At least, after Jiang Pan arranged for He Zhi, He Zhi had business to do, so I didn't have to worry that she would forcefully follow us.

After all, once He Zhi's temper becomes stubborn, I can't persuade him.

After we made some preparations, we ate some dry food and went directly to the archway in Guanshan Town.

The three of them quickly crossed the town road and came to the place where we stopped last night.

The town road is empty, the townsman who fell here last night, and the other person in the coffin-bearer's clothes have disappeared.

It is impossible for them to leave, and I am afraid that they will be brought back to the town by other "people"...

What exactly happened, we didn't see and don't know.

The scorching sun hangs high on the top. From this direction, the entire Guanshan Town can be clearly seen, which is actually built around the foot of the Dujiegui Mountain Range...

Dujiegui Mountain is short and thick, more like a gable tens of meters high.

After Jiang Pan and I looked at the direction, we went directly off the town road, bypassing the town from the left direction and approaching Dujie Ghost Mountain.

There are no roads here, just wide fields, not even ridges.

Fortunately, it was the end of winter and the beginning of spring at this time, and the crops were not as high as the calf, so walking was no trouble.

We walked straight ahead, judging the range of the town with the compass and the naked eye, to ensure that there was no bias.

After walking for a while, it can be seen from a distance that the houses in the town are cut off in the middle by a mountain range extending horizontally.

This position is where Dujiegui's arm is!

From our current position, Guanshan Town is sandwiched between the entire mountain range and this arm!

This part of the extended mountain, at first glance, has green vegetation.

But if you look carefully, there is a dead silence, and the vegetation is drooping, as if on the verge of withering.

A part of the entire mountain has grown into the field, and it is less than 20 meters away from us.

The fixed compass in my hand showed the direction of the needle, and the pointer hissed, which was extremely harsh.

The same is true of Yang Gongpan held by Jiang Pan.

His gaze continued to sweep across the mountain, and suddenly said: "Yinyang, this section of the mountain is not in the town, so there should be no danger during the day. I'll go over to check the situation, and you and He Zhi will go on and wait for me at the "head"."

I hesitated for a moment, then said: "Brother Jiang, I think maybe we don't need to look here, we can just go straight into the hole."

Jiang Pan replied in a deep voice: "The earth dragon rolled and destroyed the mountains, causing the yin to rage, but the trees also withered, obviously losing their vitality. I'm afraid the earth dragon rolled and broke the dragon's veins. There are more and more corpses in the cave, and the restraints they receive will become less and less day by day, so I have to confirm how the anger dissipates."

He paused for a while, and then said: "Only when the corpse is still restrained and not completely freed, can we go up the mountain to collect the corpse. We must not confront him head-on. If he is no longer in the tomb, but wandering in the mountains, we will I dare not go up the mountain."

He Zhi was bewildered, obviously not understanding.

But Jiang Pan's words made me horrified.

The severance of vitality, and the destruction of feng shui in the mountains, resulting in rampant yin qi, and the reduction of suppression of corpses in the mountains, are completely different things.

The former will completely free the corpse!

The foundation of Fengshui Treasure Land is still anger, no matter how fierce the magic weapon for suppressing corpses is, it is not as good as Fengshui Land itself's suppression ability.

A dreadful consequence of this waning of life!

For example, when we came last night, the townspeople who were hit could only walk about 100 meters from the town road between the mountains.

But tonight, they might be able to go straight through the town road!

It even said that the vicious corpse would let them go up the mountain and dig out its corpse directly!

At that time, it probably won't leave again, but will occupy this dead mountain and become a scourge!

Jiang Pan and I went up the mountain, and we were able to restrain a murderous corpse that was about to escape through yin and yang techniques.

But he couldn't face an unfettered murderous corpse head-on!

My thoughts were only fleeting, and I said with a serious look: "Brother Jiang, we are waiting for you in front, you must pay attention to safety."

Jiang Pan nodded, turned around and walked quickly towards the protruding mountain.

I led He Zhi and rushed forward.

The cross section of this mountain is almost 50 meters long, and it is completely a hill.

After we walked over, there were no houses behind the mountain, and there were fields along the foot of the mountain.

And looking forward from this position, obliquely in front of the position, you can see a mountain bag standing up.

There is a slightly small mountain below this hill, which is connected to the root of this arm-shaped mountain range. That place is where Du Jiegui's head is!

We are only less than a hundred meters away from the mountain bag!

What's even more weird is that from this position to the hill, the field below the hill has sunken into a pit.

Water is gradually gathering in the pit. I didn't see where the water came from at a glance, as if it came out of nowhere from the ground...

The crops in the field are still there, but they are all withered, and the bottom ones are submerged in water.

I frowned, and murmured: "The mountain becomes a dead dragon, and the ground veins produce water. This is the condensation of Yin Qi, which belongs to Yang-free water. I'm afraid something will happen if you touch it."

I turned my head to look at He Zhi, and He Zhi was also looking at the pool formed by the depression in the field. Her forehead was sweating, and her body was trembling slightly.

This is completely her unconscious action, especially where the "mountain forest" is on her face, the red color is lingering and lingering at this moment.

My heart has completely sunk.

Sure enough, the facial omen was extremely accurate!

Let He Zhi follow us because I think it is possible not to enter the mountains, and we will not encounter water. I have never seen water outside Guanshan Town!

Unexpectedly, the fields here would be sunken, forming such a pool of water.

This is the water that came out of nowhere, blocking our way, and He Zhi must be in danger in this water!

Immediately, I raised my hand and made a blocking motion, signaling He Zhi to retreat, and whispered to He Zhi not to get close to those waters.

The two of us continued walking around the edge of the sunken field.

After going around the whole field, I finally came to a flat place.

But here, it is no longer directly under the "head" hill.

It's behind the mountain bag!

And here, a slanting sharp stone ridge extends out, which looks like a mountain rock, but is more like a cow's horn!

This is the horn of Dujiegui!I saw this stone stalk at the top of the mountain last night, and it's not just one, there should be another one in the opposite direction!

After stopping here, I wiped the sweat from my brow.

He Zhi looked at the field in front of him, and then at the stone ridge, his expression was also disturbed.

"This mountain is like a head, and there are ghost horns growing on this head. Grandpa said that the mountain becomes a ghost, and the ghost has horns. If there is a village next to it, it is a village of evil ghosts..."

When He Zhi said this, a bit of retreat and fear flashed in his eyes.

She said anxiously: "Yinyang... I'm afraid we can't handle this matter. When Jiang Pan comes over, we can persuade him to leave directly." My face also changed.

Ghost mother-in-law even knows Dujie ghost?

Even He Zhi was directly frightened. I am afraid that their He family ghosts have experienced similar things?

"I can't go directly, but... I can't be sure, we have to wait for Brother Jiang to come over before we can discuss."

"If the anger on the mountain is not completely cut off, we have a chance to go up the mountain to suppress the dead. Brother Jiang has completed his experience before we can go to see his teacher." I explained to He Zhi in a low voice.

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