"This..." I was suffocated again.

Don't dare to care, doesn't this mean that the village chief is dead?

I still wanted to speak, but my second uncle stopped me immediately. His tone was very cautious, telling me not to be kind to a woman.

Then he said, I shouldn't even go to the village chief to talk about this, and now I don't know if there will be problems because of it, and I don't dare to intervene in the future.

At this point in the words, the second uncle patted my shoulder again, as if to comfort me.

I picked him up and sat down at the wooden table, took out the wine bottle, and asked me to go to the kitchen to get him a plate of peanuts to drink with. He had been running all day and he still hadn’t eaten anything in his stomach.

I went into the kitchen, and besides the peanuts, I also cut a piece of cured bacon given by the man Xie Xiaohua.

When the second uncle saw it, his eyes lit up. He picked up his chopsticks and took a sip of wine. The rush and panic were gone from his face, only satisfaction remained.

A little calmer, I know there is no other room for change, so I don't say much, just look at the Nine Arts of Yin Sheng on my own.

When the second uncle had almost eaten, I asked the second uncle, can Luo Yinpo's body be salvaged?

The second uncle's face was blushing now, and he belched a lot, reeking of alcohol.

Then I told me that it is possible to fish, but I told her before that Luo Yinpo was dragged down in the end, which is a bit troublesome.

Because I don't know what dragged her down, if my mother is better, if it's a water ghoul, I'm afraid she won't see her dead body.

When the second uncle said this, he was drunk, but my face changed, becoming livid and bewildered.

Because I think of those men in the village, their corpses were almost gnawed beyond recognition...

At that time, I couldn't help it anymore, and said through gritted teeth, I'm going to find the corpse.

Firstly, I was afraid that Luo Yinpo would be dragged away by the water ghoul.

Secondly, what my second uncle said just now, my mother was reluctant to leave, and she didn't want to harm me, she might even help me.It's just because I don't know my mother's purpose, and because there are different paths between the living and the dead, I try to minimize contact with her.

In this way, at least I don't have to worry about my mother dragging me into the water to die.

The second uncle rubbed the center of his brows again, and said that it’s okay to look at it, if you can fish it, you can fish it, and if you can’t fish it, you can go back to sleep.

I got up immediately and hurried into the house to get things done.

In fact, it is still early at this moment, the second uncle came back in the twilight, he finished drinking, we finished talking, now it is no more than Xu time.

The village chief's affairs can only be put aside, he who begs for death can just come and ask for it, but Luo Yinpo's affairs can't be delayed!

After a few minutes, I changed into the green linen gown and brought some things with me.

When I came out of the room, Luo Yinpo's old chicken followed me, its neck moved, but its head was exceptionally steady.

He hurried out the door with his second uncle, and walked towards the edge of the hanging river.

Luo Yinpo was dragged down in front of the river in front of our house. I still clearly remember the scene of that night and the location.

Tens of meters soon, we reached the water.

The moonlight is quiet, the water surface is sparkling, and there is a little wind blowing.

I haven't felt much yet, my second uncle shuddered, and he frowned and muttered: "It's weird, it's still a little bit cold today?"

I gathered myself together, pursed my lips and said to my second uncle that I will go into the water, and then walked directly down from the water's edge.

The waters on this section of the shore gradually got deeper and deeper. I walked about seven or eight meters, and the water was waist-deep, so I continued to walk forward.

When it almost reached the chest position, this is almost the place where Luo Yinpo was dragged down.

I took a deep breath, suffocated my breath, bent my head and dived into the water.

The water here is still shallow, and you can almost see the bottom at a glance, and there are no corpses.

The river bed slanted forward, getting deeper and deeper, and the light became more and more dim.

I went straight down the slope and swam forward quickly.

The water is so shallow, Luo Yinpo is definitely not here, so I have to go forward to find...

After swimming for about half a quarter of an hour, I held my breath to the limit, touched the pig's belly hanging from my waist, and took a breath of air inside.

Based on my experience and the transparency of the moonlight, the place where I stopped now should be about ten meters deep.

It's just that I still haven't seen Luo Yinpo's body...

The gravel under the water was slightly floating by the river water, and I had even more bad thoughts in my heart.

Could it be that the water ghoul really dragged Luo Yinpo away?

I gritted my teeth tightly, my eyes were hot and congested.

Reluctantly, I swam forward for a certain distance, and searched around. During this period, I used the air in the pig's belly twice, and the remaining air was almost empty. I still got nothing, so I could only go to Swim to the surface.

If you can't go back along the original road, and you don't have enough breath, you can only go to the surface of the water first.

Soon I got on the surface of the water, and after the probe went out, I took a big mouthful of breath.

The moonlight is falling, and the water surface is more reflective.

Looking at the shore at a glance, the shadow of the second uncle's people has become very small. The distance from me is at least 60 meters from the shore.

It is almost approaching the center of the Hanging River in this section of the river...

After taking a short breath, I restrained my bad thoughts and swam towards the shore.

Now I feel very uncomfortable in my heart, as if being pricked by a needle. If Luo Yinpo is gnawed on the body by the water ghoul, leaving her dead without a whole body, I will not be able to explain it when my father is buried...

