Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 472 The Man Who Disappeared

Huang Qi has been with us for a long time, and his ability to inquire about news has become better and better.

Before noon, Huang Qi rushed back with a lot of food.

And not only did he find out that the Qiang people were in Feng County, not far from Chencang, but he also found out that some of the Qiang people were dealing with things in Chencang, and they were in trouble!

According to Huang Qi's words, ordinary people cannot enter the Qiang nationality.

But we can go to the Qiang people in Chencang, so that we can follow him and find Taoist Master Liu Tianniu!

Not only that, Huang Qi even asked about everything that happened to the Qiang people in Chencang!

Outside Chencang City, in a village close to the Nanshan Mountains, a few days ago, hundreds of men from the entire village disappeared overnight!

Over the years, many strange things in the land of the Three Qins have been asked of the Qiang people in Fengxian County, because among the Qiang people are not only the top Feng Shui masters in the land of the Three Qins, but also the authentic Taoist priests of the Liu family with superb Taoism!

The disappearance of a village of men is naturally a big deal!

However, the manpower sent by the Qiang people this time was slightly criticized.

Because it was a very young Taoist priest, only in his teens or 20s.

Of course, the criticism is only when talking secretly, and no one will publicly say anything about the Qiang people.

And when Huang Qi finished all this, I felt a little nervous and throbbing in my heart.

Is it...

That young Taoist priest is Liu Huayan? !

Generally, it is impossible for the Qiang people to send an ordinary person to deal with such severe matters.

Three hundred people disappeared, how could ordinary Taoist priests deal with it? !

Liu Huayan was able to go out with Liu Tianniu, not only because the Qiang people themselves were dissatisfied with Liu Huayan's fate, but also because Liu Huayan had that ability!

If we meet Liu Huayan, then this matter will be easy to handle, we can let her inform Liu Tianniu as soon as possible!

In my thoughts, I immediately told He Zhi my thoughts and inferences.

He Zhi nodded, and she reached out to hold my palm at the same time.

"You are still short of what you promised to Daoist Liu, and you have to tell Liu Huayan." He Zhi whispered.

I nodded solemnly and said that of course I did not forget this.

Then, I told Huang Qi to let him lead the way, and we will go to that village to see the situation.

Huang Qi told me to wait, the village is not easy to find, he needs to find a guide who can lead the way.

After that, He Zhi and I rested in the yard for a while, and ate the food that Huang Qi bought.

Around the time of You hour, Huang Qi finally came back.

He took a thin woman with a yellow and thin face, small eyes, and disheveled hair.

And she looked vigilant.

Huang Qi introduced it to us, saying that the woman's name was Ji Cui, and she was married from Lanjia Village.

The place where the accident happened is called Lanjia Village.

Huang Qi searched the city for a long time, most of the guides leading the way were men.

No one dared to go to Lanjia Village.

Rao Huang Qi offered a sky-high fee of ten yuan to lead the way, but no one came to pick up the job.

The reason why Ji Cui came was because her husband was infected with drugs and ruined the family, and her son needed money to see a doctor.

I nodded to show I understand.

He Zhi frowned, she didn't say much.

At this time, Huang Qi gave Ji Cui a look.

Ji Cui said in a low voice: "I can take you to the entrance of the village, and I can let you live in my former home, but I don't enter the village, because the village is haunted by ghosts, so I dare not go in." I hummed and said no. question.

Huang Qi also wiped the sweat from his forehead, obviously heaving a sigh of relief.

Immediately after, Huang Qi went to lead out the carriage.

After getting in the car, we headed towards the outside of the Qiang people under the guidance of Ji Cui.

Along the way, I also briefly asked Ji Cui about the specific things in the village.

But Ji Cui didn't know anything about it, all she knew was that the village was haunted by ghosts and all the men disappeared...

It was almost the end of You hour, that is, around seven o'clock at night, when we finally came to the outside of Lanjia Village at the foot of a mountain.

Lanjia Village is not small, and there is an archway at the entrance of the village.

From the outside, the houses in the village are almost all earthen houses.

When we got here, Ji Cui jumped out of the carriage and said that he would not go in with us.

Then she pointed to the archway and said that the penultimate yard at the west end of the village belonged to her family.

Naturally, I didn't make things difficult for Ji Cui, but asked Huang Qi to give her an extra ten yuan.

Ji Cui was stunned for a while, then stood there motionless.

After contemplating for a moment, I asked Huang Qi to get off the car too, so he didn't have to follow us in, but waited for us outside the village.

Huang Qi shook his head quickly at that time, saying that he must follow us, and he had to go to find out the news.

I told him that the village was haunted by ghosts, and it might be dangerous for him to follow.

And there are always women in the village, we will also find Liu Huayan, and we will definitely know what happened.

Only then did Huang Qi nod, and obeyed my order and got out of the car.

He said he had been waiting outside the village and would not leave.


I told Huang Qi to drive the car after ensuring his own safety.

Go straight into the archway of the village and walk towards the west exit of the village.

Sure enough, at the end of the road, the penultimate yard was empty.

I drove the carriage into the yard, and after a simple settlement, it was already night.

Under the silent night, the village road was even more silent.

He Zhi lowered his voice and said: "This village is weird. When we came in, we didn't see anyone. Are there really women in the village?!"

I carried the big black wooden box on my back and signaled He Zhi to enter the main room.

At the same time, I replied in a low voice: "The woman must be there, she can't leave, it's impossible not to leave home, maybe they are afraid, maybe the Taoist priest of the Liu family gave some instructions."

The main room is full of dust, it seems that Ji Cui has been away from Lanjia Village for a long time.

He Zhi picked up a broom from the corner, swept the dust off the table, then swept the chairs, and took out a handkerchief to wipe.

After contemplating for a moment, I still decided that we will not take risks at night, after all, this village is quite strange.

First stay overnight at Ji Cui's house.

Maybe the Taoist priest will come here to investigate the situation, and if we meet him, if he is Liu Huayan, then everyone will be happy.

If he doesn't show up at night, we should find out tomorrow and we should be able to see him.

After I told He Zhi about my plan, she also nodded cautiously.

Afterwards, we did not go to the bedrooms of other houses, but cleaned up the floor of the main room, took out the bedding from the carriage, and made two floor bunks in the main room.

As night fell, the wind picked up.

Even with the door closed, there was a clanging sound when the wind blows.

He Zhi moved a chair to block the door, and the noise was finally reduced.

After lying down respectively, He Zhi and I couldn't fall asleep for a long time.

He Zhi kept tossing and turning, but I couldn't fall asleep listening to the hissing sound on my body.

Take it out to set the compass, and the pointer on it is spinning rapidly...

This means that the whole village is full of evil spirits!

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