Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 50 Cockcomb, Cocktail Feather

I turned my head to look at my second uncle, with surprise in my eyes.

Meng Qiu's previous few words were okay, but the last message she said was that her daughter was holding a baby in her arms...

How could he suddenly embrace a doll after falling down so well? !

The only explanation is that her daughter was pregnant when she died... and she was born in the water, becoming a mother and son Shui Sha!

The second uncle's face was also suddenly livid, he cursed in surprise, and then said something bad.

Immediately afterwards, the second uncle glared at Meng Qiu and said, "Your daughter was pregnant when she disappeared, why didn't you tell us?!"

The second uncle's face was really scary, and Meng Qiu's face turned even paler. She said anxiously, "I'm daughter can't be..."

Obviously, Meng Qiu didn't understand mother and child corpses. Even when she saw her daughter hugging a doll, she only felt horrible and didn't think of anything else.

The second uncle said in a cold voice, "Can a dead person steal a child?! It was born by her!"

There was a bang of thunder, and a flash of lightning flashed outside at the same time, and the inside of the room reflected was pale.

Meng Qiu slumped on the ground with a bang, and the chair fell to the side. She pursed her lips and said tremblingly that it was impossible.

The servant of the Meng family who came with him was also very frightened, but he immediately said cautiously in a low voice: "Could it be really stolen... My lady guards the house, it's impossible..."

The second uncle just said in a cold voice that they should not take any chances. The dead will not steal things, especially those who are dead in the water, and they will not bring things that are closely related to themselves.

And in a situation like Miss Meng's, she could only hold her own womb.

After saying this, the second uncle frowned and thought about it, and also came to ask me, how should such a dead mother and child be broken?

The corpse hunter can deal with the dead, but the root of the mother-child water evil is still the mother-child evil, which can only be dealt with by the yin woman.

I recalled the content of the Nine Techniques of Yin Sheng, and soon thought of a trick.

And when I thought of this, my heart jumped even more, and I turned to look at the door of my room.

From this angle, Luo Yinpo's old chicken can't be seen, but now, I know what its biggest role is!

I didn't answer Second Uncle right away, because Meng Qiu might not be able to accept this method.

Again, this trick is very ruthless...

Taking a deep breath, I told my second uncle that after reading it, I knew how to deal with it, and I even gave my second uncle a look.

The second uncle obviously understood instantly, he coughed, and said: "Well, let's go and have a look first." During this time, the servant of Meng's family had helped Meng Qiu up, and sat down on the chair again.

Meng Qiu was still in a daze, and said in a low voice, how could it be possible, how could her daughter be indiscreet and pregnant...

It's hard for me to persuade, and my second uncle didn't open his mouth.

Looking at the rain outside the house to form a water curtain, listening to the continuous sound of splashing water, we are all waiting for the rain to stop.

I don't know how long it took, but the rain finally stopped, and the sky outside was still dark, even darker than before.

Meng Qiu also regained his composure now, took out a silver pocket watch, and whispered, "It's seven o'clock."

Seven o'clock is already unitary time, and it is dark, which is normal.

I subconsciously took another look at the pocket watch. In fact, my second uncle and I really need this kind of thing now, but it is expensive and costs a lot of money.

The second uncle stood up and said something to leave, so as not to cause trouble later.

The four of us left my house. Of course, before going out, I took a basket and put Luo Yinpo's old chicken in the basket.

Especially after looking at its cockscomb and tail feathers a few more times.

There are several scars on its cockscomb, some of which are very long-lasting, and its tail feathers are somewhat incomplete.

When I looked at it, its small blood-red eyes were also looking at me, very deep.

The back basket is hung on the chest, the big black wooden box is on the back, and the package is hung on the arm. I am really full.

I walked in the end and locked the door of my house, but there is also a saying in the book that the lock prevents a gentleman but not a villain. Anyone in the village can get into my house if they climb on the bed and smash the door. The lock is also a symbolic meaning up.

Not long after, we came to the pier in front of the village entrance. There was a big fishing boat beside the pier, and there was even a boatman on the boat looking around.

Isn't one of them the errand boy Huang Qi on the pier?

The boatman also respectfully called Mrs. Meng first, and Huang Qi first greeted me and my second uncle with a smile.

Only now did I know why Meng Qiu was able to find our house directly. The feeling was that Huang Qi led the way, but he was obviously very careful and didn't come with him.

But the second uncle didn't look angry, he just said let me get on the boat, and he went to support the corpse boat.

The servant following Meng Qiu asked cautiously, do you want them to help put the corpse boat on the fishing boat?After it rained, the river was running fast, and the corpse boats couldn't keep up with the speed of the fishing boats.

Naturally, I didn't dare to intervene. Corpse hunters have their own rules, so I have to follow my second uncle's common sense.

The second uncle glanced at the servant indifferently, and said: "If you sail the boat fast, you should wait for me at the pier first. Unless the boat of the corpse hunter is broken and cannot sustain it, there is no reason to carry it on the fishing boat. Let's talk about ordinary boats. Fishing boats can’t afford it either, they will sink.”

The servant immediately fell silent.

