Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 536 You killed him to do justice for the heavens

In this way, the Dou family will definitely be in a panic!

The more people get entangled in this matter, the more they will disperse, and they may even get into trouble with the coffin bearer!

Wang Gang almost killed me, and they must retaliate. Instead of being retaliated by means or besieged by me, I might as well directly pull them into this karma.

I am alone and weak, and if the Dou family is dispersed, it will also give me more opportunities.

At this point in my thoughts, I asked those men to open the coffin, and I put Dou Kaikai's body in again.

Simply seal the coffin with nails, and I let them carry the coffin and follow me.

Although I don't know the horoscope of Dou Kaikai's birth date, so I can't infer the year of immortal life, but some places with bad geomantic omen can fit without the year of immortal life.

After going around Huaili Village, I found a suitable mountain.

It was a barren low mountain, and in front of the mountain there was a forked water flow hanging from the river, the water flow was fast and not stable at all.

In Fengshui, this is an unlucky mountain, and there is an ancient saying: "The bright halls of the dragon's cave are all evil, and they will never prosper!"

The consequences of this simple evil mountain will gradually ruin the family business.

But it won't kill people because of Feng Shui, it's just what I need.

I found the hole where the wind and energy are stored, and ordered those men to dig the grave.

Dig a golden well three meters deep, and then bury the coffin in it.

Finally, I carved a line of words on the top of the coffin with a carving knife.

Another good grave bag was erected, and I left with these men.

The sun is already very big and strong, shining on my body, while giving me warmth, I also feel that my body is gradually not so cold.

After two days, the yang energy has finally recovered a lot, and the yin energy on my body is not so heavy...

After returning to the pier, one of the men led me to the village chief's house, while the rest dispersed.

When I arrived at the village chief's house, the village chief's wife cooked meals for me. After I finished eating, she arranged for me to rest.

I was indeed exhausted, and after going to sleep, I felt much better.

It was almost afternoon when I woke up, and when I got up and entered the main room, I saw that the village chief had already woken up, sitting on a chair with an awkward expression.

Looking at me, he was about to stand up.

I raised my hand in a blocking motion.

"I'll ask the village chief to cooperate with the matter of these two days. I will draw some pictures. You can arrange for people to repair the house and let the villagers move in. It should bring a lot of wealth to your village." I said in a deep voice.

The village chief immediately showed surprise and nodded gratefully.

I sat on the other side of the wooden table, took out a ground pen, Tiangan inkstone, and used hemp paper to simply draw five pictures of Yangzhai that attract money.

And I led the village chief to walk around Huaili Village, and gave him a few places where he could build a house.

Along the way, many villagers followed to see. The village chief said a few words and leaked the news. The villagers who followed were also very excited, and they all talked about me, saying they didn't know my husband's name and where did he come from?

After the house was located, I asked the village chief to prepare a fast horse for me, and I was leaving Huaili Village.

The village chief wanted to keep the guests, but there was a faint uneasiness in his eyes. In the end, he said nothing and went to prepare a fast horse for me.

Around three or four o'clock in the afternoon, he got the horses ready.

I left Huaili Village straight away, and didn't go to see Old Man Li's house, nor did I go to the thatched cottage again, which only added to my sadness.

On the way, I stopped several times.

Because Yang Qi recovered more and more, I felt an uncontrollable palpitation in my heart.

Every time I stop, I look back...

Leaving the talisman did not affect my mood at the moment.

On the contrary, it's the way I started my business with Dou, which makes me feel a little bit regretful now...

After all, he is very pitiful, at least he still wants to marry my mother in the end, and he is sincere.

First of all, there is no other way, I only have his corpse to use, which can influence the Dou family and make the Dou family come to me.

Secondly... I was sucked into Yang Qi. Although I was alone and could still control my thoughts, the collision of Yin Qi made me feel a lot harder...

This Yin Qi is a hidden danger...

Last time I was drawn away by Liu Tianniu, but Wu Xianchang made it up for me.

I have to think of a way to dissipate this Yin Qi again.

Or, is there a way to completely dissipate it, or suppress it? !

Otherwise, I think it will bring me big trouble in the future...

For eighty miles, the carriage is slow, but riding a horse is fast.

When it was getting dark, I returned to Jiuhe County.

It was only three days before we left.

As soon as I entered the county seat, I walked along the road towards Funeral Street.

When I entered the street and arrived at the paper shop, I was stunned for a moment, thinking that I had gone to the wrong place...

Because the door of the Zhizha shop was opened wide, and two red lanterns were rarely hung on the door, as if there was a happy event.

Inside the shop, there are still a lot of gift boxes piled up.

With a whimper, I stopped the horse.

Inside the shop were two men dressed as servants, counting things.

After I got off the horse, the two men just turned to look at me.

I recognized one of them. I met him at the Huo family. He was a servant of the Huo family.

The man shouted in surprise: "Mr. Li?" He hurried over to meet me.

I frowned and asked them what happened?How could you count things at the paper shop, the paper figurine Xu, and my second uncle Liu Guishou?

I was also puzzled, because I didn't see the carriage given to us by the Qiang people in front of the shop.

This means that He Zhi is not here...

Before I asked He Zhi and the others to come back to Jiuhe County, what happened? !

I thought very quickly, but the servant immediately answered me: "Mr. Li, you have done a great job with a clever plan! These things are all sent by shopkeepers or business families in Jiuhe County!"

"The head of the family moved to a new house yesterday. The paper figurines Mr. Xu, Mr. Liu Guishou, Miss He Zhi and the corpse hunter have all been taken over now."

I frowned even tighter, and said, "New house? Patriarch Huo is making such a big show, you have to be careful about Tang Quan..."

Before I finished speaking, the servant burst into a smile and said: "The afternoon before yesterday, Tang Quan escaped, probably they thought Jiuhe County was too strange, and someone was plotting against him, even his subordinate Mr. They were all hit by the trick, Tang Quan led his men and horses, and left the camp directly."

"When I left, I even pulled out the door plaque... The Patriarch encouraged me a little, and everyone in the county knew that you were the one who dealt with Tang Quan! No, these things are all gifts for you!"

The servant pointed to the inside of the shop again, and then said: "I will lead you to the new house."

This news really shocked me.

I thought I needed to think about Tang Quan's matter.

Unexpectedly, he was actually scared away? !

I took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Don't go to the new house yet, you follow me outside the Huo family's mansion. Since Tang Quan has left, he has to deal with some things, and he can't really let him die."

The servant was taken aback and asked me what I meant?

I shook my head and said: "The Huo family's mansion has a plaque of the Tang Mansion installed. It's not that you can get rid of Fengshui by tearing down the plaque and running away. No matter how far he runs, he can't escape the eaves evil."

The servant was stunned. He lowered his head and thought for a moment, then raised his head in confusion and said, "Mr. Li, what do you mean, you want to let him die? But Tang Quan did all kinds of evil. He died because of those people in Jiuhe County who were bullied by him." To do something you dream of, if you kill him, you are doing justice for the heavens!"

[The author has something to say]

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