This person is not only dressed strangely, but also has a strange breath.

He has a round face, but it gives the illusion of a horse's face. It is obviously round eyes, but if you look closely, it looks like narrow and long phoenix eyes.

The people walking behind him were all "people" with cracked seals and no anger at all.

In appearance, this kind of "person" should be a dead body!

They haven't transformed their evil spirits, and they shouldn't be able to walk around...

He Zhi was also more vigilant, she said anxiously: "The mortician?" I was startled, did the mortician come out of this Yizhuang in Guanshan Town?

But I always feel that something is wrong?

I shifted my gaze to Jiang Pan, and found that Jiang Pan's attention was on the "mortician" at the moment, his lips were tightly pursed, and his face was tense.

"The mortician is one of the lower classes. They have a bad temper and generally don't want people to block the way of the dead. Let's let him pass." He Zhi lowered his voice and whispered to me.

I really don't want to create side effects, but it depends on Jiang Pan.

Because of the things in this town, maybe the mortician knows a thing or two.

Jiang Pan walked sideways to the side of the road, as if to get out of the way.

There is no need for us to ask, and He Zhi and I also let go to the side of the road.

But a strange scene happened. When the mortician walked up to the townsman just now, he was almost at the same position. With a bang, he fell straight to the ground!

When he fell down, two steel wires under his robe were exposed, and all the corpses behind him fell crookedly.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound, as if something had hit me in the heart.

At this moment, I am not only surprised, but also terrified.

What's the situation?A well-behaved mortician came here and fell down too?

"There is a problem in the town, people can't get out?!" He Zhi whispered in surprise.

Jiang Pan's eyes were locked on the man's neck stretched up.

I also followed his gaze to see the past, only to find the weirdness.

The horse face just now, the illusion of Dan Fengyan has disappeared, replaced by a pale round face.

Jiang Pan walked over thoughtfully.

He Zhi and I walked beside him almost at the same time.

As they approached the two who fell to the ground, there was a strong smell of blood in their nostrils.

Looking at the "people" who fell crookedly behind, they all showed the "clues" around their waists.

It turned out that everyone was held together by bamboo pieces, and the person in the head was bound by steel wires, and the other side of the steel wire was connected to the body of the "mortician". Paper tied, the mortician uses steel wire and bamboo strips to make the dead walk.

Jiang Pan looked solemn, and said in a deep voice: "These two people are bumping into each other, and they still want to leave this town. If they are sober, they must also want to leave, but the current situation is not their subjective opinion. It's leaving, but it wants to leave."

"It?" He Zhi asked in a questioning tone.

My pupils constricted, and I murmured in a low voice, "The vicious corpse here."

Jiang Pan nodded. Obviously, he also agreed with my analysis. We basically deduced the same point.

I took a deep breath and said: "The earth dragon rolled over, broke the tomb of the yin house, and turned the murderous corpse into a ghost. It must be inseparable from the burial place, but the raging yin and anger made it hit the town of Guanshan Town." people, so it wants to use this to leave."

"It's just that it bumps into those people with its yin and anger, so how can it get out? This place is the farthest it can go."

"This corpse, I don't know how fierce it is, it can even chase away the mortician..."

When I said this, I looked at the mortician again in a strange way.

At this moment, I still feel that the clothes on his body are still weird, as if they are a bit too big.

Instinctively, I bent down and reached out, grabbed his clothes, and pulled them down from his shoulders.

What made my face change again was that under the mortician's clothes were ordinary townsman's clothes.

The clothes fit perfectly, as if the townsman stole the mortician's clothes and went out disguised as the mortician...

I immediately told Jiang Pan and He Zhi about my guess.

Jiang Pan pondered for a long time before he said: "It seems that there are other things in the town, just in case, we can't enter the town at this moment, otherwise there is a risk of collision, even if we don't bump into it, it will attract people. We have to wait until dawn for these townspeople who have been bumped into."

With that said, Jiang Pan took a few steps back.

He Zhi and I also followed him back.

After that, we waited all the time, but no one came out again.

I looked at the time, it was just past ten o'clock in the evening, if I really wanted to wait here all night, I really couldn't rest.

So I suggested that after all, the way out of the town is very fast, we can rest in the carriage back to the town, and let Huang Qi watch the night, and then enter this Guanshan town at dawn tomorrow.

Jiang Pan nodded in agreement, and the three of us turned back to the entrance of the town.

What frightened me was that when we were leaving, I always felt that someone was watching behind me...

But when I turned around and looked back, the only thing I saw was the shadow of Guanshan Town, and I couldn't see anything clearly...

Not long after, we arrived at the town road between two low mountains, and it took us about a quarter of an hour to get out.

Outside the archway, I saw the carriage at a glance.

Huang Qi built a bonfire next to the carriage and was warming up.

He raised his head in a hurry, saw us, stood up quickly, and waved hello.

As soon as we walked out of the archway, Huang Qi trotted up to us. He asked with surprise in his eyes: "Mr. Li, Mr. Jiang, Miss He, the matter here has been resolved so quickly?"

"I thought I had to wait here for seven or eight days."

"It's only been over an hour." Huang Qi's face was full of excitement.

I frowned and shook my head, telling him that we just came out to rest for the night, and we can go in tomorrow.

Huang Qi was taken aback for a moment, and then felt resentful.

He scratched his head before inviting us to the campfire and letting us warm up.

Then he pulled out a few sweet potatoes with a wooden stick, picked them up and wiped off the soot on them, and let us eat something first.

In fact, He Zhi carried dry food with him, but we didn't enter the town, so we had nowhere to stay and eat.

At this moment, He Zhi also took out some pancakes, pierced them with wooden sticks and baked them.

Jiang Pan, on the other hand, kept looking down at Yang Gongpan, without saying a word or taking anything to eat.

I persuaded him, saying don't worry too much about it, and I won't know what's going on until I get to the town tomorrow.

Jiang Pan pondered for a long time before suddenly saying: "You guys wait here, I'm going up to have a look."

I was taken aback, and asked Jiang Pan, where are we going?

Jiang Pan turned his head and pointed to the short hills on both sides of the town road behind the archway!

"At this time, the moon is full and the air is heavy. From the top of the mountain, you may be able to see through the shape of the mountain behind the town. If you wait until dawn, you may not be able to see clearly. If the angle is right, we are lucky, and we may see it directly. To the hole!"

[The author has something to say]

On New Year's Eve, the eldest sister (Tranquility Zhiyuan) ordered a rain, and Miss Hua'er ordered every gift.Nini gave me the certification of a great god, and Huahua babe's explosion and Sahua.On the first day of the new year, Ms. Huaer is another ten rockets to the list, and there are more flowers in winter trees.Many book friends have given Lao Luo a reward for a long time!I couldn't be more grateful!

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