I must be looking in the wrong direction, or she was rushed to another location...

As I was swimming, I felt that something was wrong, and there was always a feeling of depression behind me.

And the feeling is getting closer and closer, almost sticking to me!

Suddenly, I thought of my mother, has she followed me?

I didn't dare to turn my head back, the swimming speed was faster, and the oppressive feeling became heavier and heavier, to the point where I felt as if my neck was being entangled with hair...

There seemed to be a faint crying sound in his ears, the sound seemed to come from consciousness, and it seemed to be an auditory hallucination.

Every time my mother appears, what I feel is desolation and desolation. How can there be such cold resentment?

There's still something in the water! ?

Thinking about this for a moment, I felt cold in my limbs, and my spine was constantly chilling.

Swim towards the shore more quickly.

After almost estimating the distance, I moved my body slightly, and immediately my feet fell on the gravel of the river bed on the bank. Suddenly my feet were firmly on the ground, and I quickly ran forward with my strength.

The sound of splashing water rang in my ears, and I was blown by the wind after I got out of the water, and I felt colder all over my body.

But I didn't dare to stop at all, and continued to run quickly.

As we got closer to the shore, my second uncle was also looking at me, but his eyes were obviously not looking at me, but behind me.

The moment I started to run ashore, the oppressive feeling disappeared.

It's just that the spine is cold, and the back is cold, as if someone has been staring at him.

Soon, I completely left the water and went ashore.

Seeing the second uncle's face clearly, his expression is serious, his eyes are even more suspicious, but he still doesn't look at me.

I turned around suddenly, and at a glance, I saw a half of a head protruding from the water at the edge of the water about ten meters away.

Pale white death face with livid tinge, dark eyes, I don't know if it's because I can't see the whites of the eyes because I'm too far away, or she doesn't have them herself!

This is definitely not my mother.

That just didn't feel right.

The exposed half of the head, the hair is still scattered on the water, looks very oozing...

At this moment, the waves of the river suddenly became bigger, and he pushed forward with all his strength.

Suddenly more heads jumped out, almost half of the body jumped out of the water!

The straight body immediately gave me a feeling.

Isn't this just a dead body? !

The water wave only lasts for a moment, and the next moment it is sucked into the water, it disappears without a trace...

"In this hanging river, there are quite a few people who seek justice..." The second uncle's eyelids twitched wildly, and he muttered again in a low voice: "It's a good thing you didn't look back, otherwise you would be tainted with right and wrong again."

My heart was beating so hard that I suddenly remembered that I crossed the boat with my second uncle and went to Hejia Village opposite. When we passed, we actually fell on the boat, and when we came back...

Those two times were on the same day, so I'm afraid they all died together?

Now I'm being followed when I go into the water, is it the one who dies or the other? !

When my father taught me, he said that when he dies, he likes to go to the corpse collector to get justice, but he came to me three times... This is too weird.

Without hesitation, I directly told my second uncle my guess.

The second uncle touched it, nodded and said: "It's really possible, but it doesn't matter, even if she comes every time we go into the water and ignores her, can she still climb ashore?"

I pursed my lips and nodded.

But looking at the surface of the water again, I feel like a stone is pressing on my heart, making it hard to breathe.

Tell the second uncle about the absence of Luo Yinpo in the water.

The second uncle kept silent for a while, his brows were tightly frowned, as if he was also thinking.

"If it's gone, it's probably..." Second Uncle said unnaturally.

I clenched the corner of my clothes tightly, interrupted my second uncle, and said in a hoarse voice: "I still think it's impossible, Luo Yinpo is a concubine, and she's not an ordinary person...she didn't drown for nothing..."

At this point in my words, my heart skipped a beat, and I suddenly recalled one thing.

Immediately, my pupils constricted, and my tone became a lot more urgent: "Calling the soul! Ghost woman can arrange the call!"

"Second uncle, do you remember, the ghost woman said that Luo Yinpo seems to have had a child, and he will go to inquire about it!"

"If it's a spirit call, no matter where the corpse is washed, it will definitely come back, and then I can go down to retrieve the corpse!" The second uncle also changed his face slightly, and he nodded, saying that the ghost woman had indeed said so.

The two of us looked at each other for a while, and at this moment, the old chicken suddenly croaked sadly towards the river.

The voice was too sharp and bleak.

Then it turned around suddenly, pecked off a blood-stained tail feather on its own tail, spat it out, and fell into the hanging river, and soon floated far away from the river and disappeared.

Things get old and psychic, and they are raised by Yin women even more differently, but I can't figure out what it means, and I can't ask.

After the old chicken finished, he suddenly turned around and walked towards my house.

My second uncle and I stopped pausing and headed home.

Tens of meters soon, we arrived at the door of the house.

It's just that the door of my house was open, and through the crack of the door, there was only a faint moonlight in the room, and it was so dark that I couldn't see clearly.

A slight chewing sound came from the house, as if someone was chewing again...

In the middle of the night, who cat came into my house?Also steal something to eat? !

Even the thieves in the village who like to steal chickens and dogs dare not enter the door of the corpse hunter!

My second uncle and I looked at each other, and he also saw sweat on his forehead.

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