The person who was entangled in the paper tie obviously had a look of fear in his eyes, and it was clear that he didn't want to do it!

With a bang, his fist hit the bridge of the nose of another person firmly. The person let out a scream and fell limply to the ground.

Suddenly there was a scream from the crowd: "Damn it! Human skin!"

"Mr. He, there is a paper maker here!"

There was a sudden panic in the arena, as more than a dozen black shadows entered the arena, and almost every shadow paper was aimed at one person!

Even though those people had some skills, they were no match for Sombra.

Although I didn't see where the paper figurine was, I was still determined!

Although these people are rumored to be powerful, they are always targeting ordinary people. For us, they must not be so "vicious".

He Dongming's face was horrified, and sweat was protruding from his forehead.

The Taoist priest with a dislocated wrist suddenly raised his other hand, he pulled up his waist whisk, and swung his head at me!

"Take three blows with the whisk, and the Taoist will hang himself!"

His spell does not have the awe-inspiring righteousness of the Taoist priests of the Liu family, but instead has a strange sense of neither righteousness nor evil.

The other Mr. Yinjutsu quickly backed off with He Dongming.

Both of them took out the talisman paper and the compass in their hands, and rushed into the crowd!

The group of people also reacted immediately, and everyone formed a circle, preventing the black shadow paper from invading it.

The paper bundles quickly formed a surrounding circle, like vicious ghosts, staring at them all around!

I didn't lose my mind in the slightest, and the golden ruler in my hand was drawn directly between the Taoist's eyebrows!

At the same time, the other hand pulled out the divination knife and directly blocked Fuchen!

Having seen Liu Huadao, Liu Huayan, and even Liu Tianniu's skills, this Taoist didn't feel oppressive at all.

Even though he has good skills, he didn't put any pressure on me to retreat.

At any rate, I have also learned the methods of picking up corpses for more than 20 years, so it is not impossible to deal with him as a corpse in the water!

In an instant, the whisk was drawn directly on the divination knife!

The dust thread is broken inch by inch!Fall apart!

The golden ruler to open the orifice will also hit the Taoist priest's eyebrows.

He looked shocked, but suddenly raised his leg and stepped towards my chest!

My reaction was always a little slow.

He kicked me in the chest with a bang!

A huge force made my chest tight, and I spit out a mouthful of blood, and I was kicked into the courtyard!

The next moment, the Taoist stepped forward suddenly and directly entered the courtyard!

He had already thrown down the broken fly whisk, and with the intact hand, he held the dislocated one, and with a fierce slap, he connected it abruptly!

His face became extremely fierce at this time.

Quickly drew out six mahogany swords from his waist, and held three of them between his fingers!

There are mottled bloodstains on this mahogany sword, giving people a strong sense of heart palpitations!

And the Taoist priest's eyes were wide open, bloodshot from his eyeballs at this moment, he looked extraordinarily grim.

I suddenly stood up, gripping the divination knife and Tongqiao Fenjin ruler tightly.

The Taoist priest folded his hands in front of his chest, his eyes were slightly squinted, and his eyes were particularly sinister.

"Kaisai ghost road will forever cut off all evils! The magic sword will destroy ghosts and ghosts!" The spell was swift, and he swung his arms violently!

Those six bloody mahogany swords flew towards me suddenly!

This speed, this fierce method, shocked me even more.

I now know that my attitude of belittling them just now is completely wrong...

A Taoist priest who can kill people for money, they can still chase and kill Zhu Xie here, definitely not weak!

At least He Zhi and I may not be Zhu Xi's opponents, but these people have the means to persecute Zhu Xi!

In an instant, the mahogany sword approached me.

I used Tongqiao to divide the golden ruler to hit two flying, and the divination knife cut a peach wood sword that hit my vital point directly.

But there was a sharp pain in the right calf, and a sharp pain in the left arm.

The remaining three mahogany swords pierced into me!

I was panting heavily, and there were still bursts of heart-wrenching itching in the injured area, mixed with pain, which made my forehead sweat profusely.

