It's not going to make me let my guard down.

Maybe look at the five elements and eight trigrams on such a road, the Qimen Dunjia arrangement...

Let’s look at a man who has reached the pinnacle of Feng Shui in the past dynasties, and gradually built a mansion...

For me, the temptation is not insignificant!

Immediately, a war between heaven and man broke out in my heart...

I really need to watch more feng shui nerds to buff me.

In addition, it is because here is the Qiang nationality, there are willow beetles...

If I can't go to the reception banquet at night, Liu Tianniu will definitely not sit idly by...

After struggling for a while, I nodded and said a good word.

The teacher's eyes suddenly lit up.

He made a gesture of invitation, and walked directly onto the village road.

I took a deep breath and followed directly!

The moment I stepped on the road, I felt the surrounding buildings suddenly blur.

In the next moment, the line of sight became much clearer, and the surrounding courtyards were completely clear.

And this is taller and thicker than those courtyards on Qiang Nationality Road.

The road under his feet also happened to step on a special arrangement of bricks and stones.

The first teacher is in front, and his steps are gentle. I can remember every step he took...

It's just that in the next moment, I strangely forgot again, I can't remember clearly...

So I can only hurry to follow.

It's not that I don't remember it, it's because the method of Qimen Dunjia is too weird...

It seems that my level is too far behind, so I can't understand...

After walking for a while, my complexion gradually turned pale, and the surrounding courtyards began to be in a trance again. Even the road under my feet seemed to be becoming a double image...

My brain seemed to be weighed down by a heavy weight, it was extremely dull...

"Brother Yin Yang?!" The teacher's voice came from next to his ear.

I raised my head in a jerk, and the former teacher in front of me turned into three double images...

Biting the tip of my tongue hard, I managed to wake up, my vision was clear, my master was standing one step away from me...

"Brother Yin Yang surprised me. You have walked more than half of this outer road, but the road behind is not easy. I was 30 years old at the time, and I was able to make it through. There is still a long way behind, and only the teacher can do it." You might as well close your eyes on the stargazing road you’ve walked, and I’ll pull you over.”

Saying that, the first teacher raised his hand again, the thin rope was still in his hand.

My face was pale, and my head was so heavy that I had to raise my hand to pull the rope.

Subconsciously, I looked back again.

In the end, the road back turned into a dead end...

There is no road behind me, it's just a tall house...

Grabbing the rope, I suddenly closed my eyes.

The first teacher walked quickly, and I followed him closely.

After closing his eyes, the heaviness in his head finally disappeared.

I didn't dare to open it. I thought it was too simple before, and I didn't think how complicated it would be here, but I didn't expect that I completely overestimated myself and underestimated the Qiang people.

The journey took about two quarters of an hour.

Finally, the pace of the first teacher came to a halt.

"Brother Yin Yang, open your eyes." His faint smile came to his ears.

I just opened my eyes, but I felt that my eyes were hot and red...

Right now we are in a small path with high walls on both sides, and at the right end is a small courtyard gate, about the size of a person with arms outstretched.

The courtyard gate is not the vermillion red of the conventional courtyard gate, but light yellow.

On the door plaque at the top, there are a few large characters written in flamboyant patterns.

"Qiu Chudao Star Watching House!" I suddenly opened my eyes wide, staring at the word "Star Watching!"

And my body suddenly trembled, and the hairs all over my body stood on end!

"Stargazing House... Stargazing Road..." I murmured hoarsely.

When my teacher was at the Liu Clan's Chunyang Taoist Temple before, he also mentioned the Star Watching House, but at that time, I didn't think so much...

But seeing this house now, I feel as if I have been enlightened.

The former teacher also said before that the previous teachers of the Qiang nationality, after reaching the pinnacle of Yin art, went up to the stars and looked down at the mountains, rivers and dragon veins...

I thought of one thing...

Master Jiang Yihong recorded in his handbook that he searched for the yin and yang corpses, but was taken away first!

What he recorded in the letter was to open a special door with the method of the stars!

Could it be that the yang and yin corpses were taken away by an ancestor of the Qiang people? !

My heart was beating wildly.

Suddenly a thought came to mind...

If the Qiang people took it away, would the body still be there?

Master is not mean to me, this is also a pity in his life, if I take the head of the yin corpse of the yin and yang, and go to worship him!

Will it also give him some comfort under the nine springs? !

The more I think about it, the faster my heart beats.

"Brother Yin Yang?" A confused voice was faintly heard in his ears.

I was jolted, and immediately sobered up a lot.

The first teacher in front of me had already pushed open the courtyard door, he was looking at me suspiciously, and asked me why I suddenly looked at the plaque in a daze?There is not much feng shui layout outside this stargazing house.

He made a gesture of please, beckoning me to come in.

I took a deep breath, immediately stopped hesitating, and followed into it.

The first moment I was admitted to the hospital, I saw a circular deep pool in the center of the courtyard.

The water is deep and calm like a jewel.

There is a pavilion next to it, and there are paths on the edge of the pavilion.

Each leads to some rooms.

It's just that the distribution of the houses here is strange. At first glance, I feel that it is disorganized.

But after taking a closer look, I found that it follows a special orientation. This is not a mess, but an arrangement that I have never seen before, and it is not recorded in the Zhaijing...

I was breathing heavily, but I didn't dare to look any further, but immediately lowered my head.

"Brother Yinyang is amazingly gifted. When I first entered the stargazing mansion, I couldn't bear the trance and passed out immediately. Please." The first teacher said, and made another gesture of asking, He walked straight towards the pavilion.

I followed immediately.

This time I didn't go to see those houses again, and I felt much better.

When I walked into the pavilion, I saw a sand table-like object on the stone table in the center.

But there are many small rockeries on it...

It's like a scaled down map of mountains.

And this map of mountains is stacked on top of each other, giving me a vague sense of familiarity.

The first teacher made a gesture of invitation, and said in a deep voice: "Brother Yinyang, I want to bring you in here because of this thing."

"This is a feng shui plate, which is very important to the Qiang people. It is a great secret, and only the ancestors of the past can know it." I nodded, but I couldn't take my eyes off the feng shui plate...

There are 24 hills on it. At a glance, there are Dead Dragon Mountain, Stone Mountain, and even Jielong Mountain on the outer edge. The inner mountains are arranged in a strange way.

It seems that the mountain shape is like a star peak...

" part of the Nanshan Mountains?"

"Master, is there any secret in this feng shui dish?!" I asked subconsciously.

Then he sat down by the side of the stone table in a strange way, without looking away.

The teacher's tone was full of longing: "How well do you understand this Feng Shui dish?!"

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