After I finished speaking, I ignored the Taoist priest and continued to carve wooden figures.

Time passed bit by bit, and I made about six wooden figures, which were inserted in the tombs at different positions. These positions are all close to the positions that must pass through the central cave.

God, it's getting dark.

Paper figurine Xu arranged everything and stood by the Taoist priest's side.

The Taoist priest was trembling all the time and was extremely disturbed.

I walked up to him and looked at the paper figurine Xu again.

The paper figurine Xu had doubts in his eyes, and said: "Yin and Yang, I also don't understand, the paper is tied in a dark place, if you use him to attract them, those people will come closer, and then use the paper tie to take them down through feng shui."

"But you have prepared so many arrangements in the bright side, what if they are too scared to get close?"

I took out the parchment, and said in a deep voice: "Put the parchment on the bright side, and they will definitely come in to get the parchment. Our arrangement will definitely work."

"If this fails to restrain them, Uncle Xu, take the parchment away."

"I'll hide nearby. After you come out, Uncle Xu, we'll go back to the life plane together, and then lead them there and fight them hard."

Immediately, the paper figurine showed a look of horror.

He squinted his eyes slightly, and murmured: "It's no accident to use this thing to attract. It mainly depends on the watchman Pan Yu, and the rest of the people have no evidence! Consume him here."

I nodded, that's what I meant.

The Taoist's eyes were even more frightened, he gritted his teeth and cursed: "What a sinister and cunning villain! You are simply shameless!"

I replied flatly: "It's better than you killing people without blinking an eye. Taoists are all doing justice for the sky, and you are the scum among them."

"If it's possible, I really want Daoist Liu to deal with you. Now it seems that I can only hand you over to the law afterwards."

"You..." The Taoist priest looked stern and raised his foot, intending to kick my lower body.

Without hesitation, I raised my hand and grabbed his jaw.

With a skillful wrong hand, I pinched his lower jaw out of its socket again.

"I wanted to just keep your mouth shut, but you don't know the current affairs, so you simply lost your jaw and can't talk nonsense."

After saying that, I wrapped the remaining rope around the tree trunk, and tied the Taoist priest next to the tree burl head.

I gave the parchment to the paper figurine Xu, who tied it with a piece of steel wire and hung it in mid-air in front of the Taoist priest.

The sky is getting darker and darker, and the mottled light spots between the tree shadows are about to disappear.

The Taoist priest was bound to a tree trunk, staring at us viciously.

The paper figurine Xu's eyes became more vigilant, and he said: "It's almost dark, you should hide, they also had people following us before, counting the distance to go back, they will come here almost soon."

After saying that, the paper figurine clung to the tree and disappeared from my sight in two or three strokes.

I didn't stay where I was, and left the center of the hole from the west.

But I didn't go too far, and stopped at about 20 meters.

There was a deep bush here, and I went straight into the bush.

The Taoist priest was bound in front of me, he couldn't turn his head back, so naturally he couldn't see where I was hiding.

It was too gloomy in the bushes, so I put the golden ruler close to my chest, and the feeling was better.

I chose a suitable angle to lie down, from here, I can just see where we came from.

As I expected, after He Dongming and his group arrived here, they could easily reach the outer edge through the marks deliberately left by Zhu Xie.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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And to get to the center of the hole, it must take them longer than us. If they go to the wrong place, they may have to be damaged.

Time passed bit by bit.

In the completely silent forest, the branches and leaves of the originally dark green and black trees were completely as black as ink.

Logically speaking, the sun can't shine in, but the strange thing is that the moonlight can penetrate a lot.

The shadowy trees look like people with teeth and claws, and the shadows are extraordinarily long.

Looming, there is still a lot of fog in the center of the hole.

Waiting quietly, I almost merged with the entire claustrophobic environment, and I could even hear my heartbeat and breathing.

the night is getting deeper

After waiting for too long, my neck became stiff and my body became numb.

Suddenly, in the sparse forest in the hole, a shadow fell from above, and it happened to land on a grave!

My eyelids twitched wildly, and my heart trembled!

That shadow was nothing else, it was a paper pierced man!

But the paper pricked man just landed on the wooden man on the tomb and remained motionless.

Uncle Xu's arrangement?Or did something go wrong?

The sound of "crashing, clattering, clattering" sounded one after another, and five paper bundles fell from other directions at the same time, and they all fell on the grave where I placed the wooden figure by coincidence.

I have more doubts in my heart, but now it is impossible to go into the hole again.

It's already dark, if I go in, I will be targeted!

Just at this moment, the sound of chaotic and hurried footsteps came from a distance.

Also, I heard voices.

"Li Yinyang is really cunning, he came up with such a way."

"Master Pan, don't just knock him to death. He has the yin and yang technique of geography. If we can get it, it won't be a long trip." The voice obviously belonged to He Dongming.

I looked in the direction of the sound.

Sure enough, there were a lot of people at the location where we came.

The distance is very far, and I am about 20 meters away from the forest of the hole.

The center of the entire hole also has a range of 30 meters.

With an interval of 60 to [-] meters, and the light was dim, I could only see rough figures.

The few people in the front could probably be recognized by their size as He Dongming, Mr. Yinjutsu who was traveling with him, and another short person.

There were dense figures in the back, but those people in the back were holding torches in their hands, which made me see a lot more clearly.

There are more people following them than those who came to Xianglu that night!

It can be seen that they are indeed testing me in the local Xianglu!

Looking carefully, I saw the short man clearly. He really had gongs and gongs hanging around his waist, and thin white cloth strips wrapped around his forearms and calves, but I still couldn't see what he looked like, but I It can be confirmed that he is the watchman!

At this moment, everyone stopped almost at the same time.

He Dongming suddenly shouted in surprise and uncertainty: "Chu Daochang?!"

Immediately afterwards, there was another surprise voice from behind: "Parchment!"

The thin and tall Mr. Yinjutsu said in a low voice: "Be careful, this place is the acupuncture point here, the geomantic omen here is very strange, have you seen those graves? There is a paper maker on the grave, and the paper maker It’s clear that you’ve set us up.”

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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