Patriarch Zhu's reaction catered to my guess, and I didn't look good.

It's easy to come to pick up the vagina, but the corpse is gone, so what kind of vagina is there to be picked up?

The butler hurriedly went to help Patriarch Zhu up.

Master Zhu pursed his lips, staring into the coffin, his face became paler.

I felt uncomfortable in my heart. Without a corpse, I couldn’t receive Yin.

But who will move the corpse?

My eyes were fixed on the floor of the coffin without wandering, and my forehead was sweating again, and I felt a little worry in my heart.

In fact, before I agreed to come to pick up the Yin, I heard what Huang Qi said, and what Zhu Guang and Zhu Butler said on the way, and I basically judged that the pregnant woman drowned accidentally, and there was no resentment.

Because, any drowned corpse that died in the water with resentment cannot be picked up by ordinary people directly, they must be picked up.

If they can salvage it, it means that the body is fine...

But now the body is gone, so is there really nothing wrong with it?

There are only two possibilities now, either the corpse has disintegrated, or someone from the Zhu family has moved the corpse...

At this moment, the pannier on my back suddenly trembled twice.

I immediately put down the pan, and after opening it, the old chicken jumped out with a snort and landed on the dark coffin board.

It flapped its wings twice, and the chicken head looked around vigilantly.

This scene also shocked Patriarch Zhu and the butler.

I took a light breath and explained: "Don't worry, this chicken can deal with the mother and child, the corpse is gone, there should be something wrong."

Master Zhu's face became even paler. He moved his eyes away from the old chicken and looked at me again, his voice hoarse and disturbed: "Then how can we get the body back... Li Yinpo, do you have a solution? Or I have to ask for it. Mr. came back? It’s just that after Mr. Hu told me about picking up Yinpo, he said he was going out for a while, I don’t know if he left or not.”

Hearing Mr. Zhu's mention again, my heart skipped a beat. My father will wait for Mr. to deal with it so that he can be buried.

Before coming here, I knew from Huang Qi's mouth that Zhu's family had invited a husband, and even picked up the Yin-in-law who asked him to find him.

If I can meet my husband, maybe I can take him to Lijiacun without the ghost woman contacting me?

A thought flashed across my mind, and I squinted my eyes slightly to answer, he can also find the husband, and I will also find the corpse, so this matter must be done properly.

The head of the Zhu family nodded repeatedly, and he immediately turned to the side to explain a few words to Butler Zhu, and then told me that the gentleman has a high status, so he has to go in person, and if I have anything, I can directly ask Butler Zhu to do it.

After finishing speaking, Patriarch Zhu hurriedly walked out of the backyard.

I calmed down and put all the extra thoughts behind me, and my attention was still on the old chicken.

At this moment, it has gone from the head of the coffin to the tail of the coffin.

Then it suddenly jumped down from the coffin and walked towards a room in the yard.

I slowly followed behind it and walked forward together.

After a while, when we arrived at the door of the room, the old chicken suddenly flapped its wings, and the clucking sound was particularly sharp!

My heart trembled.

Is the dead body in this room?In this way, there is no need for Master Zhu to invite Mr. Zhu, and someone can call him back quickly.

While thinking, I raised my hand and stepped forward, pushing the door open!

Amidst the creaking sound, the door was opened, and he stepped directly into the door.

It was a black shadow that hit head-on!

I was too close, and the black shadow came too suddenly, so I didn't see it clearly.

Butler Zhu behind him let out a terrified roar, almost frightened out of his wits!

With a bang, the black shadow hit me hard.

That deadly feeling made my arm ache.

Frightened, I staggered out of the room.

That black shadow was hanging under the eaves of the door, and only then did I see it turned out to be a corpse!

He was dressed in servant clothes similar to Steward Zhu's, his neck was tied with a hemp rope, his neck was strangled into purple, his eyes were wide open, obviously he was dying.

And he stuck out half of his tongue, looking like a hanged ghost!

The corpse was still swaying slightly under the eaves, with both hands and feet vertical, and it was extremely penetrating...

Where is the corpse of a pregnant woman? It is clearly a male corpse!

And looking at the corpse, I don't know if it's a hallucination or what, I always feel that the corpse's face moves, as if it's dying and struggling in pain.

"He's dead... The trouble caused death..." Butler Zhu sat slumped on the ground, his eyes were loose, obviously frightened out of his wits, his face was full of fear.

At this moment, the old chicken suddenly got in through the door.

With a chill in my heart, I quickly walked into the room and passed the body of the corpse. The coldness made me even more flustered.

The light in the room was very dark, and the old chicken stopped in the center, looking straight at the south wall.

I also looked over, and at a glance, there was a woman leaning against the wall, but this woman was obviously much younger, and she was also dressed as a servant... Her eyes were closed tightly, and her complexion was also pale.

My heart sank, and my face changed even more suddenly. Not one died, but two?

At her age, with a flat stomach that was curled up, she was even less likely to be a pregnant woman.

