The rest of the militiamen in the courtyard looked at the dead body of the chief security officer with panicked expressions.

I'm also skeptical.

At this moment, the chief security officer finally showed the face of the cause of death.

But there is a problem...

His face is called Jianzhiwen.

Jian Zhiwen is the main sword and gun, one tattoo once!

The chief security guard obviously died suddenly in front of me, so how could he die from such a sword and gun risk?

My silence made the militiamen in the courtyard also afraid to speak, and Gou Xuan was also extraordinarily quiet.

He Zhi looked at Guan Baochang's neck, lowered his voice, and asked me: "There seems to be something wrong with his neck, turn it over and have a look?!"

I didn't let He Zhi do it, but took out the gray fairy glove, and after putting it on my hand, I turned the guardian over.

At a glance, I saw the problem with his corpse!

At the back of his neck, there is a small reflection, which can be seen just under the refraction of sunlight.

My heart trembled, and I immediately put the body of the chief security officer away calmly, and turned around to tell the militiamen: "Carry the coffin to Gou Xuan's house, and the body of the chief security officer will also be sent there."

Everyone listened to my order and started to do things.

At this moment, the militiamen had grown a lot more courageous, and soon the coffin and corpse were carried out.

Gou Xuan led the way, and many villagers followed behind.

He Zhi and I were farther away.

He Zhi whispered to me suspiciously: "I saw that one was injured, how do I feel that Chief Guanbao died from that injury? Didn't he die suddenly?!"

"It's true that he died from that wound, Jian Zhiwen, the main knife and gun risk, needles are also a kind of knife and gun risk, and they should be poisonous."

I replied in a low voice, and at the same time narrowed my eyes slightly: "It seems that not only Mu Lihua is causing trouble, but someone also came to kill Guan Baochang. This person is here to avenge Mu Lihua?!"

After a pause, I explained to He Zhi that the reason why I didn't let the militiamen see it just now was that I didn't want them to think it was man-made. Only by ordering the militia to do things can the matter be resolved smoothly. If the situation becomes chaotic, people will definitely die.

And it's not just someone taking revenge, Mu Lihua herself is making trouble too!

He Zhi nodded, saying that she had seen my purpose, and she stretched out her hand to hold my hand lightly.

Holding He Zhi's weak and boneless palm, my mind has settled down a lot.

At this time, I also became more vigilant.

I thought that burying Mu Lihua would calm the incident, but there are other people involved in this matter, so I have to find out that person, otherwise, maybe he will hurt people secretly.

You have to find that person before you can settle this matter.

On the way to Gou Xuan's house, I kept deducing and thinking about the possibility in my heart.

Not long after, our group returned to Gou Xuan's home.

After putting down the coffin and body, I asked Gou Xuan to pick up Mu Lihua's parents.

Then these militiamen were asked to prepare the best three animals, which were used to set up a mourning hall for Mu Lihua.

At this time, Huang Qi was leaning weakly on the door frame, and the young man was standing beside him to support him.

Unexpectedly, Huang Qi recovered quite quickly. Of course, neither of them dared to come out.

After the militiamen brought back the three animals and Gou Xuan took over Mulihua's parents, I set up the mourning hall and asked the militiamen to kneel in front of Mulihua's coffin to apologize and admit their mistakes.

None of these militiamen refuted.

I didn't let them get up either, so I kept them kneeling in front of the mourning hall.

Mu Lihua's parents, who were picked up from the side, were crying silently.

Outside the courtyard, there were villagers watching the fun all the time, and some people pointed out, saying that the Mu family was pitiful, what a wonderful daughter died, and the remaining son was completely a rotten person, causing the Mu family to be ruined.

In addition, they are also scolding the chief security officer, saying that he deserves to die.

Mu Lihua's parents cried even more miserably.

I was actually looking at the crowd outside the courtyard, but I couldn't see who killed the chief security officer.

As the sky became darker, the group of militiamen who were kneeling suddenly appeared to be dead.

This makes me more vigilant.

that man is dangerous...

But if he wants to kill someone, he must be nearby!

And I deduce that he is very likely to have a close relationship with Mu Lihua.

Now I will make the militiaman kneel down, he will definitely come to see it!

After repeated deduction and analysis, I gradually had a plan in my mind.

Walking to He Zhi's side, I asked He Zhi in a low voice to take out a sum of money, not too small.

He Zhi looked puzzled, but she followed my instructions, opened the package next to her body, and took out a bank certificate of deposit for me.

He Zhi asked me in a low voice, what do you want money for suddenly?

She paused, then said nervously: "Be careful, this certificate of deposit is worth a thousand dollars, and we don't have many."

I replied in a low voice, Shanren has his own tricks.

Then, I walked straight to the front of the courtyard gate and glanced at many villagers.

Taking a deep breath, I held up the deposit receipt of the bank account, and said in a deep voice: "My humble servant, Li Yinyang, I came to Guancun yesterday, and the village is well-informed. I think I already know that Mr. Tianyuan and I are good friends, and you also know that, Guancun is haunted, I'm solving this matter!"

Immediately, the noisy villagers quieted down, clearly listening to me.

I continued to say in a deep voice: "Mu Lihua's body has been restrained, and it can be buried when it gets dark. The injustice has a leader, and the debt has a debtor. The chief security guard also died suddenly. Mu Lihua's vengeance has been avenged."

"But from my point of view, she can't rest in peace. After her death, she left behind her old parents, and a brother who was infected with drugs!"

"If no one cares about this old couple, they are really lonely and helpless."

"Since I have taken care of this matter, I will take care of it to the end. The money in this banknote is enough to support the old couple until they grow old. The village is a big family. Who can pity Mu Lihua?" , help her take care of her old parents?!"

After a short pause, I said again in a deep voice: "Mu Lihua has a spirit, and under the Nine Springs, I must be grateful!"

However, after I finished speaking, all the villagers outside were silent.

Although many villagers looked at the banknote in my hand greedily and eagerly.

But no one stepped forward to answer.

In fact, this scene was as early as I expected.

Not long after, there were indeed some villagers whispering, who would dare to care about this?

Be a good person for no reason, take two old things home and raise them, even if the money is enough, you have to pay them to the end!

Besides, there is Mu Chuan who smokes drugs in their family!

The big smoker is the master who does not want the life of his parents for the money of cigarettes!

I remained silent, still standing at the gate of the courtyard.

At this time, He Zhi also walked up to me and stood by my side without saying a word.

After a long time, I sighed softly, shook my head and said, "Time is fate."

"It seems that the old couple of the Mu family are doomed to have no one to take care of them, and Mu Lihua will never die!"

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