Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 570: Sunspots in the ears often cause water shocks!

It's just hard for me to imagine that Pan Yu is so fierce?The sound of the gong made the green corpse paper unbearable?

Obviously, the thing that hit the Taoist priest with the surname Chu just now should also hit the paper figurine Xu.

It caused the paper figurine in the green corpse skin to be bumped. Obviously, it was at least fiercer than Mrs. He, but it was broken by Pan Yu

Isn't his method more fierce than a Taoist priest? !

It's hard for me to understand, and the fact that the paper figurine Xu was arrested makes me even more anxious.

I lowered my head and racked my brains to think of countermeasures

Soon, those people picked up the paper figurine Xu and pulled him to Pan Yu.

Everyone looked at the paper figurine Xu with resentment and chill.

Especially He Dongming, he even raised his hand, and slapped the paper figurine Xu's face twice.

The crisp sound echoed in the forest.

The paper figurine Xu didn't agree with the contract. Instead, he looked at Pan Yu and said coldly: "A frightening gong kills the watchman for three years. I only heard it once in Jiuhe County. I can listen to it."

"You are willing and decisive. But you can only knock out the evil spirits for a quarter of an hour. Is it worth it?"

Pan Yu's expression was only gloomy and cold, and he said lightly: "Three years of life, it's better than being killed here by you just now, a quarter of an hour is enough to get you out. Tell me, where is Li Yinyang, I will give you You are a whole corpse."

"Otherwise I'll peel your skin, make you into a lantern, and carry you to vigil every day."

The paper figurine Xu suddenly laughed, and his laughter was hoarse: "Yin Yang is naturally in a safe place, and I won't let you find it!"

"And you are dead, Mister Yin, I see how they can get out alive except you!"

The next time he spoke, the paper figurine Xu's tone became more stern.

Pan Yu raised his hand, grabbed the paper figurine Xu's neck, pushed him hard, and hit the tree trunk next to him.

The paper figurine Xu Mingming snorted in pain, but he didn't show any signs of begging for mercy, instead he smiled grimly.

"Pan Yu, quarter of an hour, it's over half, I want to see it, wait for another quarter of an hour, when things here come out, how many times can you knock the panic gong, and, whether you kill me or not, I'm wearing The green corpse skin, I will kill you!"

"To tell you the truth, I have a lot of grudges with you. I dragged you here to die together today, but it made me vent my anger!" Pan Yu's face became more gloomy.

The people next to him were even more at a loss. As for He Dongming, he was also sweating profusely.

My hands were moist and sticky, the wooden thorns pierced my palms, and the blood kept flowing.

In the conversation between the paper figurine Xu and them, I heard a lot of information.

No wonder the watchman's gong had such a fierce effect, the Yinpo's killing technique hurts the soul and life, it belongs to killing one thousand enemies, and self-damaging eight hundred, and the life technique is ten years of life.

The watchman can make the green corpse immobilized for a quarter of an hour, which is his most costly move

But, now that the paper figurines allow this situation, how can I break the situation? !

I almost racked my brains, and there was a throbbing pain in my head.

Eyes wide open, I stared at the tree, thinking of what the paper figurine Xu said, and what happened just now

I thought of a way, maybe if I can't control it well, they will die together, but it is also the last way to keep the paper figurine Xu

If I don't go out now, the paper figurine will definitely die!

At this moment, He Dongming looked at Pan Yu, and he said, "Master Pan, it's useless to keep him. This old guy has a hard mouth and a lot of resentment. Kill him and cut off his head. I'll put a talisman on it again. Let's leave this place first, don't wait for him to become a murderous corpse to settle accounts with us after he dies." Everyone else nodded in agreement.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Pan Yu hummed, and suddenly a person behind him took out a large guillotine and walked forward.

I didn't hesitate anymore, I arched my body, and got out of the bushes directly.

I narrowed my eyes slightly and growled, "Stop!"

Suddenly, those people in front of them all turned their heads and looked over.

He Dongming looked shocked, and followed closely, but was surprised again!

Pan Yu was surprised, but he licked the corner of his mouth and said, "Oh? Li Yinyang? You came out by yourself?!"

Paper figurine Xu stared at me blankly, his eyes widened, he was not emotional at first, but now he became extremely anxious.

He even stomped his feet fiercely, and said in a trembling voice: "Yin Yang, you are confused!"

"My old life, if I die, I will die! You are so confused!"

"Old man, shut up!" He Dongming slapped the paper figurine again with his backhand!

On the face of the paper figurine Xu, the five-finger palm print was drawn out immediately!

The paper figurine Xu raised his leg suddenly, and kicked He Dongming hard in the waist.

With a scream, He Dongming was kicked directly onto a grave behind him, curling up into a shrimp in pain!

The rest of the people were paying attention to me, but they didn't realize that the paper figurine made a move.

In the next moment, four or five people kicked and punched Xu Bian at the paper figurine.

The paper figurine Xu was old after all, and these blows seemed too much for him, and he began to curl up on the ground.

"Don't touch Uncle Xu again. Since I came out, I just want to talk to you. If you hurt Uncle Xu's life, no one can leave alive today." I stared at Pan Yu, squinted my eyes slightly, and said Said in one sentence.

"What qualifications do you have to talk to me? If you come out, you will be a prisoner."

Pan Yu glanced at me indifferently, and said coldly, "Take Li Yinyang down!"

Immediately, three people were separated from his subordinates and walked towards me.

I narrowed my eyes slightly and said, "It's been half an hour, and half of it has passed, and now you have only caught me and Uncle Xu, and got the parchment, what else can you do?"

"Mr. Yinjutsu died, can you understand that picture?"

"Dig the grave, you want a treasure, I'm not afraid to tell you, there is absolutely what you want in the tomb of the murderous corpse here."

"I also placed Zhu Xun in another hole. If Uncle Xu and I can't go back, he will break that hole, and this place will collapse, and the main stream of the hanging river will pour into it. Die here!" I spoke very fast, without showing any timidity.

But nothing I say is true

He Dongming got up from the ground tremblingly. He spat out a mouthful of blood, but looked at me in surprise.

Pan Yu's face became extremely gloomy.

He suddenly said: "Li Yinyang, can you do such a trick? Die together? I don't believe it." I still stared at Pan Yu's face, and my pupils constricted suddenly.

I didn't see his face very clearly just now, but now I look carefully and clearly.

There are red lines and blue veins above his age, the master drowned!

There is a mole between the ears.

As the saying goes, sunspots in the ears often attract water shocks!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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