Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 490 Fortune Telling For Him

I was shocked!

Liu Sanyuan taught outsider Taoism, but I didn't expect that he taught Qiu Tianyuan? !

I asked Liu Sanyuan before, but Liu Sanyuan didn't want to tell me. Besides, I can't deny that he is indeed a little too stubborn in this regard.

But now, I just feel a chill in my heart.

At least for the time being, what Qiu Tianyuan has done is definitely not kind!

We went to see his face and tell him a fortune teller to see if he would be of such great help to the Qiang people.

If it is not big enough, Liu Tianniu will definitely kill him!

Then Qiu Tianyuan...can even know Taoism...

In this way, once he causes disaster, it will be a catastrophe!

Liu Tianniu picked up the wine glass, he didn't pay attention to the former teacher, but drank a glass by himself.

The first teacher chuckled, and said: "Grand Elder, I still understand your temperament. I think that Sanyuan really shouldn't be punished so severely. Later, I will ask someone to send a box of high-quality ginseng to him. Condition your body."

"The relationship between him and Tianyuan will complement each other in the future, and the Qiang people will definitely be able to go to a higher level." Liu Tianniu put down the empty cup, and the teacher filled it up for him again.

He looked down at the wine glass, shook his head suddenly, and said: "Master, I will be away for a long time, this time I don't bring any smoke, I hope you don't make things difficult for her."

The first teacher's expression didn't change, he was still smiling.

"If she doesn't move around and doesn't bring hidden dangers to the clan, I won't have the heart to punish her. After all, she has excellent aptitude. For Mr. Jiang's unfinished business, please think of some ways to find some other Mr. Yin and Yang to change Huayan's life."

The teacher's words, on the contrary, threw the root of the problem back to Liu Tianniu.

Then, he looked at He Zhi and me, and raised his glass to toast.

After eating this meal, he didn't say anything more.

I tried my best to keep my mind calm, and I didn't show any telltale signs.

After eating, the first teacher ordered someone to arrange a place for us, and he asked us to set off tomorrow.

Liu Tianniu left the yard after giving me a signal with his eyes.

I rested at night, and my teacher did not come to see me again.

I haven't had a good night's sleep for a long time, and I fell asleep in bed this night, and my energy and spirit have improved a lot.

The next morning, someone knocked on the door and woke me up, only to find that Liu Tianniu was already waiting in the courtyard.

Huang Qi was also in the yard, clapping his hands, with a respectful expression.

Not long after, He Zhi was also woken up and entered the yard.

When we got outside the courtyard, I was also shocked.

Because the Qiang people's prepared carriages are at least four times the size of ordinary carriages, and there are two more horses pulling the carriages, which are even stronger.

There were two Qiang people waiting ahead, a man and a woman, who clearly wanted to drive a car for us.

The first teacher is not here, the one following us is the pretty woman I saw yesterday.

She bowed to Liu Tianniu very politely, and said softly: "Grand Elder, the two men arranged by the teacher, along the way..."

Liu Tianniu shook his head: "No need, Li Yinyang has followers, he and He Zhi can both drive the car, a Mr. Yinyang and a ghost woman, at least they have the ability to protect themselves, with two ordinary people, it may be difficult to survive this trip .”

After Liu Tianniu finished speaking, the woman's complexion changed slightly, and the foreheads of the other two Qiang people were also sweating.

They looked at each other with anxiety in their eyes.

"But the master has already ordered..." the woman whispered again.

"Tell him, I appreciate the kindness." After Liu Tianniu finished speaking, he motioned for us to get on the car, and let the Qiang people get off.

Those two people dared not disobey Liu Tianniu's order, they immediately got out of the car.

After we got in the car, we immediately put down the salute and the big black wooden box on our bodies.

The old chicken also moved to a futon and curled up. Its condition improved a lot, and its comb stood up.

Liu Tianniu was meditating on the futon on the right, while Huang Qi was in front, trying to ride a horse.

The horses of the Qiang nationality have obviously been trained and have a low temper. Huang Qi can easily control them.

He looked much happier, grinning and said: "Mr. Li, this is a good horse! We can go much faster!"

As he spoke, he let out a gallop, and the horse immediately trotted on the road.

We left towards the outside of the Qiang people...

I didn't take a look at Liu Tianniu until I got out of the archway of the gate of the Qiang people.

Liu Tianniu nodded to me.

I breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that fortunately those two didn't follow, otherwise how would we go to find Qiu Tianyuan?

Huang Qi continued to drive away.

Not long after, we left Feng County.

Huang Qi shouted excitedly outside: "Mr. Li, at this speed, we will be able to return to Chencang in less than half a day. Then where are we going? Should we go back to Jiuhe County or to Panjiang?!"

Huang Qi hadn't heard my conversation with Liu Tianniu, so naturally he didn't know our plan.

It was Liu Tianniu who spoke, and he said in a deep voice, "Go to Chencang."

I exhaled foul air, took out the long wooden box, and placed it on my lap.

This time, I opened the wooden box, revealing the golden abacus inside.

I whispered to Liu Tianniu: "Daoist Liu, this is a serious matter, not only the face, but also the horoscope of the date of birth."

"Well, I'll let him speak out." Liu Tianniu looked calm.

I inhale deeply, keeping my breath steady.

After that, when I was on my way, I continued to read Jiang Yihong's travel notes.

Looking at it, my heart sank.

Raising my head, I immediately asked Liu Tianniu one thing about the yin and yang corpses.

Liu Tianniu looked a bit surprised, and there was a flash of astonishment in his eyes.

"How do you know about Juan Yang Yin Corpse?" He looked a lot more solemn.

I didn't hide it from Liu Tianniu, and told the truth about Master's travel notes.

Liu Tianniu was silent for a while, before he said: "You want to pay homage to the head of the yin and yang corpse to worship Mr. Jiang, right?"

I nodded immediately, and said, "That's right! If it's in the Qiang tribe... I don't think it's very useful for the Qiang tribe to hold a corpse. Maybe I can exchange it with something? Or, I can count..."

Before I finished speaking, Liu Tianniu shook his head and said: "Jianyang Yin Corpse has been released, even I am not the opponent of that thing, it is in a very important place of the Qiang people, if the Juanyang Yin Corpse has been released, it is in a very important place of the Qiang people. The birth of the yin and yin corpses means that the Qiang people are on the brink of destruction. Don't think about it again, and you can't bring this matter up with your ancestors, understand?"

Liu Tianniu's words were very decisive.

I was stunned for a moment, feeling unwilling, but I still had no choice but to give up...

Then, I hesitated for a moment, and asked Liu Tianniu another question.

It is about the feng shui plate of Guanxingzhai, and my guesses and opinions on the former master.

After Liu Tianniu finished listening, his face immediately changed, becoming extremely ugly, and there was even a bit of murderous intent in his eyes.

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