Immediately, the pointer of the fixed compass turned even more fiercely!

There was a strong coldness and depression from behind, as if there was a "person" standing behind me

My eyelids jumped wildly, I took two steps forward suddenly, and finally turned around quickly.

This way, I can distance myself from the haste of my hands.

But what I saw was none other than Hu Guang.

At this time, Hu Guang was wearing a rag, which was very small and looked like an old woman's. His back was sloppy, as if he couldn't straighten up because of his age.

Especially that face, with drooping eyelids, looks more like an old man.

Hu Guang folded his arms together and hid his hands in his sleeves, staring at me bleakly.

It's a completely different person from the daytime!

"What are you asking? What are you stealing? Or are you a little boy, are you here to steal someone?!"

"I just saw that dead woman come in!" Hu Guang's eyes became sharper and his tone became more fierce.

My face suddenly changed.

The words "Hu Guang" seemed to be scolding sharply, but what he scolded had its roots!

The word "stealing people" is the root cause!

At this time, Hu Guang was bumped into, or was bumped into by his mother, did Hu Guang's mother know about his wife? !

The next moment, "Hu Guang" approached me, his eyelids raised a lot, and he looked at me even more sternly.

I put my hand into my pocket along the way, and touched a piece of evil spirit talisman.

In a blink of an eye, "Hu Guang" came up to me, and the sleeves he was holding together suddenly let go, and he swung his right hand towards my face.

"I'll slap you to death, you little boy, for stealing a woman!" She scolded sharply.

I raised my hand suddenly, and with a slap of the Suppressing Evil Talisman, it hit "Hu Guang" on the forehead!

"Hu Guang" stared very wide, but his hand didn't reach my face, and he froze in place, foaming at the mouth!

Then, he fell backwards, slammed, and fell heavily to the ground.

I took a deep breath, I have been bumped into for a long time, Hu Guang is too weak at this level.

I took out the compass again, and I looked down, the pointer was a little weaker, and it returned to its previous appearance.

I reached out again and turned around towards the house in the courtyard. When I was on the right side, the speed of the pointer accelerated.

I strode straight to the right.

When I got to the door, I stretched out my hand and pushed the door, but the door didn't even open.

My face changed slightly, and I pushed the door hard again!The door still didn't move at all, as if it had a valve inside.

"Ms. Hu's family, don't act recklessly! Otherwise, you will be doomed!" I yelled in surprise.

I'm afraid that Zhao Tan is also in the room, if she kills Zhao Tan, this matter will be very difficult.

Lifting my leg, I kicked the middle door hard, and the force of the rebound made my legs and feet numb.

Immediately turned around and scanned the courtyard, I wanted to find something to hit the door.

I didn't find a suitable object at first glance, but found a sneaky person standing at the gate of the courtyard, looking at me.

"Who?! Come out!" I shouted again in amazement.

The man took two steps forward, still looking extremely fearful.

But he looks familiar, he is one of the townspeople during the day.

"Mr. Li, I live across the street. I saw what happened just now, do you want to help?" The townsman's forehead was covered with sweat, and he obviously said boldly.

I frowned first, then glanced at the door, and said in a deep voice, "Come here, knock the door open together, quick!"

The man shook his shoulders, visibly more courageous.

"Mr. Li, I can do it alone." He walked quickly to my side, clenched his hands into fists, bent his forearms, and his arms were facing the door of the room.

The townsman was obviously a laborer, and he was of enormous size.

He took a deep breath, gathered all his energy, and slammed into it suddenly!

With a muffled bang, the door was knocked open by him!

To say it was knocked open, it would be better to say that a door was broken

He staggered and fell into the house with the broken door.

I saw the inside of the house at a glance, but everything I saw gave me a chill in my heart.

There was a bed against the wall, and there was a woman with a big belly lying on the bed, but she was naked.

Not only that, but several holes appeared on her face, as if the previous spots had completely rotted away.

Similarly, her body has a lot of ulcers.

The air was filled with the stench of rot, and even I couldn't stand the smell.

The townsman struggled to get up on the ground, retching non-stop.

It happened that he also looked up, and suddenly his face changed drastically, he let out a terrified roar, and rushed out of the house almost rolling and crawling.

"Little Mr. Li Hu Guang his dead wife!"

The townsman was terrified and quickly hid behind me, not daring to run to the gate of the yard.

I stared fixedly at Hu Guang's wife, and my complexion became more cloudy and uncertain.

Because I still found something wrong

The living corpse has a mouthful of resentment, and the chest and abdomen still pant.

At this time, Mrs. Hu Guang's chest was completely motionless!

But as long as there is breath, she will not fester so badly, she is still in good condition during the day, except for the scars, at least she looks like a human


I frowned and stepped forward.

A fearful voice came: "Mr. Li, please don't"

I ignored the townsman and went straight into the house. Instead of covering my nose, I breathed through my mouth, so at least I couldn't smell the rotten smell.

When I got to the bed, I stared at the body of Hu Guang's wife.

She did die, but her neck was completely broken.

The cut flesh also revealed some bluish-purple "things", like trachea and blood vessels

The entire bed was soaked in black and red blood!

Especially on her head and face, fluff was growing.

These fluffs are deep black, with a hint of blood!

I saw her hand hanging by the bed, holding a dagger tightly

I immediately understood that Mrs. Hu Guang cut her own neck? !

She is not dying, but dying!The dead breath has become a broken corpse, and it has to be transformed into evil spirits!

The complexion suddenly changed, I quickly took out a Suppressing Evil Talisman, and slapped her on the forehead!

There was a whistling sound, and a puff of white smoke burst out from her head, the fluffs not only did not decrease, but increased, even piercing through the talisman paper, and the whole talisman paper quickly turned black

I was horrified, she was so fierce!

It's just that the blood of Heisha is so powerful that even the Suppressing Evil Talisman can't stop it? !

I quickly took out the rest of the evil-suppressing talismans, most of which were shot on top of her head.

As a result, more white smoke grew from her head, but she was still not subdued.

I quickly took out another talisman, this is the evil spirit talisman carved out of the woodcut by Thunderbolt!

The reason why it is the Suppressing Evil Talisman, not the Hekui Corpse Severing Talisman, is because I still have to catch Yin.

If He Kui's Corpse Slaying Talisman directly destroys her soul, it will be a crime.

Seeing that the evil-suppressing talisman is useless, I sweat even more on my forehead.

The position of the calf suddenly felt a slight touch.

Like a little kid patted my calf

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