious clothes, who was pacing back and forth.

When I got close, the man looked up at me with a surprised expression.

My pupils constricted a bit.

Because this person's face is very weird!

His cheekbones are full, high and round, not explicit or sharp.

And neither low nor scattered, clear eyes, straight and sharp nose bridge, the ground pavilion has a morning, and the Yintang is as clean as a mirror.

It would have been a good look.

The main career is successful, especially in middle age, the power is in your hands!

His luxurious clothes at this time also just showed this point. His family background is very good, and he happened to be 50 or [-] years old, and his age was also the most suitable for his appearance.

But on the basis of this face, he has three points and six cuts...

Three points and six cuts are bound to be poor!

These two faces were particularly in conflict.

"You are Li Yinyang, Mr. Li? My name is Zhou Xingzu, and I am from Hongyuan County. I heard that Mr. Jiang passed away some time ago, but when Mr. Jiang helped the Zhou family, he said that if the Zhou family was not in danger of being overthrown, they should not come to Tang Town again. I came to find you..." Zhou Xingzu was extremely nervous, and he immediately felt something.

It was a jade tablet with the word Jiang engraved on it.

This vigorous handwriting is no different from the handwriting I have seen Master.

After I took the jade token, I put it in my pocket and said in a deep voice, "Come in."

Stepping into the Xianglu, Zhou Xingzu immediately followed me.

After entering the courtyard, I went to the main room, and Zhou Xingzu first went to worship in front of my master's mourning hall devoutly, and then followed me to the main room.

Zhu Xun didn't come over, but waited in front of the gate of Di Xiang's house.

Obviously, Zhou Xingzu wanted to say a lot, and he was hesitating all the time, ready to speak.

"What do you want?" I narrowed my eyes slightly and said in a deep voice.

I didn't ask him how he got the jade plaque. I was sure it was Master's handwriting, so I had to take care of this matter.

"Family! I count family!" Zhou Xingzu said immediately.

He just told me that about 30 years ago, the Zhou family was originally a small family in Hongyuan County. Abandoned the ancestral grave, changed the destiny.

In the past 30 years, the family business has been thriving!Even two years ago, he became the deputy magistrate of Hongyuan County.

It's just that Mr. Jiang also said back then that the Zhou family will face a catastrophe in half a year. At that time, the Zhou family can come back to the Xianglu with a token. If he is still there, he will deal with the disaster. His disciples fortune-telling.

Sure enough, just after 30 years, something happened to the Zhou family.

A document in the provincial capital said that he had abused his personal power to benefit the family, and he had first dismissed his position.

There was also a problem with the Zhou family's business, and people were killed. Seeing that the family was about to undergo a major change, he hurried to the Xianglu with the tokens of the year.

After Zhou Xingzu spoke, he became even more nervous seeing my expression.

I nodded, in fact, while he was talking, I had been observing his face.

It is similar to what he said, the change of the Zhou family's family situation is towards the direction of ruin, and his three-pointed and six-cutting is also about to be poor. If this cannot be reversed, then he will soon be a poor person.

And when I looked at his face carefully, I also found some details.

It is his seemingly round and raised cheekbones, which seem a bit dilapidated.

"Before fortune-telling helps you, I need to know what exactly happened to your Zhou family. You sit still and don't move. I want to touch the bones." I said in a deep voice.

Zhou Xingzu quickly sat up straight.

I covered Zhou Xingzu's cheeks with both hands, and pressed his cheekbones.

The moment I touched it, I knew what the problem was!

Zhou Xingzu's cheekbones are sunken!

This kind of depression is an abnormal change of the bones. There is only one possibility that the cheekbones will be concave, and the feng shui of the ancestral grave has changed!

My pupils constricted, and my heart was horrified.

What Zhou Xingzu said just now is that the master ordered the Zhou family's grave. Could it be that he had calculated that the grave could only protect the Zhou family for 30 years?

Soon, I dismissed the idea.

If the feng shui of the ancestral tomb is ruined and the oil is exhausted, it will not be a sudden change in his face. He will not have the basic appearance of a powerful person. This is a manifestation of the destruction of the ancestral tomb.

"The ancestral grave of the Zhou family sits in the east-west direction. Have you visited the ancestral grave recently?" I said in a deep voice.

Zhou Xingzu was startled, and he murmured: "Mr. Li is amazing, how do you know where my ancestral grave sits...Mr. Jiang said this little thing?"

I replied calmly, saying let him answer my question.

Zhou Xingzu told me carefully that some time ago they went to the ancestral grave because a junior in the Zhou family had an accident and buried the ancestral grave.

I asked Zhou Xingzu again, is there any sign of dilapidation in the ancestral grave?

Zhou Xingzu immediately shook his head. He said that after burying the younger generation, he also paid homage to the ancestors.

I frowned, and then said: "There must be changes in the Zhou family's ancestral grave, which will change your appearance, and break the Zhou family's feng shui, will make you three-pointed and six-faced."

"After you go to see it, find the damaged part of the ancestral tomb, make it up, and come to me again." After I finished speaking, I stood up.

Although Zhou Xingzu was stunned, he still nodded respectfully, saying that he understood.

I made a gesture of invitation, which is regarded as seeing off the guests.

As a result, as soon as we arrived at the gate of Dixiang's hut, Zhu Xie pushed open the gate of the courtyard, and on the other side of the road, there was a fast horse rushing towards us.

Zhou Xingzu showed surprise on his face, and murmured: "I am a member of the Zhou family."

The next moment, the fast horse came in front of him, turned over and got off a servant, he hurried to Zhou Xingzu, and said in a little panic: "Patriarch, something happened in the clan... something happened to the young master..."

"Hurry up, how decent! Speak carefully!" Zhou Xingzu glared at the servant and said sternly.

But obviously, he couldn't suppress the uneasiness in his eyes.

The servant said: "Today is the first seven days of the young lady. The young master went to worship, but found that the grave of the young lady had been dug up, and the bones had disappeared. He was so anxious that when he went down the mountain, the horse was frightened again and threw him off." Come down, when I came out, the young master had just been sent to a foreigner's hospital for emergency treatment, I don't know if he can survive..."

Zhou Xingzu's face changed drastically, he suddenly covered his chest, and took a few trembling steps back.

Zhu Xie's eyes were sharp and his hands were quick, and he supported him, so Zhou Xingzu didn't fall down.

At this moment, the servant said uncomfortably: "When I was leaving the city, I saw someone posted a notice on the city wall, saying that a group of people from Hongyuan County have recently come to dig graves, and they don't steal anything else. Stealing women's corpses..."

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