My heart sank even more... and I can be sure that the Zhu family's wife, the Zhu family's wife, definitely did not drown normally.

But suddenly, the body of the woman leaning against the wall trembled.

My pupils constricted, and I took a step back immediately.

But after trembling, she struggled to open her eyes.

I can clearly see the fear in her eyes, but these eyes are clearly those of a normal person, are they not dead?

When she looked at me, her body trembled visibly and nervously, and she clenched against the wall, obviously frightened.

My eyelids twitched slightly, and I breathed a sigh of relief. One less person died, and the mother and son Sha would be less fierce.

If she kills two people, I'm afraid I will have to go home.

Obviously, the woman was so frightened that she didn't dare to make a sound, and shrank further and further into the wall in extreme horror.

I took a deep breath and told her in a deep voice that I am not a dead person, I am the Yin woman who came to Zhu's house to help, she is fine now, so don't be afraid.

After I finished speaking, I first called out to Butler Zhu outside, and said in a few words that there was someone inside and asked him to help him out.

Immediately afterwards, I looked up at the corpse hanging on the eaves of the door, and after thinking for a while, I took out the dagger from the shady wooden box, used the box as a cushion, stepped on it, and cut the hemp rope .

With a muffled bang, the body fell down and rolled down the door of the house.

Butler Zhu barely ran to the door of the house. He looked into the house, and his face suddenly changed.

He shouted in panic, "Miss?"

My face suddenly changed, and the hand holding the dagger was even tighter.

Miss?Master Zhu's daughter?

I suddenly turned my head and stared at the woman at the base of the wall, just as she was looking at me too.

The moment their eyes met, she quickly lowered her head again, her expression still terrified.

Butler Zhu helped the woman up, and hurried out of the room.

During this period, Steward Zhu whispered a few words to the woman.

When they stopped in the courtyard, the woman kept saying thank you to me, thanking me for saving her life.

In a few words, I knew that this Miss Zhu's name was Zhu Yunyun.

She also gave a general account of what happened.

When it was just dark, she came to the backyard to offer incense, but saw the coffin opened, and her mother's body disappeared in the coffin.

When she was about to call for help, she heard someone shouting for help from inside the room. She ran to open the door, just in time to see the servant struggling on the hemp rope.

At that time, she was frightened and wanted to help, but suddenly her mother appeared behind her and strangled her to death.

After speaking, Zhu Yunyun was about to cry.

She covered her mouth and said what evil did her mother do, she died in a good manner, with a big belly, and she wanted to make a fuss. .

I was also shocked when I heard it.

But among them, there are also many unspeakable weirdness.

The most important point is that when transforming evil spirits into murderous corpses to harm others, the first to kill is the murderer who killed himself, and then the murderer's family will be affected, and then the murderer will be harmed indiscriminately.

Mrs. Zhu's family turned evil into trouble, killed her servant, and wanted to strangle her daughter to death. Could it be that they are the murderers?Did Madam Zhu die with resentment?

The abnormal thing is here, can there be a murderous corpse, kill one, and keep one?

Just when I was thinking about it in doubt, Zhu Yunyun suddenly asked again with a sob, and said: "Grandma Li, my mother turned into a ghost and caused trouble, and even killed someone, she must not be allowed to stay, right? If the body is found, will she be driven out of her wits?"

"There are a hundred and ten people in the Zhu family, and they can't be killed anymore. You have to help with this."

Zhu Yunyun's words made me narrow my eyes even more.

My eyes fell on Zhu Yunyun's neck, and then I raised my hand to touch her neck.

Zhu Yunyun was obviously taken aback, and she dodged back a bit, not letting me touch her.

Butler Zhu also looked puzzled, and asked me what I was doing?

I let out a breath and said: "I was strangled by the dead man, grabbed my ankle, and the dead man was so strong that no one helped me, so I strangled to death right away. No matter how bad it is, my hands and feet are black and blue, Miss Zhu, are you sure you are going to die?" Did your mother strangle your neck?"

In my words, I did not hide my doubts.

Instinctively, I felt that Zhu Yunyun was a little abnormal.

Because there is another crucial point.

When we were at the Meng family, Meng Qiu refused to let us beat her daughter to death.

Even Miss Meng's family will be killed by killing techniques, it is more likely that she got the chicken tail feathers from the female fetus on her body.

The poison of a tiger does not eat its offspring, and the poison of a human is unbearable.

Only a mortal enmity can make Miss Meng kill her father and mother.

Human nature is common.

Ms. Zhu said that she saw her mother killing people, she was almost killed herself, and wanted me to break her mother's soul.

But she didn't show any signs of being strangled by the dead, so she was obviously lying...

The dead are the most important, especially her own mother. What kind of enmity do they have that makes Miss Zhu not even let the dead go?Want to frame someone to kill her?

More importantly, she lied and was strangled by a dead man. Was the servant who was hanged really killed by Mrs. Zhu? !

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