I wanted to go with my second uncle, but my second uncle gave me a wink, saying that he wanted to see something, and asked me to pay attention to the water.

This confuses me, what does he mean?

I wanted to ask more questions, but the second uncle had already boarded the corpse boat.

He had few things, so he picked up the bamboo pole and started to punt the boat.

Meng Qiu and the servant invited me to board the boat.

As soon as I got on the boat, I noticed that there were many torches shaking at the entrance of the village.

There were a lot of people over there, some of them came towards the pier, and the other part went towards my house.

What the second uncle said was really accurate. If we want to stay at home, we might have to conflict with the villagers again.

I felt even more uncomfortable. This old Li has been staring at me for more than 20 years, and he still can't let me go.

"Let's start the boat." I didn't want to talk to the villagers again, so I said directly.

Huang Qi had good eyesight, and immediately shouted in a low voice: "Didn't you hear what Mr. Li said?! Let's go!"

The fishing boat sailed towards Jiuhe County. As for the second uncle, he was still ahead of us on the corpse boat at first.

Not long after, he was left behind by the fishing boat.

I also just glanced at the pier, but when I scanned, the villagers hadn't arrived there yet.

After that, I stayed on the edge of the deck of the fishing boat, looking at the water's edge as my second uncle said.

Because I don't know what the second uncle is looking for, what can I see?

During this period, Meng Qiu was sitting in the cabin, and two or three servants of the Meng family were busy on the deck, and someone even brought me ginger soup for me to drink.

Huang Qi also came over to get closer, with a flattering smile on his face, he always said some flattering words, and asked me if I could do a business of receiving sex. If he heard the news, he could help me with a message, or even Bring the nobleman to invite me.

At the beginning, those flattery words came in my left ear and out of my right ear, and then he said that he was in the business of receiving sex, which made my heart beat slightly and my heart beat a little bit.

Only by receiving more yin can I learn the handicraft of Luo Yinpo and pass on her nine techniques of yin birth, and I can also make money.

Otherwise, if Luo Yinpo passed away, who would know my name, Li Yinyang?

A local snake like Huang Qi is very useful!

I nodded immediately and said yes, and I also told Huang Qi that if he helps me find more yin jobs, I will give him one-tenth of the reward for each trip.

As soon as I finished speaking, Huang Qi's eyes lit up. He licked his lips, obviously flushed with excitement.

"One tenth? That's too much. Mr. Li, I don't dare to ask for that much. Just give me one yuan for one thing." Huang Qi said immediately.

I smiled and said, "It's not like I can earn tens of dollars every time I make a trip. It takes you a lot of effort to ask about this matter. It's a little bit more unlucky to be contaminated with dead food. Also, in case It costs me three or five yuan a trip."

Huang Qi pursed his lips, his expression changed again and again, and finally he just said a word sincerely: "Mr. Xiao Li is generous and righteous, I, Huang Qi, a bastard, will definitely take care of things for you! Don't worry! "

After finishing speaking, Huang Qi took out a cigarette case from his pocket and handed me a neatly rolled cigarette.

The white cigarette exudes a hint of tobacco smell.

He also immediately took out a box of matches and wanted to light the fire for me.

I stared blankly at the cigarette for a few seconds, then shook my head, and said in a low voice: "My father won't let me touch the cigarette." Huang Qi was stunned for a moment, and he quickly retracted it, obviously a little panicked and embarrassed.

I told Huang Qi that it was all right, but at this moment, I felt a bit chilly and weird, as if something was secretly staring at me.

Subconsciously, I looked sideways in that direction.

What I just saw was the surface of the hanging river beyond the edge of the boat.

My pupils constricted, and my scalp buzzed in an instant!

I don't know when, there was a mass of black hair floating beside the hull, following our boat all the time...

It is gloomy tonight, and the moonlight is not very obvious. There is a light source on the deck, but it cannot shine on the water surface here.

I immediately understood what the second uncle meant...

He wants to see if he dies and follows us!

On the way back and forth to find the ghost woman, there was a dead man following our boat.

Then he was on the shore, and I went into the water to find Luo Yinpo, and another dead man followed...

At this moment, the fishing boats are also following us...

This is dead, it is definitely the same!

I stared straight at the surface of the water, and my actions naturally attracted Huang Qi's attention, and he also turned his head to look, then he yelled in fright, and even yelled that there was a dead person.

Immediately, the servants of the Meng family on the boat were called over, as well as the boatman.

The servants of the Meng family looked terrified and uneasy.

As for the boatmen, they were better. Even though they were surprised, they still managed to calm down. They all looked at me and asked me what I was doing uneasily.How could there be dead people following the boat...

"She shouldn't be able to follow for too long." The thoughts in my head were fast and clear.

Just after I finished saying this, the clump of hair following us suddenly stopped moving...

The fishing boat continued to move forward, but it stayed where it was.

I glanced at the banks on both sides. This location happened to be in the section of the Hanging River Basin completely away from the Li Family Village...

Death also has a range of activities, and it will only redress the grievances in the waters where you were wronged and died!

Is she from Li Family Village or He Family Village?

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