Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 517 Why Are Your Eyes Different?

Naturally, I could understand, my hands clenched subconsciously, and my brows furrowed even more.

My mother's matter, her fiancé's death in the river is one thing, and the water ghoul's troubles in the hanging river is another, but the two happened to meet together.

In this way, ordinary villagers will definitely think that it was my mother who caused the Xuanhe River to be haunted by her fiancé throwing herself into the river...

More than 20 years earlier, the folk customs are even stronger!Who can explain clearly?

Of course, I didn't interrupt Dong Feng's words.

Dong Fengcai shook his head, and said: "The villagers are all rioting, and the people in the county are also rioting. There are more than [-] people. One mouthful of saliva is enough to drown Miss Li's family. The big family has no choice. The Li family will give an explanation."

"The village head, the town head, and the big shots in the county all came to Li's house."

"Finally, the Li family nodded and sent the eldest lady to "sacrifice to the river god"! They found me after that! They offered a sky-high price for ten large yellow croakers!" Dong Feng almost finished his sentence.

He lit another cigarette and smoked it for a long time before he said, "I tied the bamboo raft, set up a mourning hall for sacrifices, and sent Miss Li into the water. For the next three days, I didn't close my eyes. It's strange." , as soon as I closed my eyes, I felt that I was stuffed in the water. When I woke up several times, I either covered my face with several wet towels, or I stood by the basin and stuck my head in!"

"If it weren't for the treasure of the patriarch, I'm afraid I would have died a long time ago. Miss Li, it's fierce!"

Dong Feng pulled out the Gu jade hanging from his chest, there were actually a few cracks on the Gu jade.

Its texture is deep and it has obviously been formed for many years!

My hands were tightly clenched into fists, and my knuckles were completely pale.

He Zhi carefully covered my fist with his hand and said softly to let me relax.

"How did you survive in the end?" I asked Dong Feng hoarsely.

Dong Feng smiled wryly, and sighed: "The seventh day is Miss Li's soul-returning night. I thought I couldn't escape, and I accepted my fate. The lady was not given to the river god, but to the water ghoul. If such a vicious ghost is created, then I deserve to die, I didn’t want to implicate my wife and children, so I went to Xuanhe by myself and jumped into the river to pay for her life.”

"I just punted onto the river. It's strange to say that after Miss Li died, the water ghouls in that section of the river never appeared again. I committed suicide by jumping into the river, but was rescued by a gentleman again."

"Then sir, he is the one who cured Miss Li's disease back then!"

"He wanted to take me ashore, but our boat was stopped by Miss Li's floating body!"

"No! It's not a corpse! She's still panting! It's just that her puffy stomach is empty..." When Dong Feng said this, fear was already in his eyes, and beads of sweat rolled down his forehead one by one.

"I passed out afterwards. I don't know what the gentleman did. After all, I was on the shore when I woke up. Miss Li's family has never appeared again, and the gentleman has no news."

"The family fortune of the Li family has plummeted, and the big family has never been to Hongsong County again. People in the whole county are so shy about those things, and no one dares to mention them."

"Everyone is afraid of causing trouble..."

"I've come and gone, it's been 22 years. If you didn't come to ask me, I'm afraid I would bring these things into the coffin." After speaking, Dong Feng looked me up and down again, with more doubts in his eyes.

I hung my head and didn't say a word.

Hand loosened, clenched, let go again.

I don't know why, I originally thought that I should be very angry, but now I am too calm, and my head is too clear.

My mother died due to the misunderstanding of the water ghoul causing trouble.

Otherwise, so many people would not be forced to sacrifice to the river god.

That big family was benevolent and righteous, and lost the life of the heir, but in the end they didn't embarrass the Li family.

My mother's fiancé is really the most pitiful...

What about the murderer?The murderer is the gentleman who seems to have cured my mother's illness?

He went back and forth, he was the one who restrained my mother at the last moment, let my mother sink into the water, and did no harm in the end? !

I suddenly understood that I was not peaceful.

The tranquility before the storm is the most terrifying, and the darkness before dawn is the fear of not seeing five fingers.

I clearly know that he is the murderer, so no one else needs to be implicated, he is the only one who will pay the debt!

22 years of blood debt!

"It's a gentleman... It relieves me a lot of scruples." I muttered to myself.

"Yin Yang, why are you laughing... you should calm down first, don't think so extreme..."

Beside him, He Zhi's voice was slightly panicked.

It was only then that I noticed that not only it, but also the second uncle, the paper figurine Xu, and Huo Kunmin looked at me with unease and a bit of surprise.

I just realized that my face was stiff and the corners of my mouth twitched a lot.

Raising my hand, I rubbed my face vigorously, making my expression return to normal.

"I believe you still remember the appearance of that gentleman, draw it, or find someone to draw it, no problem?"

I didn't answer He Zhi, but looked at Dong Feng seriously.

"This... how do you let others draw? I'm clumsy, and I don't know how... I remember his appearance."

I frowned, thinking.

After a long time, my hand touched my eyebrows.

"What do his eyebrows look like? Do you remember clearly?" I asked, looking carefully at Dong Feng's face.

Dong Feng nodded immediately.

"Very good." I let out a long breath, took out the Tiangan inkstone and the ground pen, and began to grind the ink.

He Zhi looked at me even more worriedly, and she was about to speak again, so I hissed and said calmly that I was fine.

The paper figurine Xu and Second Uncle walked up behind me, but neither of them made a sound.

Soon, I ground the ink, and then I took out a piece of hemp paper and sketched on it.

I drew a total of nineteen eyebrow shapes, pushed the hemp paper to the other side of the table, and motioned Dong Feng to see which eyebrow it was.

These nineteen kinds of eyebrow shapes are almost all of the bones.

Dong Feng nodded one of the eyebrows very quickly, and said, "Yes, this is the eyebrow! It's almost twisted into a ball, and it's thick."

I narrowed my eyes slightly, and calmly said: "Luo Hanmei, the early years were difficult, the wife was late and the children were late, the brother was tortured, he had no children, and he was lonely in his later years."

After finishing speaking, I took out a new piece of hemp paper and continued to draw. This time, I drew the eyes.

I drew 33 different eye shapes.

Only this time Dong Feng clicked on two pictures of eye shapes, and murmured: "Yes, I remembered, his eyes are very strange, the two eyeballs are different, the one on the left is like this, and the one on the right is this."

The eyes he clicked are shrimp eyes and crab eyes!

Shrimp eyes have very small pupils and a lot of white eyes. If you are a gentleman with insufficient yang counting, it is easy to be mistaken for four white eyes.

The other crab eye is the lower three whites, half of the eye is hidden in the upper eyelid, and the upper eye string is still slightly drooping.

This eye is stupid and stubborn, and it is difficult to achieve anything in life!

When I was thinking, Dong Feng suddenly looked at me and whispered: "Your eyes are different from the left to the right..."

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