When He Zhi made his move, I was vigilantly observing my surroundings.

The sky is getting darker and darker, and I can hardly see my fingers...

The night is darkest before dawn!

When He Zhi finished spreading the powder and slowly retreated to my side, I realized that there was a faint mist rising from the position of the back door.

I can't tell whether this is the fog created by He Zhi's tricks, or it will fog itself in the early morning.

"It's almost dawn. These powders are made from dead people's fingernails. There are also baby's hairs in them. My grandfather left them for me before, and the dead people will definitely come to my door."

"It's too late to provoke any monsters today. Tomorrow, this yard is designated to be lively."

After listening to He Zhi's explanation carefully, I reached out and grabbed her wrist, and quickly left the mansion.

By the time we got around to another street, it was getting dark and there were pedestrians on the road.

All the shops selling breakfast were open, steamers were emitting white smoke, and noodle stalls were also set up.

Some of the fishermen and boatmen who got up early to work hurried to the pier, and some were still eating at the stalls, drinking and drinking, which was very lively.

I took He Zhi and sat at a booth and asked for some food.

I haven't had hot porridge for a long time, and after one sip, I really feel that my whole body is much warmer.

"It's all for eating. Let's go shopping when it's dawn. You can buy some rouge and gouache. We'll go back after noon." I said in a normal tone.

He Zhi is also like a girl from an ordinary family, showing a pleasant smile.

The reason why I have to wait until noon is also because I want to be safe. It depends on whether those households have followed my instructions. If not, I have to think of countermeasures.

After eating, the sky is bright.

He Zhi took me to visit many shops, not just rouge and gouache, but also tailor shops.

She chose a lot of cloth, described the size to the store, and measured it for me.

At the end, He Zhi said that she asked the store to make several clothes, and there are many second uncle paper figurines, and the Tang suit on me should be replaced by a few more sets.

In a blink of an eye, it was noon, and while we were strolling, we went to Huo's house, which is where Tang's house is now.

When I arrived at the place, I just saw someone climbed to the edge of the courtyard wall in the corner and was fixing a piece of wood that was as thick as a forearm with a sharp top.

The person doing the work was a man, not the woman from last night, so I calmed down a lot.

Then, we pretended to have nothing to do and continued to walk forward.

The remaining two different positions have been placed with corresponding objects according to my requirements!

I just walked towards the pier with He Zhi.

He Zhi had a lot of small packages hanging on her shoulders, and she kept smiling like a flower.

When I got to the pier, I began to search among the crowd.

Not long after, I found Xie Mancang, raised my hand and called him over.

When he got close, his expression suddenly became very excited, and he said repeatedly: "Mr. Li, Miss He, I went to the funeral street early, but Mrs. Liu said that you are not up yet, so I will go in the evening. Why don't you come and find me?" ?”

That's when I found out that Xie Mancang had been to Funeral Street.

But I remained calm and didn't answer his words. I just asked He Zhi to take out 35 yuan, and told Xie Mancang three locations, and asked him to send the money over.

I told Xie Mancang, don't ask, don't say anything if it's superfluous.

Xie Mancang nodded again and again, saying that it would definitely be done, and then he reported that he had already handed over the bank note He Zhi gave to Huang Qi's wife, but the old man was too sad, and fortunately Huang Qi's wife could take care of it.

I was in a complicated state of mind, so I nodded and said that if there is anything wrong with the Huang family, I should go to Funeral Street to inform immediately.

After Xie Mancang bowed and thanked me again, he turned around and went to do the errand I gave.

He Zhi and I also went back to the paper shop.

At this time, the shop was open, and the paper figurine Xu didn't go to rest, but was making paper bundles during the day for the first time. He only had one arm left, which was already very inconvenient.

The second uncle was sitting next to him, tapping his fingers on the table, and it was rare that he didn't drink.

After we entered, the second uncle hurriedly closed the door.

He motioned for us to sit down and talk about the situation, how things are going?

I simply told my second uncle that I have already set up a haunted house, but whether the haunted house is effective or not, it will take time, so we can't rush it for a while.

The second uncle nodded, and he asked again with a little worry: "This haunted house will not harm Shuangqin, right?" Obviously, Shuangqin is the woman that the second uncle likes.

I pondered for a moment, and replied that the haunted house affects everyone who lives there, but the main victim is the head of the house, that is, the warlord.

The second uncle frowned and sat on the chair, his eyes clearly showing anxiety.

I persuaded my second uncle a few words, saying that the fierce wound is not fatal, and after dealing with the warlord and leaving the house, nothing will happen.

The paper figurine Xu knocked hard on the table, frowned and said that it was my second uncle, mother-in-law, and now they must believe me.

Then, the paper figurine Xu asked me, what should I do with the gentleman from the villa outside the city?

I nodded and said that I had already thought about it. First, I would arrange it in the surrounding mountains and waters, and hedge against the gentleman in the villa, and then visit the door.

The paper figurine Xu's pupils constricted, and he said unnaturally, "What if he finds out, what if he should do it first?"

I told the paper figurine Xu, to deal with this gentleman, I will definitely use very vicious means, invite vicious corpses or ghosts into the house, and try to ensure that no one can stop him except him alone.

In this way, when I visit, I see him alone!

Paper figurine Xu's expression relaxed a lot.

I thought about it for a while, and said that He Zhi and I will do this matter later, and we can't delay it for too long, because something happened to the Tang Mansion, and someone will definitely be sent to the villa to invite Mr.

The second uncle and the paper man Xu immediately nodded and said that was right.

After concentrating for a while, I told my second uncle and the paper figurine Xu that when I set off later, they would also set off and guard the main roads outside the city.

If that gentleman returned to the city early, we also know that if he is not followed by a big soldier with a gun, he will be detained directly.

After all, I told them again, if someone on the other side has a gun, they can't do it. We can find another chance!

There was a slight sigh in the paper man Xu's eyes, and he let out a long breath and said, "Yin Yang's thinking method is really meticulous, I have a way now, there is corpse poison on Mrs. He's paper skin, they made a dirty trick, When your second uncle and I were guarding the road, we naturally had tricks."

I was shocked, and after nodding, I still told them to be careful in everything.

After the conversation was almost over, Xu Cai, the paper figurine, got up and said to go to the backyard to drink some Sophora japonica porridge, get ready when we are done, and we will set off.

Soon, the few of us went to the backyard, the paper figurine Xu went to get out the porridge pot, and He Zhi helped to make the porridge.

He Zhi just handed me the porridge bowl, and I held it in my hand and prepared to drink it.

The old rooster jumped onto my shoulder from nowhere, its head stretched out, but the rooster comb was bleeding.

Drops of black and red cockscomb blood fell into my porridge bowl...

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