Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 549 One Head, Two Years of Life

He Zhi paused, her eyes were full of surprise, she obviously didn't notice anyone behind us!

My face suddenly changed, and I turned around immediately.

There is an old tree on the right side outside the courtyard gate, and there is a person standing next to the trunk!

The man was wearing a dark red and black cloth, sleeveless below the shoulders, and his exposed arms were extraordinarily strong, with sharp muscles.

There was a wooden board across his back, and after a second look, he realized that it was a wide and long wooden box.

As for the waist, there are two black cloth bags hanging.

The cloth bag is round and round, and I don't know what it contains.

He Zhi and I looked at him, and he also came out from under the tree and walked slowly in front of us.

Seeing his face clearly, my pupils constricted.

His eyes are extremely bloodshot, the whites of the eyes can be seen around the pupils, and the cheekbones are protruding!

This is murder!

There are horizontal flesh on both sides of the cheeks, the expression is gloomy, and there are blue veins protruding everywhere on the face!

This is cruel and merciless!

As for his short brows, protruding browbones, and a ruthless face

If only one of these three qualities is involved, it is easy to commit murder. If all three are in place, if there is a disagreement, the killer will be ruthless.

Coupled with the broken gong he spoke just now, I am afraid that the number of people who died at his hands is unknown.

Love comes from the heart, this person is extremely difficult to deal with.

"Who are you?" He Zhi asked vigilantly.

My eyelids kept twitching, and I took a step forward, blocking He Zhi behind me.

I clasped my fists together, and said in a deep voice, "Your Excellency, what is your surname, and the place where you come to Xianglu?"

He suddenly looked me up and down, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Jiang never told you, who am I?"

There was obvious haze and dissatisfaction in his eyes.

I was startled, this person has too much murderous intent, and the murderous appearance is too clear, once the mood is unstable, it will be difficult to parry.

I faintly took half a step back, and I became more vigilant.

"Is your Excellency a friend of Master, or something else? If your Excellency is not kind, Li," I said cautiously, my tone was not too modest.

But before I finished speaking, he tore off the two black cloth bags hanging from his waist and threw them directly at my feet.

In the dull sound, it was like two pieces of meat had fallen to the ground.

"My surname is Zhu, and I'm single-named executioner. I'm here to save my life."

Zhu Xun's tone was obviously less aggressive.

It's just that he said he wanted to survive, but it also made my pupils constrict!

I looked at his face carefully again.

Sure enough, I found something wrong. Above his short eyebrows, the eyebrows began to fall off from the middle, and there was also a thin depression in the middle of the seal, and his ears were withered and yellow.

Eyebrows are the palace of longevity, Yintang is life, and ears are yellow, it means that the kidney water is not nourishing life, and it is easy to suffer from kidney failure and heart failure!

Eyebrows and ears are short-lived faces, while Yintang is a sudden death face.

"Go a few steps to the door." I raised my finger and pointed to the door of Xianglu.

Without saying a word, Zhu Xun turned around and walked towards the door of Di Xiang's cottage.

I noticed that he was leaning slightly, with his head slightly forward of his feet.

In the overall personality, this is called the roe-shaped rat jump!

The three short-lived phases represent catastrophe in life and easy death!

But that kind of appearance is easy to change, pay attention to the recent changes, and cooperate with the change of appearance, basically I can handle it.

But this roe-shaped rat jumping up represents the overall fate.

From birth, he was doomed to have a short and short life, and his life was only fifty years old.

Zhu Xun turned his head, and his eyes met mine again.

At this moment, He Zhi suddenly screamed, and she threw it forward!

A bulging cloth bag was thrown away by her.

Zhu Xun frowned, stepped forward, reached out with his hand, and caught the cloth bag.

Only then did I notice that He Zhi was opening the cloth bag to look inside.

"Dead Head" He Zhi bit his lower lip tightly.

Obviously she was suddenly frightened

My eyelids also jumped wildly, and I immediately reached out to support He Zhi's shoulder.

Not to mention that He Zhi was suddenly frightened, even if it was me, it would not be much better.

Staring at the other cloth bag under my feet, my forehead was slightly sweating, and then I looked at Zhu Xie.

Where is someone hanging two heads around their necks.

He also threw the head directly at my feet? !

In fact, I was still thinking just now, he said to live, and threw me something, the cloth bag should be the reward

Zhu Xie's brows were also furrowed, and the black eyes in Sibai's eyes shrank even more.

"Mr. Jiang, did you leave suddenly?" Zhu Xie's expression became more complicated, and his coldness disappeared completely.

I nodded.

Zhu Xun sat on the ground in a daze, and he put the bag in front of him again.

"No wonder you don't know, I have an agreement with Mr. Jiang, if the head of an extremely vicious or extremely kind person is beheaded, it will be preserved and sent to the Dixianglu."

"Mr. Jiang is very happy. He will tell my fortune and let me live for a while."

"I am an executioner." My face changed again.

Zhu Xun's words immediately enlightened me!

A moment ago, I didn't think of this.

Master's travel notes gave me a preconceived notion that he only collected the heads of murderous corpses.

Unexpectedly, he would even send someone to give him his head.

And the executioner specialized in beheading for execution on the execution ground, no wonder he had so many murderous faces on his face.

A murderer will be punished by the gods, how can he live a long life?

Only now do I feel that if Master hadn't extended his life, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to live today.

He Zhi looked at me uneasily.

My thoughts raced quickly, and I took another deep breath before I said, "One head, how long will Master prolong your life?" In fact, when I asked this question, I didn't know what to do.

Because I only changed my appearance briefly, and temporarily lost my short-lived appearance.

If I really want to let a person who is not destined to live longer live longer, I don't know how to do it for the time being.

But he sent something, and it's Master's business, so I will definitely do it.

"One head, two years of life. I come here once every two years. It's hard to meet a good and evil head, but Mr. Jiang said that if I can put down the beheading knife one day, he will try his best to let me live as long as possible and ensure that I die well. .”

Zhu Xun raised his head again, his voice was even hoarse, but he didn't look at me with so much trust in his eyes.

"Two heads, four years to live and die well," I murmured in a low voice.

I exhaled heavily, and I said in a deep voice, "You can go to the courtyard and wait for me. I have one more thing to deal with. After I come back, I will touch your bones to see how you can change your life. Master promises to you." , I will definitely do it.”

Zhu Xun raised his head again, he turned and walked into the house, not touching the cloth bag in front of him again.

I gave He Zhi a look to tell her to wait for me, and picked up two cloth bags respectively.

After I entered the yard, I put them under the eaves on one side.

As for Zhu Xun, he knelt in front of the mourning hall, motionless.

I said no more, turned around and left.

On the way to the second uncle's residence with He Zhi, He Zhi still whispered that there is something wrong with Zhu Xun's appointment, how can a normal person keep walking with two heads hanging, doesn't he have nightmares?

I smiled wryly, Zhu Xie is an executioner, how could he be afraid of human heads?

At this moment, He Zhi suddenly turned his head to look at me, and said, "Yin Yang, he probably won't lie to you, right?"

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