The Taoist sneered, and said: "A young Mr. Yin and Yang is lucky enough to have Mr. Jiang inherit the mantle. Don't put your tail between your legs. You will come out when your methods are so sophisticated that no one dares to touch you. You still have to be with us. Show off your prestige in front of you!"

"A self-righteous person like you, we killed more than one!"

The Taoist stepped forward.

Just at this moment, there was a low growling cow mooing sound.

The kicking sound was accompanied by a thick tremor.

A yellow bull shadow rushed out from the dark corner under the courtyard wall.

With a bang, he bumped into the Taoist at an angle!

The Taoist screamed and flew out like a broken sack.

Just at that moment.

A blue-black shadow quietly appeared outside the courtyard gate.

This is obviously He Niangzi's paper tie!

Miss He's paper-bound arms suddenly opened, and the Taoist slammed into her arms!

The next moment, Mrs. He's paper-wrapped arms wrapped around the Taoist priest's neck!

Under the rapid tightening, the Taoist priest's face flushed.

The corner of his mouth was still bleeding, it was obvious that Lao Huang's impact just now had caused him internal injuries!

In just a few seconds, the Taoist priest's face became pale and bloodless again.

He was still struggling, but now his limbs were limply hanging down.

His head also drooped, his lips turned black and purple, it was obvious that he had been poisoned by Mrs. He's corpse, and had passed out.

Lao Huang kicked the cow's hoof, flicked his tail, and slapped the cow on the back.

It mooed, and turned back to the shadow of the courtyard wall.

I gasped twice, resisting the pain in my arms and calves and walked outside.

The mahogany sword was pierced into the flesh, and if I moved it, the pain would be more excruciating, but I dare not pull it out now, because I would lose blood quickly.

In an instant, I walked outside the courtyard gate.

At this time, the battle situation showed a one-sided trend.

The black shadow paper had already dispersed the group of people, but it did not hurt He Dongming and Mr. Yinshu.

What He Dongming held in his hand was actually a tiger-head gossip mirror!

The Mr. Yin Art is holding a pale white whip.

When the black shadows approached them, either they were hit by the tiger-head gossip mirror, and one part directly festered, or they were pierced through by the whip!

At this moment, someone in the group growled, "There is something strange on the top of the head!"

Immediately, someone swung a knife and slashed upwards!

Although they didn't cut the steel wire, they made the black shadow paper tie a lot messy.

He Dongming roared, "Withdraw!"

Mrs. He's paper tie quickly approached He Dongming and Mr. Yinshu.

Mr. Yinshu even whipped his whip down, directly hitting the top of Mrs. He's head!

There was a chirping sound, even if the green corpse paper was pierced, it was damaged, and there was a burn mark!

But it wasn't cut off directly like Sombra.

My eyelids twitched wildly, staring at the tiger-head gossip mirror in He Dongming's hand, I already understood that this kind of mirror is like a compass, there is not only one.

They dug graves many times, and naturally collected many good objects in their hands.

In an instant, the rest of the people escaped from the shadows under the cover of He Dongming and Mr. Yinshu.

Those two people had the tiger-head gossip mirror and the white whip, and He Niangzi's paper bundle was also floating in the air, the steel wire looming, but it didn't come forward.

I know that the scope of the paper figurine Xu Gangsi's arrangement is not large enough, and he is also in the dark, so he can't attack that far.

After He Dongming escaped for a certain distance, he said sadly: "What a Mr. Li, we will remember this episode! But you are nothing more than that. If you don't avenge this revenge, I, He Dongming, will have no face to mess with the world of Yin and Yang again." !"

After saying that, they retreated directly and quickly disappeared at the end of the night road.

But I faintly felt that there was still a needle-like feeling, which seemed to come from the dark, as if someone was staring at me.

And Lady He's paper bundle also slowly retreated in front of me.

It's like the paper figurine Xu also discovered something, and Mrs. Yonghe is protecting me...

[The author has something to say]

Today's update is over, thank you for your votes, thank you for still supporting me, Lao Luo loves you.

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