Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 480 Hold the Town God's Curse!

Tan Mei's speed is too fast, so fast that I can't escape, and there is no way to escape!

For a moment, thoughts flashed through his mind like lightning.

I quickly lowered my head, and moved my chest a little to the left.

That was the biggest move I had time to do...

The next moment, Tan Mei's palm pierced my chest!

I felt a strong force hit my chest, making my throat sweet, and that force sent me flying backwards.

After landing heavily, I let out a wow and spit out a mouthful of blood.

The Tang suit on the chest was split, revealing half of the black inkstone.

The inkstone is extremely smooth, without a single scar...

At the critical moment just now, I could only think of using Tiangan inkstone to block it.


I wiped the blood from the corner of my mouth and stood up tremblingly.

After delaying for a short period of time, Liu Huadao and He Zhi also surrounded Tan Mei again.

Tan Mei's right arm, from the position of the forearm, seemed to be broken in several joints, and drooped feebly.

Even the knuckles of his palm protruded from the bones...

But even with such an injury, she didn't feel the slightest pain.

The left arm formed into a palm, and grabbed He Zhi again.

What He Zhi was wielding at this time was no longer a mourning stick, but a ghost knife!

With a buzzing sound, Tan Mei caught the blade of the Guillotine Knife with one hand, her fingers were like eagle claws, and she stuck it tightly!

"A bluestone in the northeast, a redstone in the southeast, a whitestone in the southwest, a blackstone in the northwest, and a yellowstone in the cave!"

"The curse says, the five stars and eight places, the gods bless, the year star is on the left, and the Taibai is on the right. The firefly is in front, and the stars are in the back. Keep the stars in the center to avoid disasters and blame!"

"The strange catastrophe, the five-star press, the dead are peaceful, and the living are blessed with longevity! Be as urgent as the law!"

Liu Huadao quickly circled Tan Mei, and shot out five different stones.

Stones of four colors fell around her, and a yellow stone fell on top of Tan Mei's head!

At that moment, Tan Mei's body seemed to be frozen, motionless!

Of course, she couldn't stop He Zhi's Guillotine Knife.

With a click, Tan Mei's thumb was cut off from the position of the tiger's mouth.

At this moment, I suddenly felt that the atmosphere in the air had changed...

The previous moment was still fierce, but this moment, the coldness was even stronger.

It seemed as if a woman could be heard whimpering from all directions.

He Zhi suddenly raised the Guillotine Knife again, and she turned pale with shock: "The corpse is broken!"

Liu Huadao's face turned ashen, and he shouted: "It's even more fierce to break the corpse, we can't bury her, we must kill the soul quickly, otherwise we will all die here!"

The next moment, Liu Huadao quickly arrived in front of Tan Mei.

I know how terrible it is to dismember a corpse.

The trace of compassion in my heart was suppressed, and I quickly went to the old chicken.

At this time, the old chicken's injured leg was still bleeding.

It looked extremely sluggish, but its life was safe.

"I'm offended..." My eyes fell on the old chicken's tail feathers, and I reached out and pulled out three tail feathers.

Immediately afterwards, I used the stubble on the tail feathers to draw directly on the comb.

The blood of an ordinary cockscomb is bright red, but that of an old chicken is so red that it turns black!

There is an indescribable hot feeling coming from the tail feathers, as if I was holding a few soldering irons!

My most vicious method is the killing technique!

And after being reminded by He Guipo and Miao Guangyang, I haven't used this method of directly killing body and soul for a long time!

The killing technique kills one thousand enemies, but self-damages eight hundred...

The old rooster looked a lot more sluggish, some blood flowed from the comb and seeped into the eyeballs, and the scarlet eyeballs became even more rosy.

I strode towards Tan Mei.

All this happened in an instant.

Liu Huadao's fingers were drawing symbols on Tan Mei's forehead!

His index finger was dripping with blood, and a deep wound was visible to the naked eye.

The bloodstains quickly formed a rune on Tan Mei's head.

"The sky is round and the earth is round, and there are nine chapters in the law. I will go down to the town today, and all disasters will be retreated, and all ghosts will hide!"

"The house is safe, everyone can go in and out, and the population is Yongkang! I respect the Supreme Lord, and I am as urgent as a law!"

"Press the town!" The moment the rune was outlined, blood flickered endlessly.

Two bloody tears flowed from Tan Mei's eyes, and those bloody tears were actually glowing green.

The rune that Liu Huadao had just completed gradually became blurred and tended to be dissolved!

"What a vicious corpse! Even the Suppressing God's Curse can't hold her down!" With a stern voice, Liu Huadao put his hands around his waist, and between his fingers, several handfuls of bronze like willow leaves were caught. sword.

The next moment, he swung his sword directly and stabbed Tan Mei's neck!

In the blink of an eye, the magic spell on Tan Mei's face was completely blurred.

The remaining four fingers of her right hand stretched straight, piercing Liu Huadao's heart directly!

Liu Huadao's angry eyes widened, he did not dodge, but dodged a little.

With a soft chirp, four fingers pierced into Liu Huadao's right chest, and Liu Huadao's willow-leaf bronze swords pierced directly into Tan Mei's neck!

White smoke rose up, as if a boiling iron had been thrown into the water!

Tan Mei's neck suddenly drooped...

Liu Huadao stepped back a few steps...

With a wow, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and there were several blood holes on his chest, which looked shocking.

"The living corpse dies, we must kill her immediately, otherwise she will hit us, or those villagers, Li Yinyang, find a way!"

Liu Huadao's voice became extremely weak. Obviously, the move just now had exhausted all his strength.

At this moment, he has become the dead end...

After the words were finished, Liu Huadao knelt down on the ground tremblingly, with his hands propped up on the ground, his arms trembling endlessly.

He Zhi swung his knife to cut off Tan Mei's head.

I have already arrived in front of Tan Mei.

"Beheading is useless, and dismembering the corpse will be even more troublesome. I will use the technique of killing!" I shouted.

He Zhi immediately retracted his knife and backed away.

There was also a trace of unbearableness in her eyes.

I raised my hand while staring at Tan Mei's head.

At this time, Tan Mei had indeed swallowed her breath, and the chest of the living corpse itself would rise and fall, but now it was motionless.

And her head is hanging down, just like a normal dead person.

But the coldness exuding from her body was stronger, and the blue color on her body was heavier.

My eyes were suddenly blurred, and I seemed to see Tan Mei suddenly raised her head, she screamed at me ferociously, calling me as vicious as those people!

The scorching heat in my hand was even stronger, my body trembled, where did Tan Mei move?Still hanging his head, the corpse is stuck in place...

On the other hand, He Zhi, whose eyes were wide open, looked somewhat like Tan Mei.

It was obvious that He Zhi was struggling to resist the collision, but she couldn't move, and there was a little green between her brows...

Trembling, He Zhi raised the ghost knife again.

"Yin" Trembling and terrified words came out of He Zhi's mouth.

She faltered a little, but approached me, and the Guillotine Knife was already above her head!

I raised my hand, under the moonlight, the black and red blood on the chicken tail was like countless fine needles, piercing my fingers...

"Mother and child evil! Heaven forbid!"

"The killing technique is here! The life of the soul is broken!"

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