I knew something was going to happen to Pan Yu, but I didn't know what would happen to him at first, and how his death would be fulfilled!

But the moment I saw the white shadow, I realized that I was negligent and missed a little bit!

I always thought that Pan Yu was going to die in the water, to be drowned!

What was overlooked was the sunspots in his ears, which often caused water shocks!

His overall appearance should be that he was first shocked by the water and then drowned!

This water shock... is coming!

Shiro Shadow is a short dwarf.

Or a dwarf, or rather a water ghoul with almost no hair, it has lost almost all of its hair, leaving only pale skin.

It came suddenly and swiftly, and it was too close to Pan Yu. Pan Yu was so focused on me that he didn't notice it at all.

By the time he reacted and wanted to wave the gong in fear, it was too late.

The Baishui ghoul, with both hands and feet, was completely clasped on top of Pan Yu's head!

Its strength is astonishing, Pan Yu is like an upside-down onion, pulled by this huge force from the other side of the giant tree, and fell into the hanging river...

The sound of plopping water, after he entered the water, he was quickly pulled into the bottom of the water...

The gurgling water splashed up with blood.

Immediately afterwards, there was another swishing sound, and dozens of water ghouls sprang out from behind. They passed through the giant tree, and dragged all those people lighting candles into the hanging river!

The last blue-black female corpse was thrown by four water ghouls and rolled into the river!

Zhu Xun let out a low growl, and pulled out the beheading knife just as the female corpse fell into the water.

He looked at the river surface in shock, and the paper figurine Xu was also terrified.

All this didn't stop. Many fine heads appeared on the surface of the water, half of their heads were exposed, and they gradually surrounded our raised Jiangxinzhou...

My heart was full of chills.

These water ghouls pounced on Pan Yu, and didn't want to let us go? !

With a whoosh, a water ghoul rushed out of the water!

In the end, it didn't jump at me, nor did it jump at Zhu Xie, but went straight to the paper figurine Xu!

Zhu Xun suddenly raised the beheading knife, raised the knife in his hand and dropped it, a huge head flew up, followed by the rest of the water ghouls rushing out!

Their purpose is all paper figurines.

The paper figurine Xu felt a piece of steel wire out in shock, and he was about to do it.

The thoughts in my mind are coming to an extreme.

In an instant, I thought of the reason!

Water ghouls live by eating corpses, and they will choose other things when there is no corpse to eat.

The Hanging River poured into a tributary and submerged Jiangxin Island. These people lit candles and the appearance of this female corpse attracted these water ghouls!

The Baishui ghoul killed Pan Yu first, and it was also for the corpse!

Now they are attacking the paper figurine Xu, also because the paper figurine Xu has green corpse skin on his body, they treat the paper figurine Xu as a corpse and food!

"Uncle Xu! Miss He's body skin, don't want it! Take it off and throw it into the water!"

I growled, and Zhu Xun had already beheaded countless water ghouls.

The paper figurine Xu's body trembled, and his eyes widened in astonishment.

The eyes are full of reluctance and suffering!

"Take it off! They eat corpses! They treat you like a green corpse! There are too many water ghouls that have been attracted here. If the one from just now comes up again, we won't be able to stop it!" I yelled again anxiously .

In the same way, I took out the golden ruler and swung it forward violently, just hitting a water ghoul on the head.

Amidst the muffled and cracking sounds, the water ghoul fell heavily into the water.

The paper figurine Xu's lips were almost bleeding from biting, he grabbed Mrs. He's paper skin with one hand, and tore it off!

Then, he threw it viciously towards the distant water!

In an instant, those water ghouls who attacked him, as if they had seen bloody beasts, swam towards He Niangzi's Zhizapi at high speed.

Some water ghouls even fought and bit them on the spot.

My body was trembling, my heart was beating wildly, pounding, almost popping out of my throat...

The sky above the few floating giant trees was empty.

On the surface of the quiet water, it was full of blood floating...

Pan Yu is the only one who can bleed...

After not going ashore for such a long time, and being caught in the head by the white water ghoul again, he is dead.

Not only will he die, but he will not even be able to cheat his corpse into a ghost, because he will be eaten until only his bones remain!

Zhu Xun didn't withdraw his knife, but was still staring at the water surface vigilantly and terrified.

The paper figurine Xu was trembling extremely, but his arm was hanging down feebly, staring blankly at the corpse of Mrs. He in the distance, with more torment in his eyes.

I was breathing heavily, and I still didn't dare to relax my vigilance.

Those normal water ghouls were still fighting, and no one could get close to the skin first, but a white shadow suddenly jumped out of the water, grabbed the skin, and submerged again...

In a blink of an eye, I also saw a huge head dangling from the mouth of the white water ghoul...

With the disappearance of the body of the river lady, those water ghouls stopped fighting, some of them submerged in the water, and some turned their heads to look at us, and began to sink into the water...

After being vigilant for another quarter of an hour, my tense nerves finally collapsed, and I sat tremblingly and fell to the ground.

The paper figurine Xu also sat down in embarrassment, but he was in tears, and the muddy tears fell down his face.

The dark clouds gradually dissipated...

As the clouds parted, the sun shone down on the three of us.

What the rest of my life brings is not joy, but to me, it is an irrepressible fear...

Pan Yu died a miserable death.

But just a little bit, we will die in his hands...

For the first time, I feel that there is not that much difference between the upper third class and the lower nine class?

Or is it that Pan Yu is already the top watchman in the fourth-rate bang, and I am still a low-level Mr. Yin-Yang, even though I have mastered geomancy, I have never been black? !

"Who?!" Zhu Xun suddenly growled, looking to the right.

I almost became a frightened bird, looking in that direction in awe.

Behind a rock, half of the head was exposed.

It was the corpse hunter Gouju who was so frightened that his face was like gold paper, and also trembling unceasingly...

He left us before and chose to go up this section of the Jiangxinzhou Mountains alone, and he did go ashore before us.

He has been hiding here, watching what happened just now.

Zhu Xun's eyes showed anger, disgust, and strong murderous intent, and he walked directly towards Gouju.

The beheading knife in his hand dragged on the ground, making a hissing sound, and even shot out a few sparks.

The dog dodged back in great fear, and dodged to a position further behind the rock.

He knelt down with a thud: "Don't... don't kill me... I just don't want to die, I'm not as capable as you guys... I just don't want to die... I can take you out on a boat... Please ,Do not kill me!"

"Mr. Li, your lord has a lot of people. Mr. Jiang doesn't like to kill people, he doesn't like to kill people!" Gou Ju looked at me, and his head hit the ground with muffled noises.

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