If two people walk together, they can observe each other's face at any time, and can be prepared for the disaster that is about to happen.

After a long time, Jiang Pan shook his head, his expression seemed to relax a bit.

"Yinyang, your face is not in danger, so this trip, brother Yu alone may be in danger. In this way, we can avoid it a little. If the two of us stay together, nothing will happen to you, and nothing will happen to me." Jiang Pan paused for a while, and then said: "Look at Miss He's face later, if there is any hindrance, it means something."

"Ms. He and I can't take the lead in going into the town and into the mountains this time. We can only follow you. If we are in charge, we won't be far from an accident."

I solemnly nodded, Jiang Pan's analysis and suggestions based on the physiognomy gave me a little more understanding of the physiognomy.

The two of us didn't delay anymore, and immediately walked to the carriage at the entrance of the town.

Along the way, Jiang Pan and I also discussed ways to enter Dujie Ghost Mountain.

Jiang Pan said that he really planned to move from the town, go into the mountains, and then look for the hole, but now it seems that there must be something wrong with his method, and it is too risky, so he wants to hear my thoughts.

After thinking about it for a long time, I also thought that I must not go out of the town, because those who bumped into it were all bumped into by the corpses in the mountains. If we want to go into the mountain to move the corpses, they will definitely attack us in groups, and the trouble will be too great.

While talking, we have come to the front of the campfire.

However, I only saw Huang Qi, who was drowsy by the fire, and didn't see He Zhi.

"Miss He went to rest in the car?" Jiang Pan asked first.

Huang Qi was startled, woke up, and quickly replied: "No...Miss He said just now that she found something around. It seems that the mortician passed by not long ago, and she went to look for other traces."

My mind froze for a moment, I turned my head and looked at Jiang Pan, who also looked solemn.

"The mortician..." Jiang Pan whispered again, he sat by the bonfire, but his eyes fell on the wooden pillars of the archway.

I was a little contemplative, He Zhi would definitely not talk nonsense, she must have discovered the clue...

I'm afraid there is still a mortician in Guanshan Town?

I remembered that the townsman was wearing the clothes of a mortician, as if he looked like a mortician. Could it be that the mortician in the town had died?

Jiang Pan and I deduced that the villagers wanted to leave because of the murderous corpse in the mountain. This is not absolute. There is also a mortician who died in it and wants to leave?However, he had already died in Huangquan, and it seemed that he was not the one who left...

But even so, he couldn't get out? !

When I thought of this, I immediately told Jiang Pan my guess.

Jiang Pan nodded and said that my inference is very likely. Then, the town is more dangerous than we imagined. After all, the mortician is an extremely powerful existence in the lower ranks. It is impossible for a murderous corpse with leaking Yin Qi to die for no reason.

I looked more cautious, wanting to get He Zhi back quickly.

But I still held back, He Zhi didn't enter the town, so there shouldn't be any danger, and besides, I really couldn't find such a big place.

After waiting for another half an hour, the bright moonlight gradually dimmed.

I suddenly saw a slender and agile figure trotting over from the right side of the town entrance.

Isn't that exactly He Zhi's return?I got up quickly, and He Zhi had already run up to us.

There was a little sweat on her forehead, but she raised her hand and handed a pannier in front of me.

The back basket was a bit damaged, and there was still a lot of dust and weeds on it. It was obvious that no one had touched it for a long time in the wilderness.

"Just now I found signs that someone had camped not far from us, there were many footprints, and the cinnabar that the mortician would sprinkle when he walked by. I went to look for it and found the basket in which he carried the corpse. The mortician here , I'm afraid there are more than two." He Zhi's voice was cautious.

My face froze, and I frowned and said, "Two? How can you be sure? Footprints? But the mortician wants to drive the corpse, and the footprints must be messy and numerous."

He Zhi shook his head and told me that it was judged from this back basket.

This basket is also the object carried by the mortician, and the corpse will be contained in it.

Normally, morticians do carry corpses on the road, but some corpses are damaged when they die, and their limbs and legs are broken, so they can't walk, so they will chop up the corpses and put them in baskets.

There is a mortician in front of him carrying the corpse on the road normally, and there will be another mortician behind him who will disguise himself as a corpse and walk with the corpse on his back.

The dead also want face. The host family will not let their family members be talked about by outsiders, but will be sent home after being dismembered.

After a pause, He Zhi told me that not only did her grandfather teach her some characteristics of coffin-bearers, but she also knew a lot about coffin-bearers.

Similarly, coffin bearers and corpse exorcisers also know many habits and methods of ghost women.

I looked stunned, but at this moment, Jiang Pan beside me was frowning, looking thoughtful.

"Brother Jiang, give me the hemp paper just now." I turned to look at Jiang Pan.

Jiang Pan handed me the hemp paper.

I laid it flat on the ground, and took out the Tiangan inkstone and the ground pen.

Haojian circled the Dujie Ghost Mountain, and then I drew a shadow at the foot of the outermost mountain.

I said in a deep voice: "This place is the location of Guanshan Town, we have to bypass Guanshan Town, not enter the town, walk from the side, until we reach the location outside the "head", and then enter the mountain.

Then, I drew the town road outside the town, clicked a small point, and continued: "This is the place where people in the town can't get out. Let's go to the left from here, detour all the way, and go to enough distance, you can go beyond the "head", and you can go directly to the acupuncture point when you go up the mountain."

"At least two coffin bearers in Guanshan Town died unexpectedly, and we can't go in." After I finished speaking, He Zhi's eyes also changed from doubt to sudden understanding.

Jiang Pan nodded in agreement with my proposal, and at the same time set his eyes on He Zhi's face, and suddenly said: "Miss He, your face is unknown, so you don't move for now. Look at your face and see if you have any difficulties on this trip."

He raised his hand, and there was a copper coin stuck between his fingers, and he was about to press it directly on He Zhi's face.He Zhi obviously dodged a little bit, she hid a little bit behind me, bit her lower lip slightly and said: "Mr. Jiang, men and women are different. If you meet each other, isn't yin and yang the same?"

Jiang Panshou paused for a moment, he glanced at He Zhi, then at me, his expression was thoughtful.

My face is also stiff.

He Zhi pursed his lips again, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Jiang, maybe He Zhi's words were inappropriate, but Grandpa asked me to follow Yin Yang, and he also accepted Yin Yang's gifts. "

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