Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 527 What the hell are you?so fierce?

The coldness is getting heavier and heavier, and my head is between clarity and drowsiness.

What I want to do most at this moment is to let the soul of this murderous corpse fly away!

I knew that this was the effect of Yin Qi flooding my body, which made me unable to control the ruthlessness.

But in the same way, if it wasn't for this yin energy, I would definitely be at the mercy of this murderous corpse's head, or even be killed by that water ghoul...

Obviously, with such a fierce spirit, he must have killed more than just one life!

It's just that apart from the killing technique, I really don't have the means to directly sever the soul of the murderous corpse.

The scene of Liu Huadao drawing amulets at the beginning swirled in my mind, and I took out the Heavenly Stem Inkstone and Earthly Branch Brush.

The strange thing is that the fixed compass, the gossip tiger head mirror, and the Tongqiao sub-golden ruler will make me unable to grasp it when the yin is extremely heavy, and even hurt my hands.

But Tiangan Inkstone and Dizhi Brush did not contradict me.

I quietly grind the ink with the inkstone.

During this period, from time to time I looked down at the head.

It was silent and motionless.

Even if it is a murderous corpse head, it cannot jump up out of thin air if it cannot bump into a "person".

Vaguely, I noticed that the coldness in the room had become much less, and what seemed to be a wave of fear permeated the room.

The rustling sound came from the house again, and I turned my head to look.

In front of the bedroom door, there is actually a person stuck...

That person is the old woman I met during the day!

She should be my mother's mother. At this time, her face was extremely terrified, and the bags under her eyes were drooping extremely low. She knelt down tremblingly and kowtowed to me...

The old woman is already paralyzed, how can she move? !

This vicious corpse was aware of my intentions, it didn't want to lose its soul, so it bumped into the old woman again and begged me!

I just glanced at her, quickly dipped some ink in the inkstone with a pen on the ground, and pointed directly at the forehead of the head!

The old woman suddenly screamed, and she rushed towards me fiercely!

I frowned, and the speed of drawing symbols suddenly increased a lot.

When my mind is clear and there are no people around me who make me emotional, I find that I can control my thoughts.

Only then did I realize that this Yin Qi didn't make me lose control, it just made it difficult for me to control my emotions.

For example, there was Liu Huayan by my side before, she wanted to kill me, and Wu Xianchang, he and I had a blood feud, I couldn't control myself, and wanted their lives!

But in the final analysis, those are also my extreme emotions, and they all come from myself...

Now I don't attack the old women because I think they are pitiful and hateful.

If I hadn't treated my mother the way I did back then, I wouldn't have been so indifferent to them, and they might not have ended up like this.

I was very calm towards them, and when I was so calm that the only hatred left was pity and indifference, I no longer wanted to kill.

I have drawn half of the Hekui Corpse Slaying Talisman!

The old woman stood upright in front of me.

The "stunned" look in her eyes is gradually dissipating.

That head is bleeding from the seven orifices...

I squinted my eyes slightly, and my heartbeat accelerated a lot.

Directly use the ground pen to draw the talisman on the head of this murderous corpse, it really works!

In addition to the bleeding from the seven orifices, there is also a line of blood spreading down from the top of the head, as if to split the head from the middle!

I want to draw symbols faster.

Suddenly, the old woman's mouth squirmed and made a slight sound.

"Let him go..." It wasn't a man's voice, let alone the old woman's voice, but a young female voice...

My heart trembled, and I murmured: "Mom?" The movements of my hands froze immediately, I drew half of the talisman, and I stopped...

Whose head is this, my mother will let me let him go?

Just when I couldn't restrain my thoughts, the old woman turned her head blankly, turned and entered the room.

I immediately put down the ground pen and quickly followed in.

The old woman lay on the bed, closed her eyes, as if she had never woken up, and there was no one in the room.

"Mom?!" My voice was much louder, and I let out a low growl!

My breathing became extremely rapid and my head was buzzing.

Just at this moment, I saw a dark shadow printed on the window on the wall.

It looks like someone is standing outside the window...

I was pleasantly surprised.

Pulling my legs, I walked out of the bedroom, pushed open the door of the main room, and walked out.

As a result, the one on the right side of the room, just outside the bedroom window, was not my mother.

It was a slender man, and he was dressed very familiarly.

He has a hat turned up several times on his head, black cloth clothes, white cloth shoes, a handkerchief wrapped around his waist, and he is holding an extra long bamboo pole with red and white cloth strips hanging on it.

This person is obviously wearing the clothes of a mortician, but he is not the one who was tied up by us!

I stared at him, and he stared at me.

On his slender cheeks, a hint of sternness suddenly flashed, and he murmured: "Tang are the one who tied up the consul today."

"That shitty Mr.?!"

My face is ugly, my mother must be nearby.

But the enemy's road is narrow...

Obviously, this person is the Eight Immortals that Huo Feng mentioned!

Sure enough, the coffin-bearer was not alone, and the consul was with him!

I quickly pulled out the divination knife from my waist.

The whistling wind resounded impressively, and the man swung the bamboo pole in his hand violently, directly towards my hand!

At the same time, his chest bulged high, and he let out a drink!The shout was so loud that it spread far away!

My complexion changed again, he was delivering a message!The rest of them must be not far away...

"Dare to hurt the consul, you can't escape today!"

The moment I finished speaking, there was a snap, and the bamboo pole was drawn on my divination knife.

The divination knife didn't cut off the bamboo pole, but was pressed down, so that the other end of the bamboo pole hit my shoulder hard!

I began to feel a sharp pain, but the pain did not make me fall to the ground, but gave me a strong force.

With my backhand, I grabbed the bamboo pole and yanked it towards me!

The man turned pale with shock, and was directly pulled over by me!

The divination knife in my right hand suddenly pierced his shoulder!

With a scoff, the fortune-telling knife directly pierced his shoulder, and he let out a stern scream, his lower body jumped up suddenly, and kicked hard on my chest, and he fled back with his strength, and he fled directly. Lost the bamboo pole.

He knelt and crawled into the yard, trying to rush out.

I was already holding a section of the bamboo pole with my left hand, but now I took a step forward, swung the bamboo pole, and it hit his back directly.

With a bang, I slammed him onto the fence.

The dripping blood spilled all over the ground, he wanted to get up, but failed, and fell limply on the ground again...

Turning his head with difficulty, he looked at me with nothing but fear.

"You are not sir... What the hell are you? So fierce?!"

[The author has something to say]

The day of the third watch is over as soon as it started. After reading this chapter, I put down my phone and went to sleep. (Old Luo reminds)

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