The second uncle listened to the music in Zuihualou and lingered.

The sad tune also reminded my second uncle of many past events.

So he spent a sum of money to buy the Qin girl.

But the second uncle knew that he punished his wife and children, so he didn't dare to say that he wanted to start a family with that woman.

At that time, he thought that when I came back, he might be able to help and see if he could solve this problem.

Unexpectedly, something happened just a few days later.

A newly promoted warlord led his team through Jiuhe County and stationed behind the county.

There were also warlords in Jiuhe County before, and they had a close relationship with the Huo family.

It's just that after Huo Kunmin dared to die to take revenge, and with the help of Xu Changlin, the leader of the warlord died and the team ran away.

The new leader of the warlord, after exploiting in the county town, heard about Qin Nu in Zuihualou, he immediately came to ask for someone.

Zhizhapu is the site of the paper figurine Xu, so the other party naturally didn't get any good results, and they were all confiscated.

The second uncle and the others also left some self-defense.

As a result, within a day, the other party made a comeback and brought a gentleman...

That Mr. is much more powerful than Miao Guangyang, leaving the paper figurine Xu helpless.

They not only robbed the man directly, but the gentleman also cut off two fingers of the second uncle, so that the second uncle could not hold the divination knife, and cut off an arm of the paper figurine Xu, so that he could not use the paper flexibly.

Two months passed in a blink of an eye, even though the second uncle and the paper figurine Xu felt resentful, there was nothing they could do.

At this point, the second uncle paused, sighed and shook his head: "We have already been abolished, and Shuangqin has also been taken away. In addition, that gentleman is very capable, and we really have no way to deal with him."

"A beauty is a disaster, your second uncle and I are against women, but this time it is causing trouble for the upper body."

"Yin Yang, don't worry about this matter, just suffer from being dumb."

The second uncle's eyes were slightly red, and there was resentment in his words, but he had no intention of revenge.

I closed my eyes, trying to calm down.

Obviously, it was the gentleman brought by the warlord, who frightened the second uncle and the paper figurine Xu so much that they dared not take revenge.

The second uncle was sad and blamed himself even more.

In the same way, I also thought that he was afraid of making too much noise and hurting the woman named Shuangqin.

This matter is indeed tricky.

One is that someone in the warlord has a gun, and the other is that the gentleman doesn't know why.

If you act rashly, you may not be able to take advantage of it.

But I can't ignore this matter.

The means of the paper figurine Xu were directly abolished. The second uncle lost the fingers to hold the knife and the paddle, and they were almost abolished.

"How is the Huo family now?" I asked in a low voice.

In fact, I was going to find out about the Huo family's situation.

The paper figurine Xu shook his head with a complex expression and said: "Huo Kunmin heard about the matter between me and your second uncle, so he went to ask for an explanation, but he was beaten half to death, and the Huo family was also raided. Now the Huo family mansion has become That warlord's stronghold in Jiuhe County, as for the villa outside the city, Mr. Na lives."

"Now Huo Kunmin is living in a rented house in the city, and his injury has recovered a bit." My complexion changed again.

Lowering my head, I stopped talking, but quickly thought of countermeasures.

The matter of my mother must wait for a while, and the matter in front of me must be dealt with immediately.

It's a good thing that Mr. and the warlord live in separate houses.

However, the two of them must have guns and manpower around them.

Before that, I, He Zhi, and even Liu Tianniu suffered a lot from guns more than once.

Soon, I had a little idea, and said in a low voice, "Is that Mr. Yinjutsu, or Mr. Yangsuan?" The second uncle and the paper figurine Xu both shook their heads, expressing that they didn't know.

I pondered for a moment, and said, "He Zhi and I will go to the Huo family's mansion tonight."

The second uncle's face was suddenly worried.

Before he could speak, I told him that I must have an explanation for this matter, and it was useless for him to persuade me.

The second uncle and the paper figurine Xu had no choice but to give up.

My eyes fell on He Zhi, and I said more cautiously: "I have seen the house, you used some means to make the house attract ghosts and ghosts, and I planned to make it a haunted house."

He Zhi nodded.

I was silent for a long time, and then I got up and said that I was going to buy some food and came back, so that my second uncle and the paper figurine could rest.

He Zhi got up and said that he would go with me, but I asked her to put down all our things that could be put down. I just went to buy food and nothing else, and I will be back soon.

He Zhi also gave up.

I left the paper shop and walked out of the funeral street.

It was already late at this moment, the night sky was lonely, and the moonlight was even colder.

I lowered my head and walked towards the city. I met a rickshaw driver on the road, and I got in the car and asked him to take me into the city.

I was also thinking about one thing on the way, and there were some hidden dangers.

I set up a haunted house to deal with warlords, so I couldn't help breaking some taboos.

But this is something I have to take care of.

In this way, the haunted house cannot kill people, I can only control the warlord, and then let the second uncle and the paper man promise to deal with it.

As for the gentleman in the villa outside the city, it is easier to handle.

It's easy not to fight between husband and husband, because once a fight starts, basically all means are used, and there is no end to death.

Now that Mr. is not prepared, I will directly use feng shui to injure him severely.

This taboo is not as big as ordinary people.

There is a cause and effect, he hurt his second uncle and the paper figurine Xu is the cause, and being retaliated by me is the result.

Soon I entered the city and bought a lot of food.

I resisted the urge to go directly to Huo's mansion, and let the rickshaw take me back to Funeral Street.

After returning to Zhizhapu, while eating, the second uncle and the paper figurine Xu were still worried.

Obviously, the second uncle is over middle age, and the paper figurine Xu is not young.

The courage of the two of them is not as good as before, and the disability this time has completely damaged their energy.

To my delight, He Zhi kept telling them about our experiences abroad.

He Zhi was very well-behaved at first, and he spoke very carefully, and then he became vivid.

Hearing that, the second uncle and the paper figurine Xu were both stunned.

The paper figurine Xu looked down at his own arm unwillingly, and sighed: "The waste of the world is all waste of the world. If the corpse of the official corpse and ghost craftsman is skinned, it will be much more powerful."

"And the rest of the murderous corpses are all treasures."

"Hey!" The paper figurine Xu sighed again, looked at me blankly, and said, "Yin and Yang are really different."

At this moment, the second uncle's eyes became more lively.

Perhaps it was a few more sips of wine, and perhaps it was He Zhi's words that ignited the hope in his heart.

He gritted his teeth and said: "Yin Yang, if you can really deal with them, you have to keep Shuang Qin, she is a poor woman, Second Uncle looks up to her."

"Don't you want Second Uncle to marry a wife and have children? I want her!"

"The warlord, if you catch him, don't kill him, I will do it myself